SAP ABAP Message Class HRPAY99OC (International payroll accounting, off-cycle)
Basic Data
SAP_HRRXX (Software Component) Sub component SAP_HRRXX of SAP_HR
   PY-XX-OC (Application Component) Off-Cycle
     PCOC (Package) HR Off-Cycle
Message class HRPAY99OC
Short Description International payroll accounting, off-cycle  
Changed On 20110809 
Last Changed At 085355 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 001 Only payroll type 'A' is permitted for absence payment Space: object requires documentation
2 002 Only off-cycle reasons with the type 'Absence Payment' are permitted here Space: object requires documentation
3 003 Control record does not exist for payroll area & Space: object requires documentation
4 004 Only payroll type ' ' is permitted for advance payments Space: object requires documentation
5 005 Only payroll type 'A' is permitted for bonus payments Space: object requires documentation
6 006 Only payroll type ' ' is allowed for on-demand payments Space: object requires documentation
7 007 Please use a four-digit off-cycle reason Space: object requires documentation
8 008 Personnel area/subarea combination &1/&2 is invalid Space: object requires documentation
9 009 Enter a personnel number Space: object requires documentation
10 010 The off-cycle reason &1 does not exist for country grouping &2 Space: object requires documentation
11 011 Personnel number & does not yet exist Space: object requires documentation
12 012 Please enter an off-cycle reason Space: object requires documentation
13 013 Please enter a pay date Space: object requires documentation
14 014 Wage type & is invalid Space: object requires documentation
15 015 Wage type & is not permitted for infotype 0267 Space: object requires documentation
16 016 Currency &1 does not correspond to country currency &2 Space: object requires documentation
17 017 Off-cycle reason and payroll type do not match Space: object requires documentation
18 018 You have not selected an entry for deletion Space: object requires documentation
19 019 For country grouping & no off-cycle functions supported Space: object requires documentation
20 020 On &, & already has 10 off-cycle runs of type & Space: object requires documentation
21 021 Only one record with bank details type 5 is permitted Space: object requires documentation
22 022 One of the new records must have bank details type 5 Space: object requires documentation
23 023 Enter either a default value or percentage Space: object requires documentation
24 024 Only bank details types 5 and 6 are permitted Space: object requires documentation
25 025 & is not a valid payment method Space: object requires documentation
26 026 This payment method is not a check! Is this correct? Space: object requires documentation
27 027 Start and end date must correspond to the pay date Space: object requires documentation
28 028 Start and end date must be within the range of the selected periods Space: object requires documentation
29 029 Enter standard value or percentage secondary bank details Space: object requires documentation
30 030 Please select consective periods Space: object requires documentation
31 031 If it does not start with period & &, payroll accounting is not possible Space: object requires documentation
32 032 Please select one or more periods Space: object requires documentation
33 033 Only main bank details are allowed for off-cycle Space: object requires documentation
34 034 One of the new records must be main bank details for off-cycle Space: object requires documentation
35 035 The specified percentage rate is greater than 100% Space: object requires documentation
36 036 The paymt date &1 is earlier than the paymt date for the last payroll &2 Space: object requires documentation
37 037 The paymt date &1 is later than the paymt date for the next payroll &2 Space: object requires documentation
38 038 Reversal was commented on in batch table Space: object requires documentation
39 039 Out-of-sequence reversal and normal reversal not possible together Space: object requires documentation
40 040 Please select at least one result to be reversed Space: object requires documentation
41 041 Please enter the payment number Space: object requires documentation
42 042 Reversal reason & is not valid Space: object requires documentation
43 043 Please enter a reason for reversal Space: object requires documentation
44 044 Payment number & is incorrect Space: object requires documentation
45 045 The check could not be reversed (error when updating to PAYR) Space: object requires documentation
46 046 Infotype 0003 does not exist for personnel number & Space: object requires documentation
47 047 Error when updating payroll result Space: object requires documentation
48 048 Error when updating payroll directory Space: object requires documentation
49 049 The payroll result has been reversed successfully Space: object requires documentation
50 050 Personnel number & is locked by the user Space: object requires documentation
51 051 Personnel number &1 is locked by user &2 Space: object requires documentation
52 052 An error occured when checking whether result & was posted Space: object requires documentation
53 053 The payroll result could not be reversed Space: object requires documentation
54 054 Error when logging the reversal in T52OCL Space: object requires documentation
55 055 No valid cluster ID exists for country grouping & Space: object requires documentation
56 056 Reason for replacing & is invalid Space: object requires documentation
57 057 No payroll results exist for this employee Space: object requires documentation
58 058 An error occured when marking as out-of-sequence Space: object requires documentation
59 059 An internal error occured when marking the payroll results Space: object requires documentation
60 060 Reason for replacement missing Space: object requires documentation
61 061 An initial pay date/check date is not allowed Space: object requires documentation
62 062 Error when updating payroll result Space: object requires documentation
63 063 Preliminary program error for printing checks/data medium exchange Space: object requires documentation
64 064 Check data missing (&, &) Space: object requires documentation
65 065 Please select an absence Space: object requires documentation
66 066 Please create an absence. No payable absences exist Space: object requires documentation
67 067 No periods found for payroll in advance. Please see long text Space: object requires documentation
68 068 It is not possible to open REGUV with & & Space: object requires documentation
69 069 Select payroll result to check the check number Space: object requires documentation
70 070 Infotype 2001 & & & could not be saved Space: object requires documentation
