SAP ABAP Message Class OIJ_IF Message Number 035 (No &1 allowed for Nomination &2. Reason : &3)
IS-OIL (Software Component) IS-OIL
   IS-OIL-DS-TSW (Application Component) Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench
     OIJ_IF (Package) TSW Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench - new Interfaces/BAPI
Message class OIJ_IF  
Short Description OIL TSW: Messages for TSW Interfaces Layer    
Message Number 035  
Documentation status   3   The short text describes the object sufficiently
Authorization check Error Message      
Changed On 20070914   
Message Text
No &1 allowed for Nomination &2. Reason : &3
Last changed on/by 20050224  SAP 
SAP Release Created in