SAP ABAP Package SUSR (ABAP User Administration)
Basic Data
Package | SUSR | ||
Short Description | ABAP User Administration | ||
Super package | SUSR_MAIN | ABAP User Administration | |
Main package indicator | Development Package | ||
Created on/by | 00000000 | SAP |
Package Content
Table Name | Short Description | Table Category | Delivery Class |
AUTHX | Authorization Fields (Maintain with SU20) | TRANSP | S |
AUTH_FLDINFO_TMP | Authorization fields: technical info from dictionary | TRANSP | L |
IDM_BADI_FILTER | BADIs for Identity Management | TRANSP | E |
IDM_BADI_TEXT | Description of BADIs for Identity Management | TRANSP | E |
SUIM_CHG_IDX | Change Document Index for User Data | TRANSP | L |
SUKRI | Transaction Combinations Critical for Security | TRANSP | G |
SUKRIT | Text table for SUKRI (crit. comb. of trans. authoriz.) | TRANSP | G |
TACT | Activities which can be Protected | TRANSP | S |
TACTT | Activities that can be protected | TRANSP | S |
TACTZ | Valid activities for each authorization object | TRANSP | W |
TADMI | Foreign key table for values of object S_ADMI_FCD | TRANSP | S |
TADMT | Texts for table TADMI | TRANSP | S |
TAUTL | List of tables AUTH (authorization fields) | TRANSP | E |
TBRG | Authorization groups | TRANSP | G |
TBRGT | Authorization Group Names | TRANSP | G |
TFBKT | Function blocks in the SAP system | TRANSP | S |
TFBLK | Function blocks for price list | TRANSP | S |
TOBC | Class assignment of authorization objects | POOL | W |
TOBCT | Texts for Authorization Object Classes | POOL | W |
TOBJ | Authorization Objects | TRANSP | W |
TOBJC | Class assignment of authorization objects | POOL | W |
TOBJT | Short Texts for Authorization Objects | TRANSP | W |
TSTCA_C | Values for Transaction Code Authorizations | TRANSP | W |
USADDEF | Default company address | TRANSP | A |
USADDEFS | Shadow table: Default company address | TRANSP | L |
USAGR_SYS | GUM: Assignment of Role/Position to System (Type) | TRANSP | C |
USAPPLREF | CUA: Assignment of Users to Application Objects | TRANSP | A |
USARC_CD | Not Required: Archived User Data -> Change Documents | TRANSP | L |
USARC_CDRED | Reloaded Archived Change Documents for User Data | TRANSP | A |
USATTRDEF | Directory of Additional User Attributes | TRANSP | E |
USATTRDEFT | Directory of Additional User Attributes | TRANSP | E |
USBAPILINK | CUA: Default BAPI Link for Central User Administration | TRANSP | W |
USCOMPANY | Company in user's address | TRANSP | A |
USCOMPANYS | Shadow table for USCOMPANY | TRANSP | A |
USCRAUIDT | Short Texts for Critical Authorizations | TRANSP | E |
USCRAUTH | Authorization Data for Critical Authorizations | TRANSP | E |
USCRAUTHID | Critical Authorizations | TRANSP | E |
USCRCOMID | Part List for Critical Combinations of Authorizations | TRANSP | E |
USEXIT | Individual Maint. Dialog for Authorization Field - Exit FM | TRANSP | S |
USGRP | User Groups | TRANSP | A |
USGRPT | Text table for USGRP (User groups) | TRANSP | A |
USGRP_USER | Assignment of Users to User Groups | TRANSP | A |
USH02_ARC_TMP | Change History for Logon Data: Last Entries from Archive | TRANSP | L |
USH04 | Change history for authorizations | TRANSP | L |
USH04_ARC_TMP | Authorizations Change History: Last Entries from Archive | TRANSP | L |
