SAP ABAP Message Class CNVMBTCHECK (Messages for PCL Checks)
Basic Data
DMIS (Software Component) DMIS 2011_1
   CA-EUR (Application Component) European Monetary Union: Euro
     CNV_MBT_MAIN (Package) Main components of PCL for SLO Products
Message class CNVMBTCHECK
Short Description Messages for PCL Checks  
Changed On 20141030 
Last Changed At 020157 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 001 Check &1 started at &2 &3 by &4 Space: object requires documentation
2 002 Check &1 finished at &2 &3 by &4 Space: object requires documentation
3 003 &1| Structure &2 does not exist in this migration object Space: object requires documentation
4 004 &1| More than one top level structure in sender hierarchy Space: object requires documentation
5 005 &1| More than one top level structure in receiver hierarchy Space: object requires documentation
6 006 &1| No top level ( no tree ) for sender hierarchy Space: object requires documentation
7 007 &1| No top level ( no tree ) for receiver hierarchy Space: object requires documentation
8 008 &1| Structure &2 contains itself as parent Space: object requires documentation
9 009 &1| Parent structure &2 for structure &3 is not a sender structure Space: object requires documentation
10 010 &1| Parent structure &2 for structure &3 is not a receiver structure Space: object requires documentation
11 011 &1| Structure contains itself as next structure Space: object requires documentation
12 012 &1| Parent structure &2 for structure &3 is missing Space: object requires documentation
13 013 &1| Next structure &2 for structure &3 is on the wrong level Space: object requires documentation
14 014 &1| Next structure &2 for structure &3 is not a sender structure Space: object requires documentation
15 015 &1| Next structure &2 for structure &3 is not a receiver structure Space: object requires documentation
16 016 &1| Next structure &2 for structure &3 is missing Space: object requires documentation
17 017 &1| Next structure definition is wrong and might cause an endless-loop Space: object requires documentation
18 018 &1| One or more sender structures do not have a receiver assigned Space: object requires documentation
19 019 &1| Receiver structure &2 is not assigned to a sender structure Space: object requires documentation
20 020 &1| Structure &2 is not a receiver structure still assigned to a sender. Space: object requires documentation
21 021 &1| Structure relationship not given for the sender structure &2 Space: object requires documentation
22 022 &1| The given relationship type &3 for the structure &2 is wrong. Space: object requires documentation
23 023 &1| Sender structure &2 is not assigned to the receiver structure &3 Space: object requires documentation
24 024 &1| Rule &2 not having proper rule type. Space: object requires documentation
25 025 &1| The rule import parameter &2 will not be available for this object. Space: object requires documentation
26 026 &1| The selection-field &2 does not exist in top level structure. Space: object requires documentation
27 027 &1| Table &2 is not active or does not exist in the receiver system. Space: object requires documentation
28 028 &1| The field &2 is not active or missing in the receiver system Space: object requires documentation
29 029 &1| Foreign key &2 does not exist in the parent structure on the sender. Space: object requires documentation
30 030 &1| The foreign key &2 and the referring field &3 have diff. types Space: object requires documentation
31 031 &1| Field &2 does not exist in the sender structure on sender system Space: object requires documentation
32 032 &1| Include &2 has incorrect include type. Space: object requires documentation
33 033 &1| Datatypes of sender field &2 and receiver field &3 do not match Space: object requires documentation
34 034 &1| No receiver field or rule associated to the sender field &3-&2 Space: object requires documentation
35 035 &1| Receiver field &3-&2 is not assigned a sender or rule. Space: object requires documentation
36 036 &1| Datatype not mentioned for the rule parameter &2 of rule &3 Space: object requires documentation
37 037 &1| For rule &2 the import parameter &3 is should be of type CHAR. Space: object requires documentation
38 038 &1| Table &2 is not active or missing in the sender system Space: object requires documentation
39 039 &1| The import parameter &2 of rule &3 is not long enough. Space: object requires documentation
40 040 &1| structure type not specified for the structure &2. Space: object requires documentation
41 041 &1| Rule &2 used in package &3 is not a field related rule Space: object requires documentation
42 042 &1|No sender assinged to the receiver field &2. It will not be filled Space: object requires documentation
43 043 &1| Field &2 will not be transferred; delete excl. flg. or rule Space: object requires documentation
44 044 &1| Receiver field &2 and export parameter &3 have different types. Space: object requires documentation
45 045 &1| Sender field &2 and the import parameter &3 have different types. Space: object requires documentation
46 046 &1| Import param &2 and export param &3 have different types. Space: object requires documentation
47 047 &1| &2 is not an import parameter but used as import parameter. Space: object requires documentation
48 048 &1| No processing method specified for rule &2. Space: object requires documentation
49 049 &1| Selfield not provided. Space: object requires documentation
50 050 &1| Data Path not provided for the sender structure &2 Space: object requires documentation
51 051 &1| the step rule &2 will not be used. Space: object requires documentation
52 052 &1| No table information present for this migration object. Space: object requires documentation
53 053 &1| Existence of selfield &2 not checked. (cluster/pool) Space: object requires documentation
54 054 &1| Table &2 will not be checked for existence in sender. (cluster/pool) Space: object requires documentation
55 055 &1| Receiver field &2 will not be checked for existence. (cluster/pool) Space: object requires documentation
56 056 &1| Foreign key value &2 will not be checked. (cluster/pool) Space: object requires documentation
57 057 &1| Sender field &2 does not exist in the given structure on sender. Space: object requires documentation
58 058 &1| Sender field &2 will not be checked for existence. (cluster/pool) Space: object requires documentation
59 059 &1| Table &2 will not be checked for existence in receiver.(cluster/pool) Space: object requires documentation
60 060 &1| Foreign key &2 does not exist in the parent structure on sender. Space: object requires documentation
61 061 Space: object requires documentation
62 062 &1| Key for table &3 differs in sender and receiver. Check field &2. Space: object requires documentation
63 063 Errors detected for migration object &1 : Space: object requires documentation
64 064 &1| The assigned structure &2 is not a sender structure Space: object requires documentation
65 065 &1| Rule &2 does not exist in package &3 Space: object requires documentation
66 066 &1| Field &2 used as an import parameter for rule &3 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
67 067 &1| Receiver table &1 is client dependent but sender table independent Space: object requires documentation
68 068 &1| Sender table &1 is client dependent but receiver table independent Space: object requires documentation
69 069 &1| Field &2 used as a child in the foreign key does not exist Space: object requires documentation
Last changed on/by 20141030  SAP 
SAP Release Created in