SAP ABAP Message Class HRECM00JPR (Job Pricing)
Basic Data
EA-HRGXX (Software Component) Sub component EA-HRGXX of EA-HR
   PA-EC-JP (Application Component) Job Pricing
     PAOC_ECM_JPR_BL (Package) Job Pricing - Business Logic
Message class HRECM00JPR
Short Description Job Pricing  
Changed On 20030217 
Last Changed At 110503 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 000 No data available for selection Space: object requires documentation
2 001 Unable to find provider using the search criteria &1 Space: object requires documentation
3 002 No provider available The short text describes the object sufficiently
4 003 Market data criterion Country not available for Provider &1 Space: object requires documentation
5 004 Market data criterion Industry not available for Provider &1 Space: object requires documentation
6 005 Market data criterion Region not available for Provider &1 Space: object requires documentation
7 006 Market data criterion Revenue Size not available for Provider &1 Space: object requires documentation
8 007 Market data criterion Company Size not available for Provider &1 Space: object requires documentation
9 008 Market data criterion Company Types not available for Provider &1 Space: object requires documentation
10 009 Market data criterion Length of Service not available for Provider &1 Space: object requires documentation
11 010 Job &1 not available in job catalog The short text describes the object sufficiently
12 011 Job reference is initial The short text describes the object sufficiently
13 012 No Survey jobs available for selected provider &1 Space: object requires documentation
14 013 Survey jobs not available for the provider &1 in job catalog The short text describes the object sufficiently
15 014 Survey job not available in the job catalog by &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
16 015 No survey job found for this &1 Space: object requires documentation
17 016 Provider &1 already exists Space: object requires documentation
18 017 Survey Job search criteria are not defined Space: object requires documentation
19 018 Survey Job with job code &1 not found Space: object requires documentation
20 019 Survey Job Name not found for the job code &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
21 020 Survey Job Family not found for the job name &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
22 021 Survey Job Family Name not found for the job &1 Space: object requires documentation
23 022 No Survey Market Data available for the provider &1 Space: object requires documentation
24 023 No Survey Market Data available for &1 Space: object requires documentation
25 024 No Matched Jobs table for converting weighting factor for internal job &1 Space: object requires documentation
26 025 Empty condition for reading Market Composite Results infotype (1271) Space: object requires documentation
27 026 Wrong database field in condition for Market Composite Results IT (1271) Space: object requires documentation
28 027 Error reading Market Composite Results infotype (1271) Space: object requires documentation
29 028 No records found reading Market Composite Results infotype (1271) Space: object requires documentation
30 029 Error changing Market Composite Results infotype (1271) Space: object requires documentation
31 030 Error creating Market Composite Results infotype (1271) Space: object requires documentation
32 031 Error deleting Market Composite Results infotype (1271) Space: object requires documentation
33 032 No objects for reading Market Composite Results infotype (1271) Space: object requires documentation
34 033 Enqueue of Job &1 not possible The short text describes the object sufficiently
35 034 No authorization for Market Composite Results infotype (1271) Space: object requires documentation
36 035 Survey &1 not available Space: object requires documentation
37 036 No object information for internal job &1 available The short text describes the object sufficiently
38 037 No key information available for internal job &1 Space: object requires documentation
39 038 Survey job &1 not found in job matching table for internal job &2 Space: object requires documentation
40 039 No surveys available for provider &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
41 040 No aged market data available for provider &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
42 041 No survey job available for survey &1 Space: object requires documentation
43 042 To build a composite, select Market Result(s) Space: object requires documentation
44 043 No job matching table available for calculating a composite result for &1 Space: object requires documentation
45 044 Cannot build composite result for &1; no currency for survey &2 Space: object requires documentation
46 045 Could not convert currency &1 to currency &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
47 046 Enter name for composite result Space: object requires documentation
48 047 Could not determine country grpg for employee &1; comparison not possible Space: object requires documentation
49 048 No entry for pay category &1 in attributes table T71JPR29 Space: object requires documentation
50 049 Could not convert time method &1 of T71JPR29 into date Space: object requires documentation
51 050 Could not determine value of pay category &1 for employee &2 Space: object requires documentation
52 051 Could not calculate aging data; no matching for provider &1 Job &2 Space: object requires documentation
53 052 No Planned Compensation data (IT1005) for position &1 available Space: object requires documentation
54 053 Error reading Planned Compensation infotype (1005) for position &1 Space: object requires documentation
55 054 Error evaluating Planned Compensation infotype (1005) for position &1 Space: object requires documentation
56 055 Comparison not possible; object type &1 not allowed Space: object requires documentation
57 056 No related employees available Space: object requires documentation
58 057 Error reading related employees on position/s Space: object requires documentation
59 058 No related positions available Space: object requires documentation
60 059 Error reading related positions on Job/s Space: object requires documentation
61 060 No salary groups/level entries available for salary structure &1 Space: object requires documentation
62 061 No survey job data to update job catalog Space: object requires documentation
63 062 Survey job &1 already exists Space: object requires documentation
64 063 Survey job &1 does not exist; could not delete Space: object requires documentation
65 064 No structure data for country grp.&1, salary type &2, salary region &3 Space: object requires documentation
