SAP ABAP Message Class FMFG_BLCORE Message Number 027 (Payment doc/company code/fiscal year &1/&2/&3 not found in table BKPF)
EA-PS (Software Component) SAP Enterprise Extension Public Services
   PSM-FM (Application Component) Funds Management
     FMFG_BLCORE_E (Package) Core of the Budgetary Ledger
Message class FMFG_BLCORE  
Short Description Message class from BL core    
Message Number 027  
Documentation status   3   The short text describes the object sufficiently
Authorization check Error Message      
Changed On 20040116   
Message Text
Payment doc/company code/fiscal year &1/&2/&3 not found in table BKPF
Last changed on/by 20130531  SAP 
SAP Release Created in   110