Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP View MARCW (View for Logical Database)
SAP ABAP View MARCW (View for Logical Database) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  MARC - ALTSL Method for Selecting Alternative Bills of Material
2 Table/Structure Field  MARC - ALTSL Method for Selecting Alternative Bills of Material
3 Table/Structure Field  MARC - ATPKZ Replacement part
4 Table/Structure Field  MARC - ATPKZ Replacement part
5 Table/Structure Field  MARC - AUFTL Splitting Indicator
6 Table/Structure Field  MARC - AUFTL Splitting Indicator
7 Table/Structure Field  MARC - AUSDT Effective-out date
8 Table/Structure Field  MARC - AUSDT Effective-out date
9 Table/Structure Field  MARC - AUSME Unit of issue
10 Table/Structure Field  MARC - AUSME Unit of issue
11 Table/Structure Field  MARC - AUSSS Assembly scrap in percent
12 Table/Structure Field  MARC - AUSSS Assembly scrap in percent
13 Table/Structure Field  MARC - BASMG Base quantity
14 Table/Structure Field  MARC - BASMG Base quantity
15 Table/Structure Field  MARC - BEARZ Processing time
16 Table/Structure Field  MARC - BEARZ Processing time
17 Table/Structure Field  MARC - BESKZ Procurement Type
18 Table/Structure Field  MARC - BESKZ Procurement Type
19 Table/Structure Field  MARC - BSTFE Fixed lot size
20 Table/Structure Field  MARC - BSTFE Fixed lot size
21 Table/Structure Field  MARC - BSTMA Maximum lot size
22 Table/Structure Field  MARC - BSTMA Maximum lot size
23 Table/Structure Field  MARC - BSTMI Minimum lot size
24 Table/Structure Field  MARC - BSTMI Minimum lot size
25 Table/Structure Field  MARC - BSTRF Rounding value for purchase order quantity
26 Table/Structure Field  MARC - BSTRF Rounding value for purchase order quantity
27 Table/Structure Field  MARC - DISLS Lot size (materials planning)
28 Table/Structure Field  MARC - DISLS Lot size (materials planning)
29 Table/Structure Field  MARC - DISMM MRP Type
30 Table/Structure Field  MARC - DISMM MRP Type
31 Table/Structure Field  MARC - DISPO MRP controller
32 Table/Structure Field  MARC - DISPO MRP controller
33 Table/Structure Field  MARC - DISPR Material: MRP profile
34 Table/Structure Field  MARC - DISPR Material: MRP profile
35 Table/Structure Field  MARC - DZEIT In-house production time
36 Table/Structure Field  MARC - DZEIT In-house production time
37 Table/Structure Field  MARC - EISBE Safety stock
38 Table/Structure Field  MARC - EISBE Safety stock
39 Table/Structure Field  MARC - EKGRP Purchasing group
40 Table/Structure Field  MARC - EKGRP Purchasing group
41 Table/Structure Field  MARC - FEVOR Production Supervisor
42 Table/Structure Field  MARC - FEVOR Production Supervisor
43 Table/Structure Field  MARC - FFREI Release indicator for production orders
44 Table/Structure Field  MARC - FFREI Release indicator for production orders
45 Table/Structure Field  MARC - FHORI Scheduling Margin Key for Floats
46 Table/Structure Field  MARC - FHORI Scheduling Margin Key for Floats
47 Table/Structure Field  MARC - GPMKZ Indicator: material included in rough-cut planning
48 Table/Structure Field  MARC - GPMKZ Indicator: material included in rough-cut planning
49 Table/Structure Field  MARC - HERBL State of manufacture
50 Table/Structure Field  MARC - HERBL State of manufacture
51 Table/Structure Field  MARC - INSMK Post to Inspection Stock
52 Table/Structure Field  MARC - INSMK Post to Inspection Stock
53 Table/Structure Field  MARC - KZAUS Discontinuation indicator
54 Table/Structure Field  MARC - KZAUS Discontinuation indicator
55 Table/Structure Field  MARC - KZBED Indicator for Requirements Grouping
56 Table/Structure Field  MARC - KZBED Indicator for Requirements Grouping
57 Table/Structure Field  MARC - KZDIE Indicator: MRP controller is buyer (deactivated)
58 Table/Structure Field  MARC - KZDIE Indicator: MRP controller is buyer (deactivated)
59 Table/Structure Field  MARC - KZDKZ Documentation required indicator
60 Table/Structure Field  MARC - KZDKZ Documentation required indicator
61 Table/Structure Field  MARC - KZKFK Indicator: take correction factors into account
62 Table/Structure Field  MARC - KZKFK Indicator: take correction factors into account
63 Table/Structure Field  MARC - KZKRI Indicator: Critical part
64 Table/Structure Field  MARC - KZKRI Indicator: Critical part
65 Table/Structure Field  MARC - KZPPV Indicator for inspection plan (deactivated)
66 Table/Structure Field  MARC - KZPPV Indicator for inspection plan (deactivated)
67 Table/Structure Field  MARC - KZPRO Indicator: withdrawal of stock from production bin
68 Table/Structure Field  MARC - KZPRO Indicator: withdrawal of stock from production bin
69 Table/Structure Field  MARC - LADGR Loading Group
70 Table/Structure Field  MARC - LADGR Loading Group
71 Table/Structure Field  MARC - LAGPR Storage costs indicator
72 Table/Structure Field  MARC - LAGPR Storage costs indicator
73 Table/Structure Field  MARC - LGRAD Service level
