SAP ABAP IMG Activity SIMG_LTRM_USEXIT002 (Change Request Based on Transfer Order)
EA-APPL (Software Component) SAP Enterprise Extension PLM, SCM, Financials
   LE-TRM (Application Component) Task & Resource Management
     LESI (Package) LES - TRM Interface Package
IMG Activity
ID SIMG_LTRM_USEXIT002 Change Request Based on Transfer Order  
Transaction Code S_DTR_07000021   IMG Activity: SIMG_LTRM_USEXIT002 
Created on 20010208    
Customizing Attributes SIMG_LTRM_USEXIT002   Change Request based on Transfer Ord 
Customizing Activity SIMG_LTRM_USEXIT002   Change Request based on Transfer Order 
Document Class SIMG   Hypertext: Object Class - Class to which a document belongs.
Document Name LTRM_RQST_DPND    


As soon as the LES system has created a transfer order (TO), it transmits the transfer order data to TRM, which uses the transmitted data to create a request for the transfer order. You can modify the created request at this stage using BAdI LTRM_TO_RQST_CHANGE.

You can use this BAdI to do the following:

  1. Change the request header (due date and due time)
  2. Change the request item processing mode (set the urgency indicator)
  3. Change the request activity (For example from Move to Replenishment)
  4. Change the request source HU-type
  5. Add additional request items
  6. Add request dependencies

Note that the use of this BAdI is restricted to intra-TO dependencies. You can only combine items of one single transfer order. If you want to combine items of several different transfer orders (inter-TO dependencies), use BAdI LTRM_GRP_RQST_CHANGE.

If you have already added user-defined fields to the request header, request items or request dependencies, you can also use LTRM_TO_RQST_CHANGE to fill these user-defined fields.

To change the request, this BAdI refers to the following data:

  • TO header (IS_LTAK)
  • TO item (IT_LTAPVB)
  • Delivery data (IT_DELIVERIES)
  • Request header (IT_LIRQH)
  • Request items (IT_LIRQI)
  • Request dependencies (IT_LIRQD)

You can change the due date and due time data in the request header information by returning the following:

  • EV_DUEDT (due date)
  • EV_DUETM (due time)

You can change the request item data by adding lines to IT_LIRQI and returning them via ET_LIRQI. You cannot delete request items that were created for the transfer order.

You can change the request item priority, activity and source HU-type in the request item by changing these fields in the corresponding item entry:

  • IT_LIRQI-PRSMD (Presentation Mode - standard or urgent)
  • IT_LIRQI-RQACT (Request Activity - for example, move and replenishment)
  • IT_LIRQI-HUTYPHUS (Source HU-type - based on this HU-type, TRM finds valid resource types for the task during task selection. If using mandatory routes, the HU-type must always be filled in the request. If there is no HU-type in the request, mandatory routes will only work if a route for HU-type ** is defined.)

You can add/change request dependencies by returning ET_LIRQD.

Note that LES does not transmit any information to the request dependencies table when the system creates the request. Thus this table is always empty and you can use the BAdI to define your own dependencies.


LES transmits a transfer order with three items to TRM. You want to bundle these TO items together, and thus you need to add a fourth request item for bundling. In order to do this, you add the following information in one line to the request items:

et_lirqi-locat     = 0001     TRM location

et_lirqi-orglv1dc     = 01    Document type TO

et_lirqi-orglv2dc    = is_ltak-lgnum.    Warehouse number

et_lirqi-orglv3dc    = is_ltak-tanum.    TO number

et_lirqi-docit    = 4    4th item

et_lirqi-rqity    = 03    Fixed value for bundle (see domain of the field)

et_lirqi-rqity    = 02    Fixed value for picking (see domain of the field)

Then create 3 request dependencies as follows:

et_lirqd-docpr    = TO-number

et_lirqd-ditpr    = 4.

et_lirqd-docsr    = TO-Number.

et_lirqd-ditsr    = 1    For all original items 1,2,3

et_lirqd-reltn    = FS    Finish-Start (See domain)

This means that firstly, the original three request items have to be picked and then bundled together. Request item 4 is only executed after the first three request items are complete (start-finish).


Standard settings


Use only A- or S-messages within the BAdI.

We recommend including TYPE-POOL trmgc in your BAdI coding. All constants valid for TRM are set in this type pool. The coding becomes more transparent if you do not need to set the corresponding values.

Example: Use trmgc_docty_request instead of value 05.


Further notes

The sample coding works as follows:

You must start with a delivery. If the External identification of delivery note field of the delivery header (LIKP-LIFEX) that can be found on the tap Administration of the delivery header contains a pattern

  • *TRM*U*, the request will be flagged as U(urgent)
  • *TRM*B*, a B(bundle) will be created for all TO items that are derived from this delivery. The bundle will be created as described in the above example (it will have a finish-start relationship with all the items already on the transfer order). The bundle's request type will be Pick and Pack.
  • *TRM*B*O*, an additional O(operation) will be added. This only works together with a B(bundle).

Note that the External identification of delivery note field is only used here to illustrate how the BAdI works based on different inputs.

Business Attributes
ASAP Roadmap ID 257   Create User Exits 
Mandatory / Optional 2   Optional activity 
Critical / Non-Critical 2   Non-critical 
Country-Dependency A   Valid for all countries 
Maintenance Objects
Maintenance object type E   Business Add-In - Definition 
Last changed by/on SAP  20020125 
SAP Release Created in 46C