SAP ABAP Package PC03 (HR Payroll: Austria)
Basic Data
Package | PC03 | ||
Short Description | HR Payroll: Austria | ||
Super package | HRCAT | HR Structure Package for Austria (SAP_HRCAT) | |
Main package indicator | Development Package | ||
Created on/by | 00000000 | SAP |
Package Content
Table Name | Short Description | Table Category | Delivery Class |
P03_KSJ_ADM | Administration of Municipal Tax Returns to FinanzOnline | TRANSP | A |
PA0797 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0797 | TRANSP | A |
PA0976 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0976 | TRANSP | A |
PA0978 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0978 | TRANSP | A |
PA0979 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0979 | TRANSP | A |
PC03_SE16N_CD_DA | Table Display: Change Documents - Data | TRANSP | A |
PC03_SE16N_CD_KE | Table Display: Change Documents - Header | TRANSP | A |
PC03_TSKEY | Table Search: Entity Table of Individual Search | TRANSP | S |
T5A1K | ELDA: Record Versions | TRANSP | E |
T5A1L | ELDA: Record Structures | TRANSP | E |
T5A1M | ELDA: Field Conversion | TRANSP | G |
T5A1N | ELDA: Value Conversion | TRANSP | G |
T5A1O | ELDA: Data Records Created | TRANSP | A |
T5A1O_REF | ELDA: Reference Number | TRANSP | A |
T5A1P | ELDA: Data Medium Administration | TRANSP | A |
T5A1Q | ELDA: Confirmed Data Records | TRANSP | A |
T5A1R | ELDA: SAP-Internal Fields | TRANSP | S |
T5A1U | Company Employee Pension Fund | TRANSP | C |
T5A2A | Proportionate Calculations of General Deduction Amount | TRANSP | S |
T5A2G_AD | Assignment of Addresses to Municipalities | TRANSP | C |
T5A2H | Transfer Wage Types to Small or Large Relation Wage Type | TRANSP | C |
T5A2I | Relation-Forming Wage Types | TRANSP | E |
T5A2J | Income Tax According to Effective Pay Scale | TRANSP | E |
T5A71 | L16 Consolidation File | TRANSP | A |
T5A72 | BGN(GKK) Consolidation File | TRANSP | A |
T5A73 | BGN(BVA) Consolidation File | TRANSP | A |
T5A74 | E18 Consolidation File | TRANSP | A |
T5A7A | Field Properties of Payslip Fields | TRANSP | E |
T5A7B | Table of Period-Specific Statuses for Payslip Creation | TRANSP | A |
T5A7C | Table of Person-Specific Statuses for Payslip Creation | TRANSP | A |
T5A7D | Payslip Checking Rules | TRANSP | E |
T5A7E | Payslip Validation Rules | TRANSP | E |
T5A7F | Define Comparison Condition | TRANSP | E |
T5A7G | Payslip AT Assignment Evaluation View Period Time | TRANSP | C |
T5A7I | Transfer Payslip Tax Domestic (L16) | TRANSP | E |
T5A7J | Transfer Payslip Tax Domestic (L16) (Customer Table) | TRANSP | C |
T5A7L | Payslip: Actions/Action Reasons for Payslip Creation | TRANSP | C |
T5A7V | Payslip: Variants for RPUELDA0 | TRANSP | C |
T5A7W | Payslip: Employer Assignment to Company | TRANSP | C |
T5A8A | Civil Servant Group | TRANSP | C |
T5A8B | Civil Servant Group - Texts | TRANSP | C |
T5A8D | Revaluation Factor/Number | TRANSP | C |
T5A8E | Retirement Cause | TRANSP | E |
T5A8F | Retirement Cause - Texts | TRANSP | E |
T5A8G | Deduction for Early Retirement | TRANSP | C |
T5A8H | PRAT Customizing Constant | TRANSP | C |
T5A8HRAT_CLCP_FT | HRAT: Cust. Text Table for Pension Calculation (BAdI Filter) | TRANSP | C |
