SAP ABAP Application Component IS-H (SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals)
Basic Data
Application Component I010004200  
Application Component ID IS-H  
Short Description   SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals  
First Release Date 19960118 
First Release   30B 
Contained Application Component
Application Component ID Short Description Application Component
IS-H-ACM SAP Ambulatory Care Management  ANI0000001 
IS-H-ACM-ADM Administration  ANI2000002 
IS-H-ACM-BIL Billing  ANI2000004 
IS-H-ACM-PLN Planning  ANI2000001 
IS-H-ACM-TMT Treatment  ANI2000003 
IS-H-BD Basic Data  I010004201 
IS-H-BD-BUS Business Partners  I010004209 
IS-H-BD-CAT Catalogs  I010004211 
IS-H-BD-CWS Clinical Work Station  KK43000011 
IS-H-BD-SER Service Master Data  I010004210 
IS-H-BD-STR Hospital Structure  I010004208 
IS-H-CM Communication  I010004207 
IS-H-CM-INS Communication with Systems Inside the Hospital  I010004232 
IS-H-CM-OUT Communication with Systems Outside the Hospital  I010004233 
IS-H-CO Integration with Controlling  I010004205 
IS-H-CO-CCA Cost Center Accounting  I010004227 
IS-H-CO-MDA Controlling Master Data  I010004226 
IS-H-CO-OBJ Cost Object Controlling  I010004229 
IS-H-CO-PRO Profit Center Accounting  I010004228 
IS-H-IS Information System  I010004206 
IS-H-IS-BW Business Information Warehouse Interface  I500000260 
IS-H-IS-EIS Integration with Executive Information System  I041002011 
IS-H-IS-GMS Government-Mandated Statistics  I010004230 
IS-H-IS-STA Other Statistics  I010004231 
IS-H-MD Medical/Nursing Documentation  I010004203 
IS-H-MD-DOC Basic Medical/Nursing Documentation  I010004218 
IS-H-MD-MRM Medical Record Management  I010004219 
IS-H-MM Integration with Materials Management  I041002031 
IS-H-MM-MD Master Data  I041002032 
IS-H-MM-REQ Material Requisition  I041002033 
IS-H-PA Patient Accounting  I010004204 
IS-H-PA-BIL Billing  I010004225 
IS-H-PA-COP Copayment  I010004223 
IS-H-PA-DPA Down Payment  I010004224 
IS-H-PA-INS Insurance Relationship  I010004220 
IS-H-PA-SER Services  I010004221 
IS-H-PA-VER Insurance Verification  I010004222 
IS-H-PM Patient Management  I010004202 
IS-H-PM-CUM Care Unit Management  I010004216 
IS-H-PM-GEN General Case Processing  I010004215 
IS-H-PM-INP Inpatient Case  I010004213 
IS-H-PM-OCM Outpatient Clinic Management  I010004217 
IS-H-PM-OUT Outpatient Case  I010004214 
IS-H-PM-PAT Patient Master Data  I010004212 
IS-H-PM-PLN Planning  KK4H000031 
IS-H-TO Tools  I041002051 
IS-HER-CM Campus Management  AHR0000560 
IS-HER-CM-AC Student Accounting  KI47000003 
IS-HER-CM-AD Administration  KI47000002 
IS-HER-CM-GB United Kingdom  KI47000001 
IS-HER-CM-US USA  KK48000001 
IS-HMED Clinical System  I010004300 
IS-HMED-BD Extended Basic Data  I010004301 
IS-HMED-BD-CWS Clinical Work Station  KK43000012 