USH10 | Change history for authorization profiles | TRANSP | L |
USH10_ARC_TMP | Change History for Profile Data: Last Entries from Archive | TRANSP | L |
USH12 | Change history for authorization values | TRANSP | L |
USH12_ARC_TMP | Change History for Authorizations: Last Archive Entries | TRANSP | L |
USKRI | Critical combination of authorizations for transactions | TRANSP | G |
USKRIA | Entry of Critical Auths for Report RSUSR009 | TRANSP | C |
USKRIAT | Text table for USKRIA | TRANSP | C |
USL04 | CUA: Assignment of Users to Local Profiles | TRANSP | A |
USLA04 | CUA: Assignment of Users to Roles | TRANSP | A |
USOGR | Object groups for TCode < > Auth. object assignment | TRANSP | E |
USOGT | Texts for object groups | TRANSP | E |
USOTT | Relation transaction > authorization object | TRANSP | W |
USR03 | User address data | TRANSP | A |
USR04 | User master authorizations | TRANSP | A |
USR07 | Object/values of last authorization check that failed | TRANSP | L |
USR10 | User master authorization profiles | TRANSP | E |
USR11 | User Master Texts for Profiles (USR10) | TRANSP | E |
USR12 | User Master Authorization Values | TRANSP | E |
USR13 | Short Texts for Authorizations | TRANSP | E |
USR15 | External User Name (Replaced By Table USRACL) | TRANSP | A |
USR16 | Values for Variables for User Authorizations | TRANSP | L |
USR20 | Date of last user master reorganization | TRANSP | L |
USR21 | User Name/Address Key Assignment | TRANSP | A |
USR21S | Shadow table: Assignment of user name to address key | TRANSP | A |
USR22 | Logon data without kernel access | TRANSP | A |
USRARCSTAT | Reloaded Archiving Runs | TRANSP | A |
USRATTR | Additional Attributes for Users | TRANSP | A |
USRBF | User Buffer Contents for Fast RFC Logon | TRANSP | L |
USRBF2 | User buffer content for fast RFC logon - new | TRANSP | L |
USRCOMB | Critical Combinations of Authorizations | TRANSP | E |
USRCOMBT | Short Texts for Critical Combinations of Authorizations | TRANSP | E |
USRCRCOMB | Part List of Variants for Critical Combinations of Auths | TRANSP | E |
USREFUS | Reference user for internet applications | TRANSP | A |
USREFUSVAR | Assignment of Reference User Variabe to Reference User | TRANSP | C |
USRFLD | CUA: Definition of Logical Fields | TRANSP | E |
USRFLDDEF | CUA: Definition of Logical Field Names of ALE Distrib. Users | TRANSP | E |
USRFLDGRP | CUA: Field Selection Groups | TRANSP | E |
USRFLDSEL | CUA: Field Attributes | TRANSP | W |
USRFLDT | CUA: Text Table to Define Logical Fields | TRANSP | E |
USRFLDVAL | CUA: Selection Criteria for Field Attributes | TRANSP | S |
USRSTAMP | Time Stamp for all Changes to the User | TRANSP | W |
USRSYSACT | CUA: Roles in Distributed Systems | TRANSP | L |
USRSYSACTT | CUA: Roles in Distributed Systems | TRANSP | L |
USRSYSPRF | CUA: Profiles in Distributed Systems | TRANSP | L |
USRSYSPRFT | CUA: Profile Text in Distributed Systems | TRANSP | L |
USRVAR | Variants for Critical Authorizations | TRANSP | E |
USRVARCOM | Variants of Critical Combinations of Authorizations | TRANSP | E |
USRVARCOMT | Short Texts for Variants of Critical Combs of Authorizations | TRANSP | E |
USRVARID | Part List of Variants for Critical Authorizations | TRANSP | E |
USRVART | Short Texts for Variants of Critical Authorizations | TRANSP | E |
