SAP ABAP Message Class EEDMIDEGRID (Grid Messages)
Basic Data
IS-UT (Software Component) SAP Utilities/Telecommunication
   IS-U-EDM (Application Component) Energy Data Management
     EE_EDM_IDE_INT (Package) EDM-IDE Integration
Message class EEDMIDEGRID
Short Description Grid Messages  
Changed On 20050224 
Last Changed At 165650 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 001 Division of distributor &1 and grid &2 does not match Space: object requires documentation
2 002 Voltage level allocation only allowed for electricity division Space: object requires documentation
3 003 From-date (&1) is after to-date (&2) Space: object requires documentation
4 004 &1 is not of service type distribution Space: object requires documentation
5 005 Specify grid or distributor Space: object requires documentation
6 006 Specify a different higher level grid Space: object requires documentation
7 007 Deletion not possible because grid &1 is used as a higher level grid Space: object requires documentation
8 008 Deletion not possible because grid &1 is used in a point of delivery Space: object requires documentation
9 009 Allocate a distributor to the grid Space: object requires documentation
10 010 &1 does not belong to the settlement coordination service category The short text describes the object sufficiently
11 011 Division of settlement coord. &1 not compatible with division of grid &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
12 012 Grid level must be voltage level for electrcty division -> Entry too long Space: object requires documentation
13 013 Voltage level &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
14 014 Grid determination not currently possible for electricity division The short text describes the object sufficiently
15 015 Grid level &1 not defined for grid &2 Space: object requires documentation
16 016 Grid level &1 not yet allocated to grid &2 Space: object requires documentation
17 017 PoD group must belong to deregulation process 'GRIDUSAGE', not &1 Space: object requires documentation
18 018 The divisions for rate category &1 and grid &2 are not compatible Space: object requires documentation
19 019 The divisions for rate type &1 and grid &2 are not compatible Space: object requires documentation
20 020 Grid &1 has a different division category (&2) to grid &3 (div. cat. &4) Space: object requires documentation
21 021 Grid &1 is subordinate to grid &2; select a higher-level grid instead Space: object requires documentation
22 022 The higher-level grid must be different to the grid Space: object requires documentation
23 023 Grid &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
24 024 First select a grid Space: object requires documentation
25 025 Allocate at least one grid level to the grid Space: object requires documentation
26 026 Cannot determine a grid level type for division category &1 Space: object requires documentation
Last changed on/by 20050224  SAP 
SAP Release Created in   464