SAP ABAP Message Class OIJ_IF (OIL TSW: Messages for TSW Interfaces Layer)
Basic Data
IS-OIL (Software Component) IS-OIL
   IS-OIL-DS-TSW (Application Component) Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench
     OIJ_IF (Package) TSW Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench - new Interfaces/BAPI
Message class OIJ_IF
Short Description OIL TSW: Messages for TSW Interfaces Layer  
Changed On 20050224 
Last Changed At 165830 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 001 No LocationID was transferred The short text describes the object sufficiently
2 002 Location &1 exists The short text describes the object sufficiently
3 003 Other entries also exits for this selection criteria The short text describes the object sufficiently
4 004 No Transportsystem has been specified. Space: object requires documentation
5 005 Transport system &1 exists The short text describes the object sufficiently
6 006 Transportsystem &1 can only be used for Booktransfers The short text describes the object sufficiently
7 007 The Transportsys.-Loc. assignement &1 &2 has been marked for deletion The short text describes the object sufficiently
8 008 The Transportsys.-Mat. assignement &1 &2 has been marked for deletion The short text describes the object sufficiently
9 009 Partner Role &1 for Object &2 &3 and Differentiator &4 exists The short text describes the object sufficiently
10 010 Keyfields not completely specified The short text describes the object sufficiently
11 011 Partner &2 with role &3(&1) for &4 is marked for deletion Space: object requires documentation
12 012 Partner &2 with role &3(&1) for &4 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
13 013 No importparameters specified The short text describes the object sufficiently
14 014 No Business Object (Like Customer, Vendor; Plant/Storage Loc.) specified The short text describes the object sufficiently
15 015 No TSW Master Data (Like Transportsystem or Location) specified The short text describes the object sufficiently
16 016 To many Busines Objects (e.g. Customer and Vendor) specified The short text describes the object sufficiently
17 017 Unexpected error occured during &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
18 018 No Nomination could be found for the specified selection The short text describes the object sufficiently
19 019 Nomination &1 is used for Booktransfers only The short text describes the object sufficiently
20 020 Nomination &1 Item &2 has been marked for deletion The short text describes the object sufficiently
21 021 Book Nomination : &1 &2 not required. Will be ignored The short text describes the object sufficiently
22 022 Wrong &1 in Nomination &2 Line &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
23 023 Location &1 is not assigned to Transportsystem &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
24 024 &1 Date for &2 &3 Item &4 is in the Past The short text describes the object sufficiently
25 025 &1 Material for &2 &3 Line &4 The short text describes the object sufficiently
26 026 Material &1 is not assigned to &2 &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
27 027 Material &1 is not active or assigned as alternative for &2 at Loc. &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
28 028 Unit for &1 was defaulted from &2 &3 &4 The short text describes the object sufficiently
29 029 Documentindicator &1 is invalid for use with Itemtype &2 Nom. &3 Line &4 The short text describes the object sufficiently
30 030 &1 with line &2 does not exist for Material &3 &4 The short text describes the object sufficiently
31 031 Entry &1 is not valid for Field &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
32 032 &1 not required during Nomination creation. Will be ignored ! The short text describes the object sufficiently
33 033 &1 is &2 than &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
34 034 Customizing for Stock Tranport Orders incomlete The short text describes the object sufficiently
35 035 No &1 allowed for Nomination &2. Reason : &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
36 036 No &1 allowed for Nomination &2 Item &3 . Reason : &4 The short text describes the object sufficiently
37 037 Not allowed to change field &1 of Nomination &2 Item &3 . Reason : &4 The short text describes the object sufficiently
38 038 Input field &1 of structure &2 was skipped as not allowed for update The short text describes the object sufficiently
39 039 Item &2 of Shipment &1 not found The short text describes the object sufficiently
40 040 Nomination Partner missing ( Item &1) The short text describes the object sufficiently
41 041 No &1 was found with these selection criteria Space: object requires documentation
42 042 Missing Field &1 structure &2 was defaulted with value &3 &4 The short text describes the object sufficiently
43 043 Nomination type has not been specified. Space: object requires documentation
44 044 Transportsystem &2 not valid for business type &1 Space: object requires documentation
45 045 No transport system found for location &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
46 046 No TSW partner role coulde be derived for plant &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
