SAP ABAP Message Class CNV_TDMS_03_REDUC_A (Message Class for Implementation of Reduction clause)
Basic Data
DMIS_CNT (Software Component) DMIS_CNT 2011_1
   CA-EUR (Application Component) European Monetary Union: Euro
     CNV_TDMS_03_REDUC_A (Package) objects for reduction rule handling (all systems)
Message class CNV_TDMS_03_REDUC_A
Short Description Message Class for Implementation of Reduction clause  
Changed On 20141107 
Last Changed At 201635 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 000 Space: object requires documentation
2 001 Internal error &1 while calling &2 Space: object requires documentation
3 002 Error while inserting in table &1 for record with table name &2 Space: object requires documentation
4 003 Settings are confirmed for Migration Package &1 Space: object requires documentation
5 004 Not all activities are confirmed Space: object requires documentation
6 005 RFC destinations are not maintained for Migration Package &1 Space: object requires documentation
7 006 No specific destination type Space: object requires documentation
8 007 Activity 'TD03P_CONFIRM_SETTINGS' not found (sy-subrc = &1) Space: object requires documentation
9 008 Error 'Not found' for DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET for table &1. Space: object requires documentation
10 009 No selection groups are available for Migration Package &1 Space: object requires documentation
11 010 No master selection group values are maintained for selection group &1 Space: object requires documentation
12 011 Not all activities of phase &1 have been executed yet Space: object requires documentation
13 012 No entries found in table CNVTDMS_01_SELEC for org. unit &1 Space: object requires documentation
14 013 No inconsistencies found Space: object requires documentation
15 014 Data was already saved Space: object requires documentation
16 015 Data was saved Space: object requires documentation
17 016 No entries found Space: object requires documentation
18 017 Change will affect all tables in the migration object Space: object requires documentation
19 018 Double click on the table for which you want to change transfer status Space: object requires documentation
20 019 Select a single row Space: object requires documentation
21 020 Missing migration object for table &1 Space: object requires documentation
22 021 Mig. object &1: selection group not assigned Space: object requires documentation
23 022 Mig. object &1 table &2: Both 'No Transfer' and 'Full Transfer' are set Space: object requires documentation
24 023 Mig. object &1 table &2: Sel. group is active though 'No Transfer'is set Space: object requires documentation
25 024 Mig. object &1: A Sel. group is active though 'Full Transfer' is set Space: object requires documentation
26 025 Mig. obj.&1, reduction via &2, fields &3 &4 Space: object requires documentation
27 026 Selection groups were identified Space: object requires documentation
28 027 For 'SAP Standard' settings, no further maintenance is necessary Space: object requires documentation
29 028 Documentation is not available Space: object requires documentation
30 029 Status information not available for &1 &2 &3 Space: object requires documentation
31 030 Error during upload Space: object requires documentation
32 031 Error during download Space: object requires documentation
33 032 Selection groups identified successfully Space: object requires documentation
34 033 You are marking a Standard Reduced table as 'Full Transfer' Space: object requires documentation
35 034 No active implementation exists for BADI &1 for Migration Package &2 Space: object requires documentation
36 035 No data slice date has been specified Space: object requires documentation
37 036 No organizational unit members for selection groups are defined Space: object requires documentation
38 037 No elements have been defined for Mig. Pkg. &1 and Selection Group &2 Space: object requires documentation
39 038 No details are available for sel. group &1, org.unit &2=&3, field type &4 Space: object requires documentation
40 039 No details are available for selection group &1, field type &2 Space: object requires documentation
41 040 No field name has been maintained for Element Type &1 in Mig. Package &2 Space: object requires documentation
42 041 Field details not found for table &1 in migration object &1 Space: object requires documentation
43 042 Values assigned to selection groups successfully Space: object requires documentation
44 043 Activity &1 in phase &2 is not completed successfully Space: object requires documentation
45 050 Choose a log Space: object requires documentation
46 051 Action was canceled by user &1 Space: object requires documentation
47 052 No destinations found for Migration Package ID &1 Space: object requires documentation
48 053 No PCL destination found for Migration Package ID &1 Space: object requires documentation
49 054 Entry does not exist Space: object requires documentation
50 055 Text not found Space: object requires documentation
51 056 RFC error while calling &1 Space: object requires documentation
52 057 Lifetime error while calling the CREATE_TREE_CONTROL method Space: object requires documentation
53 058 Control system error while calling the CREATE_TREE_CONTROL method Space: object requires documentation
54 059 Create error while calling the CREATE_TREE_CONTROL method Space: object requires documentation
55 060 Failure while calling the CREATE_TREE_CONTROL method Space: object requires documentation
56 061 Error 'Control already created' while calling method create_tree_control Space: object requires documentation
57 062 Node key exists when calling the ADD_NODE method Space: object requires documentation
58 063 Illegal relationship while calling the ADD_NODE method Space: object requires documentation
59 064 Relative node not found while calling the ADD_NODE method Space: object requires documentation
60 065 Error' Node key empty' while calling the ADD_NODE method Space: object requires documentation
61 066 Error' Action failed' while calling function module CNV_MBT_PARAMS_READ Space: object requires documentation
62 067 Entry not found Space: object requires documentation
63 068 RFC Error: &1 &2 Space: object requires documentation
64 069 Error in RFC connection Space: object requires documentation
65 070 Invalid combination of parameters Space: object requires documentation
66 073 Documentation not found in &1 Space: object requires documentation
67 074 Error displaying tree control while calling method create_tree_control Space: object requires documentation
68 075 Errors while adding nodes to the tree Space: object requires documentation
69 076 No selection groups are available for Table &1 Space: object requires documentation
70 077 Some members of the sel. group &1 assigned to mig. object &2 not defined Space: object requires documentation
71 078 Difference in Mig. object structure field for &1 Space: object requires documentation
72 079 Selection group &1 assigned to Mig. object &2 not found Space: object requires documentation
73 080 Sel. group generation error for &1 assigned to Mig. object &2 Space: object requires documentation
74 081 Select string could not be fetched for Sel. group &1 assigned to &2 Space: object requires documentation
75 082 Select string syntax error for Sel. group &1 assigned to &2 Space: object requires documentation
76 083 Error in Selection group reference for Migration object &1 Space: object requires documentation
77 084 Tables with size GT &1 and tableclass other than &2 only are displayed Space: object requires documentation
78 100 &1 &2 &3 &4 Space: object requires documentation
79 101 Table &1 has been marked for full transfer Space: object requires documentation
80 102 Table &1 has been marked for no transfer Space: object requires documentation
81 103 not assigned to Table &1; either deselect it or assign sel.grp Space: object requires documentation
82 104 Selection groups exist for the table &1 Space: object requires documentation
83 999 Space: object requires documentation
Last changed on/by 20141107  SAP 
SAP Release Created in   46C