SAP ABAP Message Class RMXTPP (TMS-PP: Messages for PP Component)
Basic Data
EA-APPL (Software Component) SAP Enterprise Extension PLM, SCM, Financials
   PLM-RM (Application Component) Recipe Management
     RMXTPP (Package) Main Package - Trial: PP-PI Integration
Message class RMXTPP
Short Description TMS-PP: Messages for PP Component  
Changed On 20031212 
Last Changed At 112255 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 000 **************************** Trial Planning ***************************** The short text describes the object sufficiently
2 001 Planning was not started The short text describes the object sufficiently
3 002 Plant &1 does not exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
4 003 Planned order data is incomplete Space: object requires documentation
5 004 Trial type &1 is not assigned a transformation group Space: object requires documentation
6 005 Trial &1 is not assigned a planned order The short text describes the object sufficiently
7 007 No master recipe is assigned to the trial Space: object requires documentation
8 008 Planned order &2 is assigned to trial &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
9 009 Date &1 is not within the planning period Space: object requires documentation
10 010 No process order is assigned to the trial &1 Space: object requires documentation
11 011 Process order &2 is assigned to trial &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
12 012 Trial &1 does not have a lower-level trial The short text describes the object sufficiently
13 013 Planning level for trial &1 is not unique Space: object requires documentation
14 014 No planned orders are defined for the type of trial &1 Space: object requires documentation
15 015 No planned order created for trial &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
16 016 Trial &1 and the lower-level trial &2 are inconsistent Space: object requires documentation
17 017 Data is incomplete for the explosion of trial &1 Space: object requires documentation
18 018 Planned orders are not permitted for trial type &1 Space: object requires documentation
19 019 Planning for trial &1 was not exploded completely Space: object requires documentation
20 020 Planning for trial &1 was exploded completely Space: object requires documentation
21 021 Error while checking the planned orders for trial &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
22 022 Planned order &1 for trial &2 was deleted Space: object requires documentation
23 023 No recipe is assigned to trial &1 Space: object requires documentation
24 024 Master recipe &2 from recipe group &3 is assigned to trial &1 Space: object requires documentation
25 025 PP control parameters are not available for plant &1 Space: object requires documentation
26 026 Create the planned order profile and order type Space: object requires documentation
27 027 No PP-PI objects are assigned to trial &1 Space: object requires documentation
28 028 No generated PP-PI objects are assigned to trial &1 Space: object requires documentation
29 029 Production version &1 for material &2 in trial &3 was deleted Space: object requires documentation
30 030 Background process could not be started Space: object requires documentation
31 031 No task from class &1 exists in the current task group &2 Space: object requires documentation
32 032 Process orders are not permitted for trial type &1 Space: object requires documentation
33 033 Process orders are permitted for the lowest hierarchy level only Space: object requires documentation
34 034 No process order created for trial &1 Space: object requires documentation
35 035 No recipe transformation is carried out for trial &1 Space: object requires documentation
36 036 Generation of process orders is incomplete for trial &1 Space: object requires documentation
37 037 Generation of process orders is complete for trial &1 Space: object requires documentation
38 038 Background job for trial &1 was deleted Space: object requires documentation
39 039 Background job for trial &1 was not released Space: object requires documentation
40 040 Task &1 started for trial &2 Space: object requires documentation
41 041 Trial &1 is planned Space: object requires documentation
42 042 Task &1 for trial &2 ended with errors Space: object requires documentation
43 043 Task &1 for trial &2 ended without errors Space: object requires documentation
44 044 Status &1 (&2) was set Space: object requires documentation
45 045 Status &1 (&2) was not set Space: object requires documentation
46 046 Status &1 (&2) was reset Space: object requires documentation
47 047 Status &1 (&2) was not reset Space: object requires documentation
48 048 Trial &1 does not have status &2 (&3) Space: object requires documentation
49 049 Background jobs are not available for trial &1 Space: object requires documentation
50 050 Error during the selection of background jobs Space: object requires documentation
51 051 Some background jobs for trial &1 are not finished Space: object requires documentation
52 052 Resource &1 is not considered in the current planning Space: object requires documentation
53 053 Internal error while displaying background jobs Space: object requires documentation
54 054 Trial &1 is being processed in the background Space: object requires documentation
55 055 PP control parameters are not available for plant &1, trial type &2 Space: object requires documentation
56 056 Planned date is not available for trial &1 Space: object requires documentation
57 057 Trial-type-independent PP control parameters not available for plant &1 Space: object requires documentation
58 058 Internal error while selecting the trial data Space: object requires documentation
59 059 PP control parameters are not available for plant &1 Space: object requires documentation
60 060 &1 is not a workday in plant &2; forward sched. used for production start Space: object requires documentation
61 061 Choose a trial Space: object requires documentation
62 062 Save the data Space: object requires documentation
63 063 Error during processing; see application log Space: object requires documentation
64 064 Delimitation of planning period is incomplete Space: object requires documentation
65 065 Master recipe &1, recipe group &2 of trial &3 was deleted Space: object requires documentation
66 066 Trial &1 is assigned BOM alternative &2 for material &3 Space: object requires documentation
67 067 Trial &1 is assigned production version &2 Space: object requires documentation
68 068 PP-PI objects are still assigned to the trial &1 Space: object requires documentation
69 069 Delete operation was ended manually Space: object requires documentation
70 070 Delete operation is not completed Space: object requires documentation
71 071 Delete operation is completed Space: object requires documentation
72 072 Production version &1 for material &2 of trial &3 was not deleted Space: object requires documentation
73 073 Master recipe &1, recipe group &2 of trial &3 was not deleted Space: object requires documentation
