SAP ABAP Message Class PPESTRUCT (Messages for Structure Operations)
Basic Data
EA-IPPE (Software Component) SAP iPPE
   AP-PPE (Application Component) Integrated Product and Process Engineering
     CPPESTRUCT (Package) iPPE Structure Operations
Message class PPESTRUCT
Short Description Messages for Structure Operations  
Changed On 20040316 
Last Changed At 094321 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 000 &1 &2 &3 &4 Space: object requires documentation
2 004 Reference alternative type of &1 in FOCUS not found Space: object requires documentation
3 005 Change Number Space: object requires documentation
4 006 Node type &1 was not found Space: object requires documentation
5 007 &1 &2 of &3 &4 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
6 008 Relationship type between &1/&2 and &3/&4 is not available in Customizing Space: object requires documentation
7 009 Class &1 with class type &2 was not found Space: object requires documentation
8 010 The two structures do not have the same application type Space: object requires documentation
9 011 Object exists &1 time(s) in structure &2 Space: object requires documentation
10 012 Object does not exist in structure &1 Space: object requires documentation
11 013 It is not possible to search for this field Space: object requires documentation
12 014 Class &1 with class type &2 was not found Space: object requires documentation
13 015 Node &1 with class &2 and class type &3 was not found Space: object requires documentation
14 016 Change status &1 cannot be found for variant &2 Space: object requires documentation
15 017 Variant &1 cannot be found for node &2 Space: object requires documentation
16 018 An error occurred while setting the engine parameters Space: object requires documentation
17 019 Error displaying the log Space: object requires documentation
18 020 Error checking the object ID of &1/&2 Space: object requires documentation
19 021 Error reading the relationship type Space: object requires documentation
20 022 Error reading the classes Space: object requires documentation
21 023 Error copying line balance &1 to &2 Space: object requires documentation
22 024 Node &1 &2 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
23 025 &1 nodes already exist. Change the node name Space: object requires documentation
24 026 &1 &2 of structure &3 has no assigments in structure &4 Space: object requires documentation
25 027 Workbench is not in change mode, please change mode. Space: object requires documentation
26 028 Save all changes in the Workbench first Space: object requires documentation
27 029 The parameter effectivity in the filter has not been maintained Space: object requires documentation
28 030 Configuration in filter not maintained Space: object requires documentation
29 031 Usage in filter not maintained Space: object requires documentation
30 032 Error with Number Range Space: object requires documentation
31 033 Extraction in &1 was successful Space: object requires documentation
32 034 Error reading from focus access Space: object requires documentation
33 035 Focus access does not exist Space: object requires documentation
34 036 Error maintaining the focus access Space: object requires documentation
35 037 Extraction in &1 contains errors Space: object requires documentation
36 038 Configuration produced no results for copying Space: object requires documentation
37 039 Error reading from focus access Space: object requires documentation
38 040 Naming conflict with node &1. Activation not possible. Space: object requires documentation
39 041 Focus access does not exist Space: object requires documentation
40 042 Error maintaining the focus access Space: object requires documentation
41 043 Copy successful Space: object requires documentation
42 044 Prefix or suffix has not been specified for the naming convention Space: object requires documentation
43 045 Replace parameters incorrect Space: object requires documentation
44 046 Specify a new name Space: object requires documentation
45 047 Error checking variant &1 of type &2 Space: object requires documentation
46 048 Focus &1 not found Space: object requires documentation
47 049 Matching BAdI not available Space: object requires documentation
48 050 Incorrect parameter entries Space: object requires documentation
49 051 Object is not available in other structure Space: object requires documentation
50 052 &1 &2 already exists, overwrite not permitted. Space: object requires documentation
51 053 Copying successful. &1 nodes were copied Space: object requires documentation
52 054 Extraction successful. &1 nodes were extracted Space: object requires documentation
53 055 &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
54 056 Select one or more attribute columns first Space: object requires documentation
55 057 Comparison object &1 not found Space: object requires documentation
56 058 0 is not a valid entry Space: object requires documentation
57 059 The node name cannot be longer than 40 characters Space: object requires documentation
58 060 The variant name cannot be longer than 8 characters Space: object requires documentation
59 061 Maximum &1 characters allowed Space: object requires documentation
60 062 Structure is completely exploded Space: object requires documentation
61 063 Warning: Large structure with &1 nodes and &2 variants is being copied Space: object requires documentation
62 064 Specify a change number Space: object requires documentation
63 065 &1 &2 not found Space: object requires documentation
Last changed on/by 20040316  SAP 
SAP Release Created in   110