T5A8HRAT_CLCP_FV | HRAT: Cust. Table for Pension Calculation (BAdI Filter) | TRANSP | C |
T5A8I | Key Date for Total Pensionable Employment Periods | TRANSP | C |
T5A8J | Name of PRAT Constants | TRANSP | C |
T5A9C | Export Wage Types for Subapplications | TRANSP | S |
T5A9D | Definition of Validity of Age Group Rules | TRANSP | C |
T5A9E | Definition of Event Intervals for Age Group Rules | TRANSP | C |
T5A9F | Definition of Full/Half Severance Pay Using Leaving Reasons | TRANSP | C |
T5A9G | Company Number of Union | TRANSP | C |
T5A9M | Multiple Assignment for Municipal Tax | TRANSP | C |
T5A9N | Multiple Assignment for Municipal Tax (Name) | TRANSP | C |
T5AB0 | Sick Leave Certificate: ELDA Opening and Closing Record | TRANSP | A |
T5AB1 | Sick Leave Certificate: ELDA Record KB | TRANSP | A |
T5AGR | Projection Rules (Income Report) | TRANSP | C |
T5AK0 | Wage Groups | TRANSP | E |
T5AK1 | Standard Working Hours | TRANSP | E |
T5AK1T | Text for Standard Working Time | TRANSP | E |
T5AK2 | Flat Rates for Hours Lost | TRANSP | E |
T5AKB | RHC Reference Number | TRANSP | C |
T5AKBT | Text Table for T5AKB | TRANSP | C |
T5APBS20 | Properties for Absence Types for FRSC | TRANSP | C |
T5APBS21 | Name of Law Used for Calculation | TRANSP | E |
T5APF | Implementation for Dynamic Instance Generation | TRANSP | E |
T5ARL | Assignment of Organizations to Base Wage Types | TRANSP | C |
T5AS0 | Usage Groups (Income Statistics) | TRANSP | C |
T5AS0T | Description of Usage Groups (Income Statistics) | TRANSP | C |
T5AS1 | Function Groups (Income Statistics) | TRANSP | C |
T5AS1T | Description of Function Groups (Income Statistics) | TRANSP | C |
T5AS2 | Remuneration Element Type (Income Statistics) | TRANSP | E |
T5AS2T | Description of Remuneration Element Type (Income Statistics) | TRANSP | E |
T5AU0 | Usage Types of Simulation Results | TRANSP | E |
T5AU0T | Usage Types of Simulation Results (Text Table) | TRANSP | E |
Transaction Code | Short Description | Program |
PC00_M03 | Area Menu for Payroll Austria | MENUPC00_M03 |
PC00_M03_CABF | Reserves for Severance Pay/Pension03 | RPCABFA2 |
PC00_M03_CALC | Payroll Austria | RPCALCA0 |
PC00_M03_CALC_SIMU | Payroll Simulation Austria | RPCALCA0 |
PC00_M03_CBET | Tax Local Tax Office 03 | RPCBETA1 |
PC00_M03_CBGN | SI Contrib. Base Statement for GKK | RPCBGNA1 |
PC00_M03_CBRU | Works Council Contribution 03 | RPCBRUA1 |
PC00_M03_CBVA | SI Contribution Statement BVA (Old) | RPCBVAA2 |
PC00_M03_CBVAA1 | SI Contribution Statement BVA (A) | RPCBVAA2 |
PC00_M03_CBVJ | SI Contrib. Base Statement BVA 03 | RPCBGNA1PBS |
PC00_M03_CDTA | Payroll Transfer Prelim.Prog. DME-03 | RPCDTAA0 |
PC00_M03_CEDT | Payroll Remuneration Statement - 03 | RPCEDTA0 |
PC00_M03_CEFZ | Reimb. Applications EFZG 03 | RPCEFZA1 |
PC00_M03_CEKS | Income Report | RPCEKSA0 |
PC00_M03_CEKS_T | Income Report from TemSe | RPCEKSA0_TEMSE |
PC00_M03_CGWB | Union 03 | RPCGWBA2 |
PC00_M03_CIST | Economic Statistics 03 | RPCISTA0 |
PC00_M03_CJUB | Reserves for Anniversary Pymts 03 | RPCJUBA1 |
PC00_M03_CKSG | List of Issued Sickness Certs 03 | RPCKSGA0 |
PC00_M03_CKSJ | Tax: Municipal Tax 03 | RPCKSJA1 |
PC00_M03_CKSM | Tax: Municipal Tax 03 | RPCKSMA1 |
PC00_M03_CKTO | Wage Type Edit for Payroll Acc. 03 | RPCKTOA0 |