74 074 Master recipe &1, recipe group &2 of trial &3 was deleted Space: object requires documentation
75 075 BOM alternative &1, application &2 of trial &3 was not deleted Space: object requires documentation
76 076 BOM alternative &1, application &2 of trial &3 was deleted Space: object requires documentation
77 077 No production versions deleted Space: object requires documentation
78 078 No master recipes deleted Space: object requires documentation
79 079 No BOMs deleted Space: object requires documentation
80 080 Process order &1 of the trial &2 was deleted Space: object requires documentation
81 081 Process order &1 of the trial &2 was not deleted Space: object requires documentation
82 082 Data was saved Space: object requires documentation
83 083 Changes to the object have not been updated yet Space: object requires documentation
84 084 Planned date must not be deleted Space: object requires documentation
85 085 Task cannot be executed in a different logical system Space: object requires documentation
86 086 Planned date &1 is in the past Space: object requires documentation
87 087 Select a valid resource Space: object requires documentation
88 088 Material availability is no longer checked Space: object requires documentation
89 089 Error when saving data Space: object requires documentation
90 090 Finished prod. for plnd order is not the same as finished prod. for trial Space: object requires documentation
91 091 Plant for planned order is not the same as plant for trial Space: object requires documentation
92 092 Quantity for planned order is not the same as quantity for trial Space: object requires documentation
93 093 Trial is not planned; planned dates for trial/planned order do not match Space: object requires documentation
94 094 Trial &1 is not assigned a planning resource Space: object requires documentation
95 095 Unable to explode a BOM Space: object requires documentation
96 096 Planned order &1 has a production version; master recipe not deleted Space: object requires documentation
97 097 Data was saved Space: object requires documentation
98 098 At least one resource does not match PP control parameters in plant &1 Space: object requires documentation
99 099 At least one resource is not assigned to plant &1 Space: object requires documentation
100 100 **************************** Process Order ***************************** The short text describes the object sufficiently
101 101 Selection cannot be restricted to operation/phase/material Space: object requires documentation
102 102 Choose one operation/phase or one produced intra material Space: object requires documentation
103 103 Choose only one operation or phase or only produced intra material Space: object requires documentation
104 104 Selected operation/phase is not valid Space: object requires documentation
105 105 Selected material is not valid Space: object requires documentation
106 106 Selected material is not a produced intra material Space: object requires documentation
107 107 Selected operation does not have a produced intra material Space: object requires documentation
108 108 In display mode, only material qty calculation is possible, no selection Space: object requires documentation
109 109 Quantities were adjusted; adjust the intra material ingredients manually Space: object requires documentation
110 110 No relevant items found Space: object requires documentation
111 111 Quantities were adjusted Space: object requires documentation
112 112 Error while reading the class/characteristics Space: object requires documentation
113 113 Error while reading the status information for the order Space: object requires documentation
114 114 Error while updating the inspection lot table Space: object requires documentation
115 115 Error while determining the stream assignments Space: object requires documentation
116 116 Process order is not assigned to a trial; function not possible Space: object requires documentation
117 117 Internal Error Space: object requires documentation
118 118 No classification was created for at least one batch The short text describes the object sufficiently
119 130 ************************** PI Sheet ************************************* Space: object requires documentation
120 131 Error while sending the message to the trial Space: object requires documentation
121 132 Process order is not assigned to a trial; cannot be sent Space: object requires documentation
122 133 Error while reading the process assignments Space: object requires documentation
123 134 Error while accessing the trial Space: object requires documentation
124 135 Error while accessing the PP control parameters Space: object requires documentation
125 136 No quantity is assigned to the stream; cannot be sent Space: object requires documentation
126 137 No role or quantity is assigned to the stream; cannot be sent Space: object requires documentation
127 138 Error while reading the process and stream assignments Space: object requires documentation
128 139 Message does not contain the sequence number of the process parameter Space: object requires documentation
129 140 Message does not contain value assignment type of the process parameter Space: object requires documentation
130 141 Assign results to the trial correctly Space: object requires documentation
131 142 Plant and process parameter class must be copied Space: object requires documentation
132 143 Error while transferring the result to the trial Space: object requires documentation
133 144 Cannot determine a role for the stream Space: object requires documentation
134 145 PI sheet is not completed; cannot get results Space: object requires documentation
135 146 PI sheet does not exist for the process order Space: object requires documentation
136 147 No process order is assigned to the trial Space: object requires documentation
137 148 Error while accessing PI sheet Space: object requires documentation
138 149 No process messages found Space: object requires documentation
139 150 No suitable reservation found; role set to 'Input' Space: object requires documentation
140 151 Error while reading order data; role set to '2nd Output' Space: object requires documentation
141 152 Error when reading the order data Space: object requires documentation
142 200 ******************************** Print ******************************** Space: object requires documentation
143 201 Printing was canceled Space: object requires documentation
144 202 Printing was canceled because the process order is not released Space: object requires documentation
145 203 Error during printing Space: object requires documentation
146 204 Printing was successful Space: object requires documentation
147 300 ---------- XML Container PP Trial Results ----------------- Space: object requires documentation
148 301 No data available for object &1 Space: object requires documentation
Last changed on/by 20031212  SAP 
SAP Release Created in   471