SAP ABAP Class CL_BSP_ELEMENT (BSP Element Basis Class)
SAP_BASIS (Software Component) SAP Basis Component
   BC-BSP (Application Component) Business Server Pages
     SBSP_EXTENSIONS (Package) BSP Extensions
Meta Relationship - Using
# Relationship type Using Short Description Created on
1 Interface implementation (CLASS c. INTERFACES i_ref)  IF_BSP_BEE BSP Extension Expression 20020410
2 Interface implementation (CLASS c. INTERFACES i_ref)  IF_BSP_ELEMENT Basis Interface for BSP Element 20011026
Meta Relationship - Used By
# Relationship type Used by Short Description Created on
1 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_CHART Base: 20020313
2 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_TITLE Base: 20020313
3 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_PLOTAREA Base: 20020313
4 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_OBJECT Base: 20020806
5 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_NETPROXY Base: 20020513
6 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_NET Base: 20020513
7 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_NATIVEXML Base: 20020313
8 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_MAP Base: 20020805
9 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_LEGEND Base: 20020313
10 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_ENVELOPE Base: 20020805
... Click here to see Used By full list (91 items)
Short Description BSP Element Basis Class    
Super Class    
Instantiability of a Class 2  Public 
General Data
Message Class    
Program status S  System Program 
Category 0   
Package SBSP_EXTENSIONS   BSP Extensions 
Created 20011026   SAP 
Last change 20011026   SAP 
Shared Memory-enabled    
Fixed point arithmetic    
Unicode checks active    
Forward declarations
Class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no forward declaration.
# Interface Abstract Final Description Created on
1 IF_BSP_BEE BSP Extension Expression 20020410
2 IF_BSP_ELEMENT Basis Interface for BSP Element 20011026
# Friend Modeled only Created on Description
1 CL_BSP_PAGE_CONTEXT 20011109 Business Server Pages (BSP) Page Context
# Attribute Level Visibility Read only Typing Associated Type Initial Value Description Created on
1 CO_ELEMENT_CONTINUE Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20011026
2 CO_ELEMENT_DONE Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20011026
3 CO_PAGE_CONTINUE Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20011026
4 CO_PAGE_DONE Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20011026
5 H_ELEMENT_PROCESS_STATUS Instance attribute Private Attribute reference (LIKE) IF_BSP_PAGE_CONTEXT->ELEMENT_PROCESS( ) 20020430
6 ID Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20011026
7 M_CLASS_NAME Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20011026
8 M_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTES Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20020430
9 M_EXTENSION Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20011107
10 M_NAME Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20011026
11 M_OUT Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20011026
12 M_PAGE_CONTEXT Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20011026
13 M_PARENT Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20011026
14 M_VALIDATOR Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20011029
# Method Level Visibility Method type Description Created on
1 COMPILE_TIME_IS_VALID Instance method Public Method 20011027
2 DO_AT_BEGINNING Instance method Public Method 20011026
3 DO_AT_END Instance method Public Method 20011026
4 DO_AT_ITERATION Instance method Public Method 20011026
5 DO_SET_DATA Instance method Public Method 20030517
6 GET_CLASS_NAMED_PARENT Instance method Public Method 20011027
7 GET_DIRECT_PARENT Instance method Public Method 20011027
8 GET_ELEMENT_NAMED_PARENT Instance method Public Method 20011027
9 GET_PREVIOUS_OUT Instance method Public Method m_out->PREVIOUS_WRITER( ) 20011028
10 PRINT_STRING Instance method Public Method m_out->PREVIOUS_WRITER( )->PRINT_STRING( ) 20030420
11 RAISE_ERROR Instance method Public Method 20011027
12 RUNTIME_IS_VALID Instance method Public Method 20011027
Class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no event.
Class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no local type.
Method Signatures


Method COMPILE_TIME_IS_VALID on class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no parameter.
Method COMPILE_TIME_IS_VALID on class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no exception.