71 071 Infotype 0009 could not be saved Space: object requires documentation
72 072 Infotype 0267 could not be saved Space: object requires documentation
73 073 No bank details exist for employee &1 for &2 Space: object requires documentation
74 074 The same reversal entry already exists in the batch table Space: object requires documentation
75 075 Error when initializing or formatting the remuneration form Space: object requires documentation
76 076 Form was not formatted Space: object requires documentation
77 077 No entry exists in table T549A for payroll result &1 Space: object requires documentation
78 078 No entry in table T549Q for period parameter &1 and key date &2 Space: object requires documentation
79 079 Only payroll type 'A' is allowed for LTI payments Space: object requires documentation
80 080 Missing authorization for infotype &. Some records have not been read Space: object requires documentation
81 081 Missing authorizations for infotype &. No records have been read Space: object requires documentation
82 082 No records have been found for infotype & Space: object requires documentation
83 083 There are payroll results for which no authorization exists Space: object requires documentation
84 084 Account "&" is invalid Space: object requires documentation
85 085 Check "&" has already been issued Space: object requires documentation
86 086 Check "&" is invalid Space: object requires documentation
87 087 Company code "&" is invalid Space: object requires documentation
88 088 The check lot is already being used Space: object requires documentation
89 089 House bank "&" is invalid Space: object requires documentation
90 090 Check "&" could not be included because of a system error Space: object requires documentation
91 091 Check number "&" is not the next in the sequence Space: object requires documentation
92 092 The check data could not be determined completely Space: object requires documentation
93 093 Off-cycle batch process has been initialized for check information &, & Space: object requires documentation
94 094 You have no authorization for the selected activity Space: object requires documentation
95 095 No authorization exists for any of the possible activities Space: object requires documentation
96 096 &1 is not a valid country grouping Space: object requires documentation
97 097 Check &1 was already cashed and can not be replaced Space: object requires documentation
98 098 Check &1 was already cashed and can not be canceled Space: object requires documentation
99 099 General error in value help Space: object requires documentation
100 100 The payroll result could not be saved Space: object requires documentation
101 101 Only payroll type 'S' is allowed for supplemental payments Space: object requires documentation
102 102 Only off-cylce reasons with the type 'bonus' are allowed here Space: object requires documentation
103 103 The payroll run has been saved and marked for subsequent activities Space: object requires documentation
104 104 There is already a payroll flag for this employee Space: object requires documentation
105 105 Technical error when inserting into selection table Space: object requires documentation
106 106 You do not have change authorization for infotype & Space: object requires documentation
107 107 You do not have read authorization for infotype & Space: object requires documentation
108 108 Report &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
109 109 Out-of-sequence reversal not possible Space: object requires documentation
110 112 Check printing has been completed successfully Space: object requires documentation
111 114 Personnel number & does not belong to country grouping & Space: object requires documentation
112 115 The payment methods are not specified in View V_T52OCZ Space: object requires documentation
113 116 Error when reading feature PU137 Space: object requires documentation
114 117 Payment method &1 is used twice in view V_T520CZ Space: object requires documentation
115 120 Report & does not exist Space: object requires documentation
116 121 Variant &1 for report &2 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
117 122 The parameters transferred to the payroll program are not consistent Space: object requires documentation
118 123 The parameters transferred to the payroll program are not complete Space: object requires documentation
119 124 An error has occurred when calling the payroll program Space: object requires documentation
120 125 The number of periods selected for this payroll area is too large Space: object requires documentation
121 130 Error when reading the payroll result, cluster &1, person &2, seqno &3 Space: object requires documentation
122 131 No authorization for reading the payroll results Space: object requires documentation
123 132 No update authorization for cluster &1 Space: object requires documentation
124 140 Please select the absence that should be included in the payroll run Space: object requires documentation
125 160 No check management grouping has been found for adminstrator & Space: object requires documentation
126 161 Insertion of new entry for check management gpg & in T52OCP4 is incorrect Space: object requires documentation
127 163 No employee selected from Preliminary Data Medium Exchange Program Space: object requires documentation
128 164 No payment selected from Preliminary Data Medium Exchange Program Space: object requires documentation
129 165 Several Payments selected from Preliminary Data Medium Exchange Program Space: object requires documentation
130 166 The payments have already been effected Space: object requires documentation
131 167 No entry in variant table (V_T52OCV) for application CDTC Space: object requires documentation
132 170 Payroll area &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
133 171 There is no entry (&2, &3) in T549Q for period modifier &1 Space: object requires documentation
134 172 Period &1/&2 is too far from the control record (&3/&4) Space: object requires documentation
135 173 Wage type &1 can not be entered more than once Space: object requires documentation
136 200 This is not a valid off-cycle reason Space: object requires documentation
137 201 The category for this off-cycle reason is not valid Space: object requires documentation
138 300 The payment replacement had to be interrupted Space: object requires documentation
139 301 Number & was the last number. Number assignment starts from the beginning Space: object requires documentation
140 302 Number & is in the critical area of the last 10% Space: object requires documentation
141 303 The payment method & is not permitted for off-cycle Space: object requires documentation
142 304 Specify a reason for reversal Space: object requires documentation
143 305 Specify a reason for replacement Space: object requires documentation
