SAP ABAP Message Class REITOR (RE: Input Tax Treatment - Option Rate Determination)
Basic Data
EA-FIN (Software Component) EA-FIN
   RE-FX-IT (Application Component) Input Tax Treatment
     RE_IT_OR (Package) RE: Input Tax - Option Rate
Message class REITOR
Short Description RE: Input Tax Treatment - Option Rate Determination  
Changed On 20131127 
Last Changed At 181533 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 001 Enter either "Measurement" or "Customer Exit" or "SU Method" Space: object requires documentation
2 002 Method can only be used for settlement units Space: object requires documentation
3 003 For RO/occup.contract, automatic method by measurement type not possible Space: object requires documentation
4 004 Option rate &1 &2 &3 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
5 005 Option rate method &1 does not permit entry for field &2 Space: object requires documentation
6 006 Option rate must not be greater than 100% Space: object requires documentation
7 007 Overlappings for &1 - &2 can be automatically corrected Space: object requires documentation
8 008 Auto. correction for &1 - &2 requires deletion of calculated option rates Space: object requires documentation
9 009 Opt.rate for &1 - &2 causes overlappings. Change period Space: object requires documentation
10 010 The valid-from date must be before the valid-to date Space: object requires documentation
11 011 Time overlappings of intervals were automatically corrected Space: object requires documentation
12 012 Enter an option rate method Space: object requires documentation
13 013 Option rate method &1 is not allowed for &2 Space: object requires documentation
14 014 No option rates have been determined for period &1 - &2 Space: object requires documentation
15 015 The option rate data is inconsistent in period &1 - &2 Space: object requires documentation
16 016 Select line first Space: object requires documentation
17 017 Method &1 cannot be used for rental objects Space: object requires documentation
18 018 Method &1 cannot be used for occupancy contracts Space: object requires documentation
19 019 Method &1 cannot be used for occupancy contracts Space: object requires documentation
20 020 No error messages occurred Space: object requires documentation
21 021 Option rate &1 already exists Space: object requires documentation
22 022 Option rate &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
23 023 Object &1: No option rate method defined for &2 Space: object requires documentation
24 024 Option rate is valid before object (&1 < &2) Space: object requires documentation
25 025 Option rate determination &1 saved Space: object requires documentation
26 026 OptRateDetermination was not carried out for all objects (-> error log) Space: object requires documentation
27 027 For &2 of &1 objects the OptRateDet contained errors (-> error log) Space: object requires documentation
28 028 Option rate determination carried out successfully for &1 objects Space: object requires documentation
29 029 Default value &1 &2 for option rate method determined by system Space: object requires documentation
30 030 Object only valid from &1 to &2, option rate cannot be determined for &3 Space: object requires documentation
31 031 Object &3 is not vaild in period &1 - &2 Space: object requires documentation
32 032 Enter an option rate method for the object Space: object requires documentation
33 033 Technical error when saving option rates: &1 is initial Space: object requires documentation
34 034 Contract &1: No option rate method is defined on &2 Space: object requires documentation
35 035 &1: All measurement values zero, option rate determination not possible Space: object requires documentation
36 036 "By measurement amount of SU" method not allowed for this object Space: object requires documentation
37 037 System could not determine value for measurement type &1 Space: object requires documentation
38 038 Master SU itself contains a master SU (&1 &2 &3) Space: object requires documentation
39 039 Apportionment value cannot be detrmined for SU &1 &2 &3 &4 Space: object requires documentation
40 040 Cost object SU adopts option rate from superordinate SU Space: object requires documentation
41 041 Input tax distributions made up to &1 for &4 &3 Space: object requires documentation
42 042 Option rate was last used before start or after end of &3 &2 Space: object requires documentation
43 043 Prev.calculated opt.rate for prd already used for input tax dist. &3 &2 Space: object requires documentation
44 044 Missing option rates for &1 - &2 were copied from master data Space: object requires documentation
45 045 More than one object assignment for object &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
46 046 &1 has no real estate assignment that is relevant for input tax dist. Space: object requires documentation
47 047 Option rate determination is not possible for object &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
48 048 Option rates were transferred from legacy data for &1-&2 &4 &3 Space: object requires documentation
49 049 No option rate method is defined for the period from &1 to &2 Space: object requires documentation
50 050 Option rate in the master data comes from legacy data transfer Space: object requires documentation
51 051 &1: not possible to determine subobjects Space: object requires documentation
52 052 Option rate calculation already being run by &3 Space: object requires documentation
53 053 Option rate calculation already being run by you Space: object requires documentation
54 054 There are previous option rate calculation runs for object &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
55 055 Only periods 01-12 allowed The short text describes the object sufficiently
56 056 Check the year entered The short text describes the object sufficiently
57 057 Option rate determination to the day is not allowed Space: object requires documentation
58 058 Option rate determination to the day: only simulation allowed Space: object requires documentation
59 059 Option rate calculation was already made for selected objects The short text describes the object sufficiently
60 060 Option rate determination to the day: report not allowed to be executed Space: object requires documentation
61 061 Enter either 'Contract-Independent' or 'Dependent on Follow-On Contract' Space: object requires documentation
62 062 No opting company codes selected The short text describes the object sufficiently
63 063 &1: Object not selected The short text describes the object sufficiently
64 064 Superfluous entries exist for option rate methods The short text describes the object sufficiently
Last changed on/by 20131127  SAP 
SAP Release Created in   110