Method DO_AT_BEGINNING Signature

Method DO_AT_BEGINNING on class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no parameter.
Method DO_AT_BEGINNING on class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no exception.

Method DO_AT_END Signature

Method DO_AT_END on class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no parameter.
Method DO_AT_END on class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no exception.

Method DO_AT_ITERATION Signature

Method DO_AT_ITERATION on class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no parameter.
Method DO_AT_ITERATION on class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no exception.

Method DO_SET_DATA Signature

Method DO_SET_DATA on class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no parameter.
Method DO_SET_DATA on class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no exception.


Method GET_CLASS_NAMED_PARENT on class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no parameter.
Method GET_CLASS_NAMED_PARENT on class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no exception.

Method GET_DIRECT_PARENT Signature

Method GET_DIRECT_PARENT on class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no parameter.
Method GET_DIRECT_PARENT on class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no exception.


Method GET_ELEMENT_NAMED_PARENT on class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no parameter.
Method GET_ELEMENT_NAMED_PARENT on class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no exception.

Method GET_PREVIOUS_OUT Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning OUT Value transfer Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_BSP_WRITER Interface zum Schreiben von Seiteninhalt 20011028

Method GET_PREVIOUS_OUT on class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no exception.

Method PRINT_STRING Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing HTML Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) STRING 20030420

Method PRINT_STRING on class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no exception.

Method RAISE_ERROR Signature

Method RAISE_ERROR on class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no parameter.
Method RAISE_ERROR on class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no exception.