USR_FLAGS | Various Flags for Authorization Programs | TRANSP | S |
USSETTINGS | Customizing settings in user maintenance | TRANSP | C |
USSYSTYP | GUM: System Types | TRANSP | C |
USSYSTYPT | GUM: System Type Texts | TRANSP | C |
UST04 | User masters | TRANSP | A |
UST10C | User master: Composite profiles | TRANSP | E |
UST10S | User master: Single profiles | TRANSP | E |
UST12 | User master: Authorizations | TRANSP | E |
USUSER_AGR | GUM: Assignment of Role to User | TRANSP | C |
USUSER_SYS | GUM: Assignment of User (Group) to System (Type) | TRANSP | C |
USZBVLNDRC | CUA: System Landscape Recipient | TRANSP | W |
USZBVLNDSC | CUA: System Landscape Sender | TRANSP | W |
USZBVPROT | CUA: Protocols of the Distribution of Users | TRANSP | L |
USZBVPROTC | CUA: Protocols of the Distribution of Company Addresses | TRANSP | L |
USZBVSYS | CUA: Assignment of Systems to Users | TRANSP | A |
USZBVSYSC | CUA: Assignment of Systems to Company Addresses | TRANSP | A |
Transaction Code | Short Description | Program |
RSUSR_SYS_LIC | Cross-System License Data Info. | |
SALE_CUA | Display ALE Customizing for CUA | RBDSALE2_CUA |
SCUA | Central User Administration | SAPMSCUA |
SCUC | CUA: Synchronize company addresses | RSUSRSCUC |
SCUG | Transfer Users | RSUSLAND |
SCUH | Change Documents for CUA Landscape | RSUSRCUA |
SCUL | Central User Administration Log | SAPMUSLG |
SCUM | Central User Administration | RSUSLAND |
SU0 | Maintain Own Fixed User Values | |
SU01 | User Maintenance | SAPMSUU0 |
SU01D | User Display | SAPMSUU0D |
SU01_NAV | User maint. to include in navigation | SAPMSUU0 |
SU01_OLD | User Maintenance | SAPMSUU0_OLD |
SU02 | Maintain Authorization Profiles | SAPMS01C |
SU03 | Maintain Authorizations | SAPMS01C |
SU1 | Maintain Own User Address | |
SU10 | User Mass Maintenance | SAPMSUU0M |
SU10_OLD | User Mass Maintenance | SAPMSUU0M_OLD |
SU12 | Mass Changes to User Master Records | |
SU2 | Maintain Own User Parameters | |
SU20 | Maintain Authorization Fields | RSU20_NEW |
SU20_BTCH | Maintain Authorization Fields | SAPMSU20 |
SU21 | Maintain Authorization Objects | RSU21_NEW |
SU21_OLD | Maintain Authorization Objects | SAPMS01E |
SU22 | Maintain Authorization Defaults(SAP) | SU2X_MAINTAIN_DEFAULT |
SU3 | Maintain Users Own Data | SAPMSUU0O |
SU3_OLD | Maintain Users Own Data | SAPMSUU0O_OLD |
SU50 | Own data | |
SU51 | Maintain Own User Address | |
SU52 | Maintain Own User Parameters | |
SU53 | Evaluate Authorization Check | SAPMS01G |
SU56 | Analyze User Buffer | SAPMS01U |
SU80 | Archive user change documents | |
SU81 | Archive user password change doc. | |
SU82 | Archive profile documents | |
SU83 | Archive authorization docs. | |
SU84 | Read Archived User Change Documents | RUSH04RD |
SU85 | Read Archived Password Change Doc. | RUSH02RD |
SU86 | Read Profile Change Documents | RUSH10RD |
SU87 | Read Authorization Change Documents | RUSH12RD |
SU96 | Table maint.: Change SUKRIA | |
SU97 | Table maint.: Display SUKRIA | |
SU98 | Call Report RSUSR008 | |
SU99 | Call report RSUSR008 | |
SUCOMP | User company address maintenance | SAPMSCOMP |
SUGR | Maintain User Groups | SAPMSUUG |
SUGRD | Display user groups | SAPMSUUGD |
SUGRD_NAV | Display User Groups | SAPMSUUGD |
SUGR_NAV | Maintain User Groups | SAPMSUUG |