PC00_M03_CL16 | Tax Payslip L16 03 | RPCL16A2 |
PC00_M03_CLJN | Wage Types-Edit Payroll Journal 03 | RPCLJNA0 |
PC00_M03_CLPC | Absence Cal. - Country-Spec. Part 03 | RPCLPCA0 |
PC00_M03_CLSTAE | Display Garnish. Result Cluster AE | RPCLSTAE |
PC00_M03_CLSTAF | Display Garnish. Direct. Cluster AF | RPCLSTAF |
PC00_M03_CLSTEF | Proc. Lists Reimb. Appls EFZG 03 | RPCLSTEF |
PC00_M03_CLSTKN | Display Cluster KN - First Illnesses | RPCLSTKN |
PC00_M03_CLSTLZ | Processed Lists - Payslip L16 03 | RPCLSTLZ |
PC00_M03_CLSTNS | Display Cluster NS: Heavy Labor NS | RPCLSTNS |
PC00_M03_CLSTRA | Display Payroll Results | RPCLSTRA |
PC00_M03_CMLIA0 | Cash Breakdown List Payment Int. | |
PC00_M03_CPCN | Absence Type Search in Calendar 03 | RPCPCNA0 |
PC00_M03_CPDRA0 | Third-Party Debtor Decl. Sec. 301 AO | RPCPDRA0 |
PC00_M03_CPFA | Statement for Support Payment | RPCPFAA0 |
PC00_M03_CPGTA0 | Creditor Notif. Remaining Debt 03 | RPCPGTA0 |
PC00_M03_CPL1A0 | Evaluation of Garnishment Results | RPCPL2A0RA |
PC00_M03_CSPUA0 | SP Entitl.Transfer from Payroll Acc. | RPCSPUA0 |
PC00_M03_CSVB | SI Contribution Statement GKK 03 | RPCSVBA2 |
PC00_M03_CUBS | Employer-Dependent Tax Vienna 03 | RPCUBSA0RA |
PC00_M03_CURL | Leave Reserves 03 | RPCURLA1 |
PC00_M03_FFOP | Data Medium Transfer Format V3 | RPU_M03_FFOU |
PC00_M03_FFOU | Create Payroll Transfer DME 03 | RPU_M03_FFOU |
PC00_M03_IBGA | SI Contr. Group Transfer (Age-Dep.) | RPIBGAA0 |
PC00_M03_IKSG | Sick. Cert. BI - Sick Cert. Fee 03 | RPIKSGA0 |
PC00_M03_IKSH | Sickness Certs BI: Sickness Certs 03 | RPIKSHA0 |
PC00_M03_ILSK | New Tax Rates 03 | RPILSKA0 |
PC00_M03_IPEN | Pension Calculation | RPIPENA0 |
PC00_M03_ISMR | Simulation Results for Reserve | RPISMRA0 |
PC00_M03_JAHRLICHE | Area menu-Annual subsequent activity | MENUPC00_M03_JAHRLICHE |
PC00_M03_KB2A | Upload PC File for KB | RPCKSBA0_B2A |
PC00_M03_KMAT | Compare KB Notification with IT2001 | RPCKSBA0_MAT |
PC00_M03_LKPH | Print Sickness Certificates 03 | RPLKPHA0 |
PC00_M03_PAP | Area Menu: Subs. Activ. per Payr. | MENUPC00_M03_PAP |
PC00_M03_PDUNABHAGIG | Area menu - Period-indep. subs. act. | MENUPC00_M03_PDUNABHAGIG |
PC00_M03_PLZA0 | Check Infotype Addresses (0006) | RPUPLZA0 |
PC00_M03_SONSPERIOD | Area menu - Subs. activities, other | MENUPC00_M03_SONSPERIOD |
PC00_M03_SZV_RA | Pay on Account Using IT 0015 for SP | RPISZVA0 |
PC00_M03_TGEN | Generation of Personal Calendar 03 | RPTGENA0 |
PC00_M03_TNSH | Nightshifts of Heavy Labor 03 | RPTNSHA0 |
PC00_M03_UELD | ELDA Data Medium 03 | RPUELDA0 |
PC00_M03_UNSH | External Data Transfer to Cluster NS | RPUNSHA0 |
PC03 | Area Menu for Payroll Austria | MENUPC03 |
PCALZ | HR AT Joint Payslip | SAPMPCALZ |
S_L6B_69000312 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_L6D_84000021 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_L6D_84000023 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_L7D_24000045 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_L7D_24000187 | IMG Activity: OHAAL16_0232 | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
Software Component | SAP_HRCAT | Sub component SAP_HRCAT of SAP_HR | |
SAP Release Created in | |||
Application Component | PY-AT (HLA0003741) | Austria | |
Package | PC03 | HR Payroll: Austria |