66 065 Job group not found in Compensation Job Attributes infotype (5050) Space: object requires documentation
67 066 Error reading Compensation Job Attributes infotype (5050) Space: object requires documentation
68 067 Wrong condition reading Compensation Job Attributes infotype (5050) Space: object requires documentation
69 068 Unable to find survey job using the search criteria &1 Space: object requires documentation
70 069 Unable to find internal job using the search criteria &1 Space: object requires documentation
71 070 Unable to find salary structure using the search criteria &1 Space: object requires documentation
72 071 Data saved successfully Space: object requires documentation
73 072 Database lock not successful Space: object requires documentation
74 073 Specify a composite result key for object &1 Paycategorie &2 Space: object requires documentation
75 074 Begindate is greater then Enddate for object &1 Paycategorie &2 Space: object requires documentation
76 075 Specify a pay categorie key for object &1 Space: object requires documentation
77 076 Wrong survey date format &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
78 077 Wrong age date format &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
79 100 ********** Import ************ The short text describes the object sufficiently
80 101 Cannot find file &1 Space: object requires documentation
81 102 File information incomplete The short text describes the object sufficiently
82 103 Database update successful Space: object requires documentation
83 104 Database update not successful Space: object requires documentation
84 105 Database update of job &1 not successful Space: object requires documentation
85 106 Database update of market data of job &1 not successful Space: object requires documentation
86 107 Database update of field matching not successful Space: object requires documentation
87 108 Database update of job matching for internal job &1 not successful Space: object requires documentation
88 109 Database update of market composite for internal job &1 not successful Space: object requires documentation
89 110 Database update of provider &1 not successful Space: object requires documentation
90 111 Database deletion of job &1 not successful Space: object requires documentation
91 112 Job &1 was successfully deleted from database Space: object requires documentation
92 113 Provider name for provider key &1 not available Space: object requires documentation
93 114 Market data criteria key overflow for Provider &1 Space: object requires documentation
94 115 Key generation error Space: object requires documentation
95 116 Country &1 is not a valid ISO code Space: object requires documentation
96 117 Database update of survey &1 not successful Space: object requires documentation
97 118 Pay category missing for column &1 Space: object requires documentation
98 119 Survey Job Code not assigned. Jobs need an identifier to be imported Space: object requires documentation
99 120 Error during generation of internal data table Space: object requires documentation
100 121 Field &1 in line &2 contains " &3 " and not a number Space: object requires documentation
101 122 Field &1 in line &2 contains " &3 ", which is too long Space: object requires documentation
102 123 Field &1 in line &2 contains " &3 ". Does not match internal field type Space: object requires documentation
103 124 Field &1 is used more than once. Space: object requires documentation
104 125 Initial jobcode in imported line &1 is not allowed. Correct import file The short text describes the object sufficiently
105 126 Combination jobcode &1 and joblevel &2 occurs twice. Correct import file The short text describes the object sufficiently
106 127 Statistics for jobcode &1 and joblevel &2 is duplicate. Check matching The short text describes the object sufficiently
107 140 No currency available for salary structure &1 Space: object requires documentation
108 141 No frequency available for salary structure &1 Space: object requires documentation
109 142 Wrong condition reading job and position data for salary structure &1 Space: object requires documentation
110 143 No jobs and/or positions found for salary structure &1 Space: object requires documentation
111 144 Unable to calculate the age factor for survey date &1 and age date &2 Space: object requires documentation
112 145 Overlapping records are deleted or delimited Space: object requires documentation
113 146 Market data was not aged Space: object requires documentation
114 147 Not all structure data could be updated Space: object requires documentation
115 149 Planversion and Beginndate must be filled. No update of Planstructure Space: object requires documentation
116 151 Please specify a begin date when copying a plan Space: object requires documentation
117 152 Error deleting salary structure adj. plan &1 Space: object requires documentation
118 153 Could not create Salary structure Plan object &1 Space: object requires documentation
119 154 Could not determine active plan version Space: object requires documentation
120 155 Error reading related position/s for employee &1 Space: object requires documentation
121 156 Error reading related job for position &1 Space: object requires documentation
122 157 No time overlapping in job matching allowed for jobs of one provider Space: object requires documentation
123 158 No survey job matching found for job &1 Space: object requires documentation
124 159 Could not determine the begindate for the plan structure Space: object requires documentation
125 160 Please select a provider Space: object requires documentation
126 161 Enter an age date The short text describes the object sufficiently
127 162 Enter either an aging factor or a market movement rate The short text describes the object sufficiently
128 164 Error deleteing datset/s in table &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
129 165 Market Criteria is still in use. Delete not possible The short text describes the object sufficiently
130 166 Enter a percentage between 0 and 100 The short text describes the object sufficiently
131 167 Do not enter a negative number The short text describes the object sufficiently
132 168 Enter a start date that is before the end date The short text describes the object sufficiently
133 169 Enter a start date that is after the start date of the job (&1) The short text describes the object sufficiently
134 170 Enter an end date that is before the end date of the job (&1) The short text describes the object sufficiently
135 171 Errror checking entries in IT1271 for Composite Result &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
Last changed on/by 20030217  SAP 
SAP Release Created in   200