SUUM | Global User Manager | SAPMSUM |
SUUMD | Display User Administration | SAPMSUMD |
SU_REFUSERVARIABLE | Maintain reference user variables | |
SU_VCUSRVAR_CHANGE | Maintain View Cluster VCUSRVAR | |
SU_VCUSRVAR_DISP | Display View Cluster VCUSRVAR | |
S_BCE_68001393 | Users by address data | |
S_BCE_68001394 | Users According to Complex Criteria | |
S_BCE_68001395 | Users According to Complex Criteria | |
S_BCE_68001396 | Users According to Complex Criteria | |
S_BCE_68001397 | Users According to Complex Criteria | |
S_BCE_68001398 | Users According to Complex Criteria | |
S_BCE_68001399 | Users According to Complex Criteria | |
S_BCE_68001400 | Users According to Complex Criteria | |
S_BCE_68001401 | Critical Combinations of Auth. | |
S_BCE_68001402 | With Unsuccessful Logons | |
S_BCE_68001403 | With Critical Authorizations | |
S_BCE_68001404 | Profiles by Contained Profiles | |
S_BCE_68001405 | Profiles by Authorization Name | |
S_BCE_68001406 | Profiles by Values | |
S_BCE_68001407 | Profiles by Changes | |
S_BCE_68001408 | Profiles by Roles | |
S_BCE_68001409 | Profiles According to Complex Crit. | |
S_BCE_68001410 | Auth. Objects According to Complex | |
S_BCE_68001411 | Auth. Objects According to Complex | |
S_BCE_68001412 | Auth. Objects According to Complex | |
S_BCE_68001413 | Auth. Objects According to Complex | |
S_BCE_68001414 | Auth. According to Complex Criteria | |
S_BCE_68001415 | Authorizations by Values | |
S_BCE_68001416 | Authorizations by Changes | |
S_BCE_68001417 | Auth. According to Complex Criteria | |
S_BCE_68001418 | Roles by Role Name | |
S_BCE_68001419 | Roles by User Assignment | |
S_BCE_68001420 | Roles by Transaction Assignment | |
S_BCE_68001421 | Roles by Profile Assignment | |
S_BCE_68001422 | Roles by Authorization Object | |
S_BCE_68001423 | Roles by Authorization Values | |
S_BCE_68001424 | Roles by Change Data | |
S_BCE_68001425 | Roles by Complex Criteria | |
S_BCE_68001426 | Transactions for User | |
S_BCE_68001427 | Transactions for User | |
S_BCE_68001428 | Transactions for User | |
S_BCE_68001429 | Transactions for User | |
S_BCE_68001430 | Compare Users | |
S_BCE_68001431 | Compare Profiles | |
S_BCE_68001432 | Compare Authorizations | |
S_BCE_68001433 | Comparisons | |
S_BCE_68001434 | Where-used lists | |
S_BCE_68001435 | Where-used lists | |
S_BCE_68001436 | Where-used lists | |
S_BCE_68001437 | Where-used lists | |
S_BCE_68001438 | Where-used lists | |
S_BCE_68001439 | For user | |
S_BCE_68001440 | For profiles | |
S_BCE_68001441 | For authorizations | |
S_BCE_68001767 | By Profile Name or Text | |
S_BCE_68001777 | Compare Roles | |
S_BCE_68002030 | Where-Used List for Authorization | |
S_BCE_68002041 | Executable for Role | |
S_BCE_68002111 | Users with Critical Authorizations | |
S_BCE_68002311 | Change Documents for Users | |
S_BIE_59000197 | Report cross-system information | |
S_BIE_59000198 | Report cross-system information | |
S_BIE_59000199 | Report cross-system information | |
S_YI3_39000067 | Where-Used List for Sec. Policies | |
Software Component | SAP_BASIS | SAP Basis Component | |
SAP Release Created in | |||
Application Component | BC-SEC-USR-ADM (HLB0100102) | User and Authorization Management | |
Package | SUSR | ABAP User Administration |