IS-HMED-BD-DC Document Categories for PC Tools  I010004311 
IS-HMED-BD-DWS Documentation Work Station  ANI2000011 
IS-HMED-BD-EM Employees (Business Partners)  I510000034 
IS-HMED-BD-OU Organizational Units  I510000031 
IS-HMED-BD-PD Parameterized Document Categories  I010004308 
IS-HMED-BD-RE Request  I510000033 
IS-HMED-BD-SM Clinical Service Master  I510000032 
IS-HMED-CM Extended Communication  I010004322 
IS-HMED-CO Clinical Order  KK4H000001 
IS-HMED-CO-BD Basic Data  KK4H000002 
IS-HMED-CO-EN Order Entry  KK4H000003 
IS-HMED-CO-MG Order Management  KK4H000004 
IS-HMED-CP Clinical Patient Management  KK4H000021 
IS-HMED-CP-CR Case Processing  KK4H000022 
IS-HMED-CX Connectivity  PRI1000001 
IS-HMED-DO Clinical Documentation  I010004303 
IS-HMED-DO-CD Clinical Diagnoses  I010004309 
IS-HMED-DO-DO Documents  I010004328 
IS-HMED-DO-EX Examination and Lab Results  I010004310 
IS-HMED-ME Medication  KK43000001 
IS-HMED-ME-BD Medication Master Data  ANI2000012 
IS-HMED-ME-OR Medication Order  ANI2000013 
IS-HMED-MR Medical Rounds  KK43000031 
IS-HMED-MR-VS Vital Signs  KK43000021 
IS-HMED-MRO Medical Patient Data Organization (Patient Organizer)  I500000261 
IS-HMED-NU Nursing  I010004323 
IS-HMED-NU-BD Basic Nursing Data  I510000036 
IS-HMED-NU-DO Nursing Documentation  I010004324 
IS-HMED-NU-EV Nursing Evaluations  I010004325 
IS-HMED-NU-SM Nursing Service Management  I510000037 
IS-HMED-OR Surgery System  I010004312 
IS-HMED-OR-BD Basic Surgery Data  I010004326 
IS-HMED-OR-DO OR Documentation  I010004313 
IS-HMED-OR-EV OR Evaluations  I010004321 
IS-HMED-OR-PL Surgery Planning  I010004327 
IS-HMED-OR-PR OR Schedule / Service Management  I510000035 
IS-HMED-PM Perinatal Medicine  I041002021 
IS-HMED-PM-BD Basic Perinatal Data  I041002022 
IS-HMED-PM-DO Perinatal Documentation  I041002023 
IS-HMED-PM-EV Perinatal Evaluations  I041002024 
IS-HMED-PT Patient Transport Service  I500000210 
IS-HMED-PW Pathways  KK4H000011 
IS-HMED-PW-BD Basic Data  KK4H000012 
IS-HMED-PW-CM Communication  KK4H000015 
IS-HMED-PW-EV Evaluations  KK4H000014 
IS-HMED-PW-SM Use of Treatment Pathways  KK4H000013 
IS-HMED-RA Radiology  CI40000001 
IS-HMED-RA-BD Basic Data  CI40000002 
IS-HMED-RA-CM Communication  CI40000006 
IS-HMED-RA-DO Documentation  CI40000004 
IS-HMED-RA-EV Evaluations  CI40000005 
IS-HMED-RA-SM Planning/Service Management  CI40000003 
IS-HMED-SC Planning  I041002041 
IS-HMED-SC-DS Day-Based Planning  I041002043 
IS-HMED-SC-PR Preregistration  I041002042 
IS-HMED-SC-TS Time-Based Planning  I041002044 
IS-HMED-SM Service Management  I010004302 
IS-HMED-SM-CU Care Unit Support  I010004305 
IS-HMED-SM-OC Outpatient Clinic Support  I010004306 
IS-HMED-SM-SF Service Facility Support  I010004307 
IS-HMED-ST Clinical Statistics/Evaluations  I010004304 
IS-HMED-ST-CD Evaluations for Clinical Documentation  I510000038 