47 047 &1 has not been specified. The short text describes the object sufficiently
48 050 Concurrent change by user &1 has been detected. Record is not updated. Space: object requires documentation
49 051 &1 has been changed to &3. Please check your entry &4. Space: object requires documentation
50 052 &1 has been changed to &3. Please check your data entry for dependencies. Space: object requires documentation
51 053 Location &1 is marked as deleted The short text describes the object sufficiently
52 054 Location &1 is marked as blocked The short text describes the object sufficiently
53 055 Location &1 not found The short text describes the object sufficiently
54 060 Status Code &1 is marked as internal. Space: object requires documentation
55 061 Status &1 requires a longtext. Space: object requires documentation
56 062 Status &1 is not contained in the nomination's status profile. Space: object requires documentation
57 063 &1 type(origin/destination) not compatible with movementscenario type &2 Space: object requires documentation
58 111 Processing Program &1 was succesful &2 &3 &4 The short text describes the object sufficiently
59 150 Book Nomination : No &1 is allowed. Please check. Space: object requires documentation
60 151 Partner &2 with role &3(&1) for &4 is blocked Space: object requires documentation
61 152 Shipment number and item must be blank at Nomination Creation. The short text describes the object sufficiently
62 153 &1 must be blank at Nomination Creation The short text describes the object sufficiently
63 154 Unit of measure for &1 is not allowed The short text describes the object sufficiently
64 155 Error in percentage specifications: Value between 0 and 99 is allowed. The short text describes the object sufficiently
65 156 Scheduled quantity exceeds to specified overtolerance. The short text describes the object sufficiently
66 157 Document &1, Item &2 is not contained in table &3 Space: object requires documentation
67 158 Inconsistency between nomination and &1 for field &2. Space: object requires documentation
68 159 Document &1 is not contained in table &2 Space: object requires documentation
69 160 Document &1, Item &2 is marked for deletion The short text describes the object sufficiently
70 161 Time Overlap with nomination &2, item &3 at location &4 Space: object requires documentation
71 162 Material sequence error with nomination &2, item &3, material &4 The short text describes the object sufficiently
72 164 Deletion not possible Space: object requires documentation
73 165 Transport system MoT &1 different from Route MoT &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
74 166 Route check failed for Route &1, node location &2, TSW location &3 Space: object requires documentation
75 167 No suitable route found for defined TSW locations and transport systems Space: object requires documentation
76 168 Pipeline Batch handling not active for transport system &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
77 169 Vehicle assigned route &1 differs from nomination assigned route &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
78 170 Average velocity &1 &4 not within allowed range of transport system Space: object requires documentation
79 171 Only one scheduled (physical) material allowed in pipeline per nomination Space: object requires documentation
80 172 Date/Time from must be earlier than Date/Time to for node &1, Location &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
81 173 Vehicle &1 not available. Blocked by nomination &2 Space: object requires documentation
82 174 Vehicle &1 / Freight contract &2 check failed: Reason Code: &3 &4 The short text describes the object sufficiently
83 175 Required event &1 for reference document &2 item &3 not scheduled yet The short text describes the object sufficiently
84 176 Forbidden event &1 for reference document &2 item &3 scheduled The short text describes the object sufficiently
85 177 Planned Start Date/Time from for event &1 not within allowed range Space: object requires documentation
86 178 Planned Start Date/Time to for event &1 not within allowed range Space: object requires documentation
87 179 Planned End Date/Time from for event &1 not within allowed range Space: object requires documentation
88 180 Planned End Date/Time to for event &1 not within allowed range Space: object requires documentation
89 181 Pegging check failed for route across nomination pegging Space: object requires documentation
90 182 Select one nomination line item for pipeline batch date redetermination Space: object requires documentation
91 183 Route check failed. No valid route &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
92 184 Vehicle &1 / location &2 check failed: Reason Code: &3 &4 The short text describes the object sufficiently
93 185 Vehicle is not available from &1 &2 to &3 &4 The short text describes the object sufficiently
94 200 Start messages for APO-TSW CIF components The short text describes the object sufficiently
95 201 No data exists for mapping The short text describes the object sufficiently
96 202 Order & does not exist. (Nom. &) The short text describes the object sufficiently
97 203 Location type & could not be interpreted. (Nom. &) The short text describes the object sufficiently
