SAP_BASIS (Software Component) SAP Basis Component
   BC-ECM-ABA-COR (Application Component) ECM Core Infrastructure
     S_NWECM_API_ITEM (Package) ECMI: Nodes, Properties and Related Classes
Meta Relationship - Used By
# Relationship type Used by Short Description Created on
1 Interface implementation (CLASS c. INTERFACES i_ref)  CL_NWECM_LOCKABLE Lockable runtime implementation 20081119
2 Interface implementation (CLASS c. INTERFACES i_ref)  CL_NWECM_LOCKABLE_AWR API Firewall implementation of Lockable 20081119
Short Description ECMI: Lockable    
General Data
Package S_NWECM_API_ITEM   ECMI: Nodes, Properties and Related Classes 
Created 20081114   SAP 
Last changed 20110908   SAP 
Unicode checks active    
Forward declarations
# Type group / Object type Type Type Description
1 ABAP Type group use (TYPE-POOLS tp)  Type group use (TYPE-POOLS tp)
Interface IF_NWECM_LOCKABLE has no interface.
Interface IF_NWECM_LOCKABLE has no friend.
Interface IF_NWECM_LOCKABLE has no attribute.
# Method Level Visibility Method type Description Created on
1 GET_HELD_LOCKS Instance method Public Method Returns the locks held by this node 20081114
2 GET_LOCKS Instance method Public Method Returns the locks applying to this node 20081114
3 HOLDS_LOCK Instance method Public Method Returns true if this node holds a look 20081114
4 IS_LOCKED Instance method Public Method Returns true if this node is looked or a deep lock exists 20081114
5 IS_LOCKED_BY_ME Instance method Public Method Returns true if the node is locked by the current user 20081114
6 LOCK Instance method Public Method Locks the node and adds the lock token to the session 20081114
7 UNLOCK Instance method Public Method Removes all locks owned by the session from the node 20081114
8 UNLOCK_USER_LOCKS Instance method Public Method Removes all locks which are owned by the user from the node 20081114
Interface IF_NWECM_LOCKABLE has no event.
Interface IF_NWECM_LOCKABLE has no local type.
Method Signatures

Method GET_HELD_LOCKS Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning RT_LOCKS Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) NWECM_T_LOCK List of Locks 20081202
# Exception Resumable Description Created on
1 CX_NWECM_ACCESS_DENIED NW ECM: Access Denied Exception 20081114
2 CX_NWECM_INVALID_STATE NW ECM: Invalid State Exception 20081114
3 CX_NWECM_REPOSITORY NW ECM: Repository Exception 20081114

Method GET_LOCKS Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning RT_LOCKS Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) NWECM_T_LOCK List of locks 20081202
# Exception Resumable Description Created on
1 CX_NWECM_ACCESS_DENIED NW ECM: Access Denied Exception 20081114
2 CX_NWECM_INVALID_STATE NW ECM: Invalid State Exception 20081114
3 CX_NWECM_REPOSITORY NW ECM: Repository Exception 20081114

Method HOLDS_LOCK Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning RV_HOLDS_LOCK Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL Return 'X' if the node carries a lock 20081114
# Exception Resumable Description Created on
1 CX_NWECM_ACCESS_DENIED NW ECM: Access Denied Exception 20081114
2 CX_NWECM_INVALID_STATE NW ECM: Invalid State Exception 20081114
3 CX_NWECM_REPOSITORY NW ECM: Repository Exception 20081114

Method IS_LOCKED Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning RV_IS_LOCKED Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL Returns 'X' if the node is locked 20081114
# Exception Resumable Description Created on
1 CX_NWECM_ACCESS_DENIED NW ECM: Access Denied Exception 20081114
2 CX_NWECM_INVALID_STATE NW ECM: Invalid State Exception 20081114
3 CX_NWECM_REPOSITORY NW ECM: Repository Exception 20081114

Method IS_LOCKED_BY_ME Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning RV_IS_LOCKED_BY_ME Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL Returns 'X' if the node is locked by the actual session 20081114
# Exception Resumable Description Created on
1 CX_NWECM_ACCESS_DENIED NW ECM: Access Denied Exception 20081114
2 CX_NWECM_INVALID_STATE NW ECM: Invalid State Exception 20081114
3 CX_NWECM_REPOSITORY NW ECM: Repository Exception 20081114

Method LOCK Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing IO_LOCK_PROPERTIES Value transfer Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_NWECM_LOCK_PROPERTIES NW ECM: Lock Properties 20081114
2 Returning RO_LOCK Value transfer Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_NWECM_LOCK NW ECM: Lock Interface 20081118
# Exception Resumable Description Created on
1 CX_NWECM_ACCESS_DENIED NW ECM: Access Denied Exception 20081114
2 CX_NWECM_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION NW ECM: Constraint Violation 20081114
3 CX_NWECM_INVALID_STATE NW ECM: Invalid State Exception 20081114
4 CX_NWECM_LOCK NW ECM: Lock Exception 20081114
5 CX_NWECM_REPOSITORY NW ECM: Repository Exception 20081114
6 CX_NWECM_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION NW ECM: Unsupported Repository Operation Exception 20081114

Method UNLOCK Signature

Method UNLOCK on Interface IF_NWECM_LOCKABLE has no parameter.
# Exception Resumable Description Created on
1 CX_NWECM_ACCESS_DENIED NW ECM: Access Denied Exception 20081114
2 CX_NWECM_INVALID_STATE NW ECM: Invalid State Exception 20081114
3 CX_NWECM_LOCK NW ECM: Lock Exception 20081114
4 CX_NWECM_REPOSITORY NW ECM: Repository Exception 20081114

Method UNLOCK_USER_LOCKS Signature

Method UNLOCK_USER_LOCKS on Interface IF_NWECM_LOCKABLE has no parameter.
# Exception Resumable Description Created on
1 CX_NWECM_ACCESS_DENIED NW ECM: Access Denied Exception 20081114
2 CX_NWECM_INVALID_STATE NW ECM: Invalid State Exception 20081114
3 CX_NWECM_LOCK NW ECM: Lock Exception 20081114
4 CX_NWECM_REPOSITORY NW ECM: Repository Exception 20081114
5 CX_NWECM_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION NW ECM: Unsupported Repository Operation Exception 20081114
Last changed by/on SAP  20110908 
SAP Release Created in 720