74 Table/Structure Field  MARC - LGRAD Service level
75 Table/Structure Field  MARC - LOSFX Ordering costs
76 Table/Structure Field  MARC - LOSFX Ordering costs
77 Table/Structure Field  MARC - LVORM Flag Material for Deletion at Plant Level
78 Table/Structure Field  MARC - LVORM Flag Material for Deletion at Plant Level
79 Table/Structure Field  MARC - LZEIH Unit for maximum storage period
80 Table/Structure Field  MARC - LZEIH Unit for maximum storage period
81 Table/Structure Field  MARC - MAABC ABC indicator
82 Table/Structure Field  MARC - MAABC ABC indicator
83 Table/Structure Field  MARC - MABST Maximum stock level
84 Table/Structure Field  MARC - MABST Maximum stock level
85 Table/Structure Field  MARC - MANDT Client
86 Table/Structure Field  MARC - MANDT Client
87 Table/Structure Field  MARC - MATNR Material Number
88 Table/Structure Field  MARC - MATNR Material Number
89 Table/Structure Field  MARC - MAXLZ Maximum storage period
90 Table/Structure Field  MARC - MAXLZ Maximum storage period
91 Table/Structure Field  MARC - MINBE Reorder point
92 Table/Structure Field  MARC - MINBE Reorder point
93 Table/Structure Field  MARC - MISKZ Mixed MRP indicator
94 Table/Structure Field  MARC - MISKZ Mixed MRP indicator
95 Table/Structure Field  MARC - MMSTA Plant-Specific Material Status
96 Table/Structure Field  MARC - MMSTA Plant-Specific Material Status
97 Table/Structure Field  MARC - MMSTD Date from which the plant-specific material status is valid
98 Table/Structure Field  MARC - MMSTD Date from which the plant-specific material status is valid
99 Table/Structure Field  MARC - MPDAU Mean inspection duration (deactivated)
100 Table/Structure Field  MARC - MPDAU Mean inspection duration (deactivated)
101 Table/Structure Field  MARC - MTVFP Checking Group for Availability Check
102 Table/Structure Field  MARC - MTVFP Checking Group for Availability Check
103 Table/Structure Field  MARC - NFMAT Follow-up material
104 Table/Structure Field  MARC - NFMAT Follow-up material
105 Table/Structure Field  MARC - NKMPR Date according to check sampling inspection (deactivated)
106 Table/Structure Field  MARC - NKMPR Date according to check sampling inspection (deactivated)
107 Table/Structure Field  MARC - OBJID Object ID
108 Table/Structure Field  MARC - OBJID Object ID
109 Table/Structure Field  MARC - OTYPE Object Type
110 Table/Structure Field  MARC - OTYPE Object Type
111 Table/Structure Field  MARC - PERIV Fiscal Year Variant
112 Table/Structure Field  MARC - PERIV Fiscal Year Variant
113 Table/Structure Field  MARC - PERKZ Period indicator
114 Table/Structure Field  MARC - PERKZ Period indicator
115 Table/Structure Field  MARC - PFREI Indicator: automatic fixing of planned orders
116 Table/Structure Field  MARC - PFREI Indicator: automatic fixing of planned orders
117 Table/Structure Field  MARC - PLIFZ Planned delivery time in days
118 Table/Structure Field  MARC - PLIFZ Planned delivery time in days
119 Table/Structure Field  MARC - PLVAR Plan Version
120 Table/Structure Field  MARC - PLVAR Plan Version
121 Table/Structure Field  MARC - PRFRQ Interval until next recurring inspection
122 Table/Structure Field  MARC - PRFRQ Interval until next recurring inspection
123 Table/Structure Field  MARC - PSTAT Maintenance status
124 Table/Structure Field  MARC - PSTAT Maintenance status
125 Table/Structure Field  MARC - QUAZT Quarantine period (deactivated)
126 Table/Structure Field  MARC - QUAZT Quarantine period (deactivated)
127 Table/Structure Field  MARC - RGEKZ Indicator: Backflush
128 Table/Structure Field  MARC - RGEKZ Indicator: Backflush
129 Table/Structure Field  MARC - RUEZT Setup and teardown time
130 Table/Structure Field  MARC - RUEZT Setup and teardown time
131 Table/Structure Field  MARC - SBDKZ Dependent requirements ind. for individual and coll. reqmts
132 Table/Structure Field  MARC - SBDKZ Dependent requirements ind. for individual and coll. reqmts
133 Table/Structure Field  MARC - SOBSL Special procurement type
134 Table/Structure Field  MARC - SOBSL Special procurement type
135 Table/Structure Field  MARC - SPROZ Sample for quality inspection (in %) (deactivated)
136 Table/Structure Field  MARC - SPROZ Sample for quality inspection (in %) (deactivated)
137 Table/Structure Field  MARC - SSQSS Control Key for Quality Management in Procurement
138 Table/Structure Field  MARC - SSQSS Control Key for Quality Management in Procurement
139 Table/Structure Field  MARC - TRANZ Interoperation time
140 Table/Structure Field  MARC - TRANZ Interoperation time
141 Table/Structure Field  MARC - UEETK Indicator: Unlimited overdelivery allowed
142 Table/Structure Field  MARC - UEETK Indicator: Unlimited overdelivery allowed
143 Table/Structure Field  MARC - UEETO Overdelivery tolerance limit
144 Table/Structure Field  MARC - UEETO Overdelivery tolerance limit
145 Table/Structure Field  MARC - UMLMC Stock in transfer (plant to plant)
