SAP ABAP Message Class CNV_20400_CHECK (Messages for check functions (controlling area merge))
Basic Data
DMIS (Software Component) DMIS 2011_1
   CA-EUR (Application Component) European Monetary Union: Euro
     CNV_20400_CHECK (Package) Controlling area merge - Checks
Message class CNV_20400_CHECK
Short Description Messages for check functions (controlling area merge)  
Changed On 20141030 
Last Changed At 033022 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 001 No relevant object keys found. Profile execution not possible Space: object requires documentation
2 002 All involved controlling areas using the same chart of accounts &1 Space: object requires documentation
3 003 At least one controlling area uses a deviating chart of accounts Space: object requires documentation
4 004 Controlling area &1 assigned chart of accounts &2 Space: object requires documentation
5 005 All involved Controlling areas using the same fiscal year variant &1 Space: object requires documentation
6 006 At least one Controlling area uses a deviating fiscal year variant Space: object requires documentation
7 007 Controlling area &1 uses fiscal year variant &2 Space: object requires documentation
8 008 All involved controlling areas using same month sequence Space: object requires documentation
9 009 At least one controlling area uses a deviating month sequence Space: object requires documentation
10 010 Controlling area &1 uses a month sequence Space: object requires documentation
11 012 All involved controlling areas using same booking periods Space: object requires documentation
12 013 Differences regarding calendar year for at least one controlling area Space: object requires documentation
13 014 Controlling area &1 uses no month sequence Space: object requires documentation
14 015 Checking &1 Space: object requires documentation
15 016 Objects with no company code connection found Space: object requires documentation
16 017 Object &1 has no company code connection Space: object requires documentation
17 018 &1 additional objects with no company code connection found Space: object requires documentation
18 019 Objects with different currencies found in company code &1 Space: object requires documentation
19 020 Object &1 has no currency Space: object requires documentation
20 021 Object &1 has a different currency Space: object requires documentation
21 022 &1 additional objects with different currencies found Space: object requires documentation
22 023 No involved controlling area use currency type 10 Space: object requires documentation
23 024 At least one involved controlling area uses currency type 10 Space: object requires documentation
24 025 The involved controlling areas use different currencies Space: object requires documentation
25 026 All involved controlling areas use the currency &1 Space: object requires documentation
26 027 The involved controlling areas use different profit center currencies Space: object requires documentation
27 028 All involved controlling areas use to the profit center currency &1 Space: object requires documentation
28 029 The involved controlling areas use different profit center currency types Space: object requires documentation
29 030 All involved controlling areas use to the profit center currency type &1 Space: object requires documentation
30 031 "All Currencies" is active for all controlling areas Space: object requires documentation
31 032 "All Currencies" is active for no controlling areas Space: object requires documentation
32 033 All objects of given type have the same currency as their company code Space: object requires documentation
33 034 At least one controlling area has differences in the All Currencies flag Space: object requires documentation
34 035 Controlling area &1 has "All Currencies" active Space: object requires documentation
35 036 Controlling area &1 has "All Currencies" not active Space: object requires documentation
36 037 All controlling areas have same financial management area Space: object requires documentation
37 038 At least one company code has a deriviating financial management area Space: object requires documentation
38 039 Controlling area &1 uses financial management area &2 Space: object requires documentation
39 040 Controlling areas are assigned to different operating concerns Space: object requires documentation
40 041 Controlling area &1 is assigned to operationg concern &2 Space: object requires documentation
41 042 Reference CO area &1 needs to be assigned to operating concern &2 Space: object requires documentation
42 043 Some source controlling areas are not assigned to an operating concern Space: object requires documentation
43 044 All controlling areas are assigned to the same operating concerns &1 Space: object requires documentation
44 045 All involved controlling areas use to the currency type &1 Space: object requires documentation
45 046 Implicit conversion of controling area currency type 10 to &1 Space: object requires documentation
46 047 Implicit change of controling area currency type to 10 Space: object requires documentation
47 048 Implicit change of controling area currency type to 10 Space: object requires documentation
48 049 Implicit conversion of controling area currency type to 20 Space: object requires documentation
49 050 Controlling area &1 uses currency &2 Space: object requires documentation
50 051 Profit center of controlling area &1 uses currency &2 Space: object requires documentation
51 052 Profit center of controlling area &1 uses currency type &2 Space: object requires documentation
52 053 Controlling area &1 uses currency type &2 Space: object requires documentation
53 054 Implicit conversion of controling area currency type to 30 Space: object requires documentation
54 055 Reference CO area &1 needs to be assigned to financial management area &2 Space: object requires documentation
55 056 Some source controlling areas are not assigned to an fin. mngmnt area Space: object requires documentation
56 057 Reference CO area &1 needs to have active profit center accounting Space: object requires documentation
57 058 Some source controlling areas have no active profit center accounting Space: object requires documentation
58 059 All controlling areas have profit center accounting active Space: object requires documentation
59 060 All controlling areas have profit center accounting inactive Space: object requires documentation
60 061 Controlling area &1 has profit center accounting active Space: object requires documentation
61 062 Controlling area &1 has profit center accounting not active Space: object requires documentation
62 063 Involved source controlling areas Space: object requires documentation
63 064 Controlling area &1 (has priority) Space: object requires documentation
64 065 Controlling area &1 Space: object requires documentation
65 066 Controlling area &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
66 067 Controlling area &1 is not assigned to any financial management area Space: object requires documentation
67 068 All controlling areas have no assignments to financial management areas Space: object requires documentation
68 069 No involved controlling areas use a profit center currency Space: object requires documentation
69 070 No involved controlling areas use a profit center currency type Space: object requires documentation
70 075 None of the participating controlling areas use curr/val. prof. The short text describes the object sufficiently
71 076 Not all of the participating controlling areas use curr/val. prof. Space: object requires documentation
72 077 All participating controlling areas use curr/val. prof. The short text describes the object sufficiently
73 078 All participating controlling areas use similar curr/val. prof. Space: object requires documentation
74 079 The participating controlling areas use different curr/val. prof. Space: object requires documentation
75 080 Controlling Area &1 uses a currency and valuation profile The short text describes the object sufficiently
76 081 Controlling Area &1 does not use a currency and valuation profile The short text describes the object sufficiently
77 082 Controlling Area &1 uses currency and valuation profile &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
78 090 Controlling areas being merged into COAr &1 do not use CO templates The short text describes the object sufficiently
79 091 Merge into COAr &1 does not lead to conflicts regarding CO templates Space: object requires documentation
80 092 Template &1 enviroment &2 exists in multiple source controlling areas Space: object requires documentation
Last changed on/by 20141030  SAP 
SAP Release Created in   2010_1_620