Method RUNTIME_IS_VALID Signature

Method RUNTIME_IS_VALID on class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no parameter.
Method RUNTIME_IS_VALID on class CL_BSP_ELEMENT has no exception.
Meta Relationship - Used By (full list)
# Relationship type Used by Short Description Created on
1 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_CHART Base: 20020313
2 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_TITLE Base: 20020313
3 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_PLOTAREA Base: 20020313
4 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_OBJECT Base: 20020806
5 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_NETPROXY Base: 20020513
6 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_NET Base: 20020513
7 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_NATIVEXML Base: 20020313
8 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_MAP Base: 20020805
9 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_LEGEND Base: 20020313
10 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_ENVELOPE Base: 20020805
11 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_DATA Base: 20020313
12 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_CUSTOM Base: 20020313
13 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_HCMLSO_BREADCRUMB Base: 20031014
14 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_GRAPHICS_BACKGROUND Base: 20020313
15 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_F88E709E6F2D4275E50AE2AC43 Base: <:formLayoutSearch> 20040120
16 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_F7AD7C5A149E6BBD45535A6EA4 Base: 20040812
17 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_ERPSLS_BSP_LIBRARY_SELAREA Base: 20031219
18 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_ERPSLS_BSP_LIBRARY_MINTIF Base: 20040307
19 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_ERPSLS_BSP_LIBRARY_MIF Base: 20040302
20 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_ERPSLS_BSP_LIBRARY_MDDLB Base: 20040303
21 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_EF75D83A85483E56F527751640 Base: 20040305
22 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_E2E827DAF79203D4B83ACD216D Base: 20040126
23 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_DFBB2DB4FE68D7A0A536274F70 Base: 20020405
24 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_UMB_WIZARD_INPUT Base: 20020607
25 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_HTMLB_ELEMENT Base 20020527
26 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_ERPSLS_MULTILINK Element Handler: 20040305
27 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_CRM_BSP_LIBRARY_ELEMENT Basis Class for CRM BSP Elements. 20020405
28 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_CHTMLB_CONFIG_TAG_TEMPL Tag Template 20091003
29 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_BTF_BSP_ELEMENT Basis Class for BTF BSP Elements: 20020716
30 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_BSP_DELTA_HANDLER BSP Extension Delta Handler 20020322
31 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLX_BSP_EXTENSION_TEST_ELEMENT Base Elements 20011029
32 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_XSLT_PARAM Base: 20011027
33 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_XSLT_APPLY Base: 20011027
34 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_UMB_WIZARD_INPUTWITHF4 Base: 20030123
35 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_UMB_WIZARD_INPUTFIELD Base: 20020809
36 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_C53FD45BAB367609704323C4E9 Base: 20020405
37 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_UMB_WIZARD_ICONBUTTON Base: 20020521
38 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_UMB_WIZARD_DROPDOWN Base: 20020524
39 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_SRM_SYNC Base: 20020111
40 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_SRM_ELEMENT Base: 20030108
41 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_HCMLSO_TRAY Base: 20031013
42 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_HCMLSO_STATUSTEXT Base: 20031014
43 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_HCMLSO_SKIPOPTION Base: 20031015
44 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_HCMLSO_SECTION Base: 20031013
45 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_HCMLSO_MESSAGES Base: 20031013
46 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_HCMLSO_DYNAMICTEXT Base: 20031017
47 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_2F51A6F604C5D782A971632662 Base: 20020405
48 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_BENCHMARK_EXCLUDE Base: 20011027
49 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_BENCHMARK_DURATION Base: 20011027
50 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_BALANCEDSCORCARD_ELEMENT Base: 20020927
51 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_9C32FD32FCA9FF7041CDF7C86B Base: 20020405
52 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_91DD7B81DF6B5366A35E3AB55A Base: 20040126
53 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_917B1260236D3C7C01EF0FC397 Base: 20020405
54 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_79D339960E4968AF4C5B8CA629 Base: 20020405
55 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_62BBC14E241314A80F7D412031 Base: 20020405
56 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_519AE2BE1B9336BB9D28F8C519 Base: 20040816
57 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_44385687A60AB51534CE2640DD Base: 20040812
58 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_40384665CC53759674CDFF2A83 Base: 20020405
60 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_15E18D2E77ABF62BBD0397EF6D Base: 20020405
61 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_09887EA475B70ED44495C8DB19 Base: 20020614
62 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_00E9AEF4E5611A3C0FA7EB205F Base: 20020405
63 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  /IPRO/CLG_DOCB_VARIABLE_LIST Base: 20031222
64 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  /IPRO/CLG_DOCB_TREE Base: 20040507
65 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  /IPRO/CLG_DOCB_TOOLBAR Base: 20040614
66 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  /IPRO/CLG_DOCB_TEXT_VIEW Base: 20040521
67 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  /IPRO/CLG_DOCB_TABLE_VIEW Base: 20040209
68 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  /IPRO/CLG_DOCB_EDITOR Base: 20050922
69 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  /IPRO/CLG_DOCB_DOCUMENTBODY Base: 20040324
70 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_BSP_GOTO Base: 20011029
71 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_C0A289F170A88633999C4BD699 Base: 20020405
72 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_BSP_VIEWAREA Base: 20020427
73 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_BSP_VIEW Base: 20020427
74 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_BSP_TESTSUITE Base: 20030415
75 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_BSP_TESTCASE Base: 20030415
76 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_BSP_PORTALEVENT Base: 20040317
77 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_BSP_PARAMETER Base: 20011029
78 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_BSP_LOGOFF_APPLICATIONS Base: 20020228
79 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_BSP_KWLINK Base: 20020721
80 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_BSP_HTMLBEVENT Base: 20040708
81 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  /IPRO/CLG_A995F03884EF09A97928 Base: 20040120
82 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_BSP_FINDANDREPLACE Base: 20021113
83 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_BSP_DELTAHANDLERBLOCK Base: 20020614
84 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_BSP_CALL Base: 20011029
85 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_BSP_BEE Base: 20020420
86 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_BSPEXTTEST_WRITERREQUIRED Base: 20020405
87 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_BSPEXTTEST_COMPOSITE Base: 20020405
88 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_BSPEXTTEST_COMPLEX Base: 20020610
90 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_BSPEXTTEST_BODYEMPTY Base: 20020405
91 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CLG_BSPEXTTEST_BODYBSP Base: 20020405
Last changed by/on SAP  20011026 
SAP Release Created in 620