IS-HMED-ST-MD Master Data Evaluations  I010004319 
IS-HMED-ST-SE Service Evaluations  I010004320 
IS-HT Industry Solution High Tech  /SAPHT/EGG1000001 
IS-HT-DRM Distributor-Reseller-Management  /SAPHT/EGG1000003 
IS-HT-DRM-AM Agreement Management  /SAPHT/EGG1000012 
IS-HT-DRM-AP Assembly Processing  /SAPHT/EGG1000015 
IS-HT-DRM-CM Claims Management  /SAPHT/EGG1000011 
IS-HT-DRM-COM Communication  /SAPHT/EGG1000017 
IS-HT-DRM-IM Inventory Management  /SAPHT/EGG1000013 
IS-HT-DRM-IS Information System  /SAPHT/EGG1000016 
IS-HT-DRM-RT Returns  /SAPHT/EGG1000014 
IS-HT-MES Manufacturing Execution System  /SAPHT/EGG1000004 
IS-HT-RN RosettaNet  /SAPHT/KA51000001 
IS-HT-SW Software Management  /SAPHT/EGG1000002 
IS-HT-SW-BIL Billing  /SAPHT/EGG1000008 
IS-HT-SW-CM Contract Management  /SAPHT/EGG1000007 
IS-HT-SW-IB Installed Base Management  /SAPHT/EGG1000006 
IS-HT-SW-LIC Software License Management  /SAPHT/EGG1000005 
IS-HT-SW-RR Revenue Recognition  /SAPHT/EGG1000010 
IS-HT-SW-SMP Software Maintenance Processing  /SAPHT/EGG1000009 

Contained Package
Package Short Description
EWUH IS-H: EMU Development for IS-H 
IS-H Structure Package for IS-H 
IS-H_MIF Structure Pagage for Medical Interface (Call ISH*MED) 
N1DWS IS-H: Documentation Work Station Framework TSA 
N2DE IS-H: Entwicklungen GSD für die Landesversion DE 
N2DWS IS-H: Documentation Work Station Framework GSD 
N2MED IS-H: GSD Development 
N2_BASEITEM_DEF IS-H: DWS Base Item Definition 
N2_BASEITEM_IMP IS-H: DWS Base Item Implementation IS-H 
NACH IS-H: Application Components 
NAT1_PRX_SVC Anwendungsentwicklung Krankenhaussystem AT - SVC Proxy 
NAT1_PRX_SVO Anwendungsentwicklung Krankenhaussystem AT - SVC Proxy alt 
NCAN IS-H: Country Version Canada 
NCFT_SE IS-H: Composite Fasttrack Service Enabling 
NCH1 IS-H: Landesversion Schweiz 
NCOUNTRY IS-H: Main Package for Country Versions 
NDE1 IS-H: Landesversion Deutschland 
NDWS IS-H: Documentation Work Station Framework and Gen. Process. 
NDWS_MAIN IS-H: Main Package for Documentation Work Station 
NEHIC IS-H: European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) 
NEO1 IS-H: External Order 
NFR1 IS-H: Country Version France 
NMED_DWS IS-H: Documentation Work Station Framework 
NMED_DWS_COMP IS-H: Documentation Work Station Components 
NMIF IS-H: Medical Interface (Call IS-H*MED) 
NNL2 Anwendungsentwicklung Krankenhaussystem Niederlande 2 
NNL3 Anwendungsentwicklung Krankenhaussystem Niederlande 2 
NPRE IS-H: Preconfigured Systems 
NSG1 IS-H: Country Version Singapore 
NSG2 IS-H: Objects for Singapore (Exclusively) 
NUH1 IS-H: Hospital Basic Data (Data Model) 
N_NO_SWITCH IS-H: Non-Switched Switchable Objects 
N_OUTPATIENT IS-H: SAP Ambulatory Care Management 
N_OUTPATIENT_MAIN IS-H: Main Package for SAP Ambulatory Care Management 
Software Component IS-H  SAP Healthcare 
SAP Release Created in