SAP ABAP IMG Activity PT_TMW_SCRA_RC_105 (Define Layout of Dominants)
EA-HRRXX (Software Component) Sub component EA-HRRXX of EA-HR
   PT-RC (Application Component) Time Data Recording and Administration
     PAOC_TIM_TMW_IMG (Package) TMW: IMG
IMG Activity
ID PT_TMW_SCRA_RC_105 Define Layout of Dominants  
Transaction Code S_PLN_16000144   (empty) 
Created on 20020410    
Customizing Attributes PT_TMW_SCRA_RC_105   Define Layout of Dominants 
Customizing Activity PT_TMW_SCRA_RC_105   Define Layout of Dominants 
Document Class SIMG   Hypertext: Object Class - Class to which a document belongs.
Document Name PT_TMW_SCRA_RC_105    


In this activity, you determine which information you want to output in the dominant line of the daily, weekly, and monthly calendar. You can vary the quantity of information displayed according to the calendar type.

You can output fields from the following infotypes in the dominant line:

  • Planned Working Time infotype (0007)
  • Absences infotype (2001)
  • Attendances infotype (2002)
  • Substitutions infotype (2003)

You can also output customer-specific fields in the dominant line. There are three text fields and three hours fields which you can fill using the SAP enhancement PTIMTMW. For more information, see the Implementation Guide for Time Management under Time Manager's Workplace -> Screen Areas -> Time Data Maintenance -> Use Customer Enhancement to Fill Fields.

Note: It is usually not advisable to output the dominant in the annual calendar since the information displayed there is output again either with the planned time or the time data. You are therefore recommended not to output any dominants in the annual calendar.

You subsequently assign the field selections you create here to the required profiles in the Assign Field Selections to Profiles activity.


Standard settings

The dominant for a day, which you are familiar with from the list-oriented views, is always displayed. The time data ID or the text for the dominant is output, depending on the width of the column.


  1. Choose New Entries.
  2. Create a field selection for the daily, weekly, and monthly calendars, and assign a name that is easily identifiable. Do not make entries in the Number of fixed columns and Number of hierarchy levels fields.
  3. Choose ENTER and select a field selection.
  4. Double-click Field Customizing in the dialog structure.
  5. Choose Choose fields.
  6. Choose the fields you want to output.
  7. Determine the sequence of the fields. You are recommended to sort the information according to importance.
  8. Choose Continue.
  9. If required, specify whether you want to display the value or the text for the time data in the Display type field. If you do not make an entry, the system automatically uses the value.
  10. Do not make entries in the remaining fields. These fields (Display Length, Ready For Input, Required Entry, Update, Sort Field, Sort in Descending Order, Totaling, and Suppress Output) are not relevant for this activity.
  11. Save your entries.


Business Attributes
ASAP Roadmap ID 204   Establish Functions and Processes 
Mandatory / Optional 1   Mandatory activity 
Critical / Non-Critical 2   Non-critical 
Country-Dependency A   Valid for all countries 
Assigned Application Components
Documentation Object Class Documentation Object Name Current line number Application Component Application Component Name
SIMG PT_TMW_SCRA_RC_105 0 HLA0009704 Personnel Time Management 
Maintenance Objects
Maintenance object type C   Customizing Object 
Assigned objects
Customizing Object Object Type Transaction Code Sub-object Do not Summarize Skip Subset Dialog Box Description for multiple selections
Last changed by/on SAP  20020425 
SAP Release Created in 110