98 204 Number range interval & not found. The short text describes the object sufficiently
99 205 Number &1 is not valid. Please check the external number range(s). The short text describes the object sufficiently
100 206 Number range object & not found. The short text describes the object sufficiently
101 207 Nomination Tech. Key does not lie in the number range interval. (Nom. &) The short text describes the object sufficiently
102 208 Nomination with this key already exists.(Nom Nr. & and Nom. tech key &) The short text describes the object sufficiently
103 209 Ext. Location & couldn't be mapped to an SAP location (Nom. &) The short text describes the object sufficiently
104 210 Transport system & could not be found for intransit plant &. (Nom. &) The short text describes the object sufficiently
105 211 Unique transport system could not be found for intransit plant &.(Nom. &) The short text describes the object sufficiently
106 212 Sched. lines for order & do not exist. (Nom. &) The short text describes the object sufficiently
107 213 BPD Nomination &1 item &2 - Field &3 not filled for partner &4. The short text describes the object sufficiently
108 214 BPD Nom. &1 item &2 w/o COMM-ID needs a Partner Role (RTYPE). Space: object requires documentation
109 215 BPD Nomination &1 with item &2 does not exist. The short text describes the object sufficiently
110 216 BPD Nom. &2 item &3 does not match communication id &1. Space: object requires documentation
111 217 BPD Nom. Partner &1 for nomination &2 item &3 is not valid. The short text describes the object sufficiently
112 218 BPD Nom. Partner &1 &2 is not defined for Nomination &3 item &4. The short text describes the object sufficiently
113 219 BPD Comm. ID is missing for Nomination &1 item &2. Space: object requires documentation
114 220 BPD Nomination &1 item &2 is already complete. The short text describes the object sufficiently
115 221 BPD Nom. &1 item &2 is already confirmed for partner &3. Space: object requires documentation
116 222 BPD Nomination &1 item &2 is confirmed but changes received. Space: object requires documentation
117 223 BPD Nom. &1 item &2 is still incomplete and can not be sent. The short text describes the object sufficiently
118 224 BPD Nom. &1 item &2 is already rejected/cancelled for partner &3. Space: object requires documentation
119 225 End messages for APO-TSW CIF components The short text describes the object sufficiently
120 226 changed field: &1 incomming value: &2 current value: &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
121 227 BPD - Nomination &1/&2 Rate Quantity does not match absolute quantity. The short text describes the object sufficiently
122 228 BPD - nomination &1/&2 absolute quantity can not be calculated The short text describes the object sufficiently
123 229 No partner found for Nomination & & The short text describes the object sufficiently
124 301 Ticket type &1 not found or is invalid The short text describes the object sufficiently
125 302 Ticket purpose &1 not found or is invalid The short text describes the object sufficiently
126 303 Movement scenario &1 not found in table TOIJ_EL_MVSCEN The short text describes the object sufficiently
127 304 Ticket Type &1 can not be corrected/reversed. Actualization is permitted The short text describes the object sufficiently
128 305 Tank number is missing for movementscenario &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
129 306 Location &1, Tank &2 not in table OIISOCIBL found The short text describes the object sufficiently
130 307 Pegging Type &1 and NOMTK &2 not in table OIJNOMI_LDS found The short text describes the object sufficiently
131 308 Tank &1 is not valid for this nomination The short text describes the object sufficiently
132 309 Plant and storage location not found for location &1 and tank &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
133 310 No partner found for Ticket &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
134 400 &1 Nomination Header entries (table OIJNOMH) have been initialized. The short text describes the object sufficiently
135 401 &1 Nomination Status entries (table OIJNOMST) have been created The short text describes the object sufficiently
136 402 &1 Nomination Item entries (table OIJNOMI) have been updated. The short text describes the object sufficiently
137 403 Pegging for laytime and demurrage calculation failed. Space: object requires documentation
138 500 Error when reading Event profile &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
139 501 Error reading event prerequisites for event profile &1 in Customizing The short text describes the object sufficiently
140 502 Error when reading subsequent events in event profile &1 in Customizing The short text describes the object sufficiently
141 503 Error when processing Event profile &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
142 504 Prerequisites 'event &1, status &2' for event &3, status &4 not fulfilled The short text describes the object sufficiently
143 505 Event prerequisites are not fulfilled Space: object requires documentation
144 506 Event &1 item &2 overlaps with event &3 item &4 The short text describes the object sufficiently
Last changed on/by 20050224  SAP 
SAP Release Created in