144 306 Select a payment that should contain the new check number Space: object requires documentation
145 307 Error when creating the number range interval for the object HROC_REPL Space: object requires documentation
146 308 Check number was assigned successfully Space: object requires documentation
147 309 Specify a check number Space: object requires documentation
148 310 Select the payment that should be replaced Space: object requires documentation
149 340 Error occurred when creating payroll result adjustment control Space: object requires documentation
150 341 Error when initializing payroll result adjustment control Space: object requires documentation
151 343 Internal error when creating the payroll result adjustment control Space: object requires documentation
152 350 Error when creating the custom containers for history Space: object requires documentation
153 351 Error when creating the container for the payroll calendar Space: object requires documentation
154 352 Error when creating the custom container for absences Space: object requires documentation
155 353 Error when creating the custom container for advance payments Space: object requires documentation
156 354 Error when creating the custom container for payments to be reversed Space: object requires documentation
157 355 Error when creating the custom container for payments to be replaced Space: object requires documentation
158 356 Error when creating the custom container for assigning check numbers Space: object requires documentation
159 357 Error when creating the custom container for payroll results Space: object requires documentation
160 358 Error in set_table_for_first_display method for details payments Space: object requires documentation
161 359 Error in set_visible method for dialog box with payments details Space: object requires documentation
162 360 Internal error occured in CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>set_new_ok_code Space: object requires documentation
163 361 Error when creating the custom containers for payroll result adjustment Space: object requires documentation
164 362 Select an infotype record Space: object requires documentation
165 365 Select a payroll result to be reversed Space: object requires documentation
166 366 The reversal was cancelled Space: object requires documentation
167 367 Replace error for set_table_for_first_display method for payments Space: object requires documentation
168 368 Assign error for set_table_for_first_display method for check numbers Space: object requires documentation
169 369 Error for set_table_for_first_display method for payroll result Space: object requires documentation
170 370 Select a period until which payroll accounting should be performed Space: object requires documentation
171 371 Error occured when creating the ALV grid controls for history Space: object requires documentation
172 372 Error occured when initializing the ALV grid controls for history Space: object requires documentation
173 373 Error when creating the control for check number assignment Space: object requires documentation
174 374 Error when initializing the control for check number assignment Space: object requires documentation
175 375 Internal error occured when creating the control for history Space: object requires documentation
176 376 Error occured when creating the control for payroll calendar Space: object requires documentation
177 377 Error when initializing the control for payroll calendar Space: object requires documentation
178 378 Internal error when creating the control for check number assignment Space: object requires documentation
179 379 Internal error when creating the control for payroll calendar Space: object requires documentation
180 380 Error occured when creating the control for advance payments Space: object requires documentation
181 381 Error when initializing the control for advance payments Space: object requires documentation
182 382 Error occured when creating the control for replacing payments Space: object requires documentation
183 383 Internal error when creating the control for advance payments Space: object requires documentation
184 384 Error occured when creating the control for payroll result Space: object requires documentation
185 385 Error when initializing the control for payroll result Space: object requires documentation
186 386 Error when initializing the control for replacing payments Space: object requires documentation
187 387 Internal error when creating the control for payroll result Space: object requires documentation
188 388 Error when creating the control for payments to be reversed Space: object requires documentation
189 389 Error when starting control for the payments to be reversed Space: object requires documentation
190 390 Internal error on creating control for the payments to be reversed Space: object requires documentation
191 391 Error when creating the control for absences Space: object requires documentation
192 392 Error when initializing control for absences Space: object requires documentation
193 393 Internal error when creating absences control Space: object requires documentation
194 394 Internal error when creating the control for replacing payments Space: object requires documentation
195 395 Error occurred in set_table_for_first_display history Space: object requires documentation
196 396 Error in set_table_for_first_display method for payroll calendar Space: object requires documentation
197 397 Error in set_table_for_first_display method for absences Space: object requires documentation
198 398 Error in set_table_for_first_display method for advance payments Space: object requires documentation
199 399 Error in method set_table_for_first_display for reversing payments Space: object requires documentation
200 400 *--- Messages for batch programs ---* Space: object requires documentation
201 401 No process could be created for process model &1 Space: object requires documentation
202 402 No payroll type has been selected for batch processing Space: object requires documentation
203 403 &1 is not a valid process model Space: object requires documentation
204 404 No processing type has been selected for batch processing Space: object requires documentation
205 405 Error when writing to the data container for process &1 Space: object requires documentation
206 406 Error when starting process &1 Space: object requires documentation
207 407 Specify a model Space: object requires documentation
208 408 Escheatment: Payment can neither be canceled nor replaced Space: object requires documentation
209 409 Enter city and country for recipient &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
Last changed on/by 20110809  SAP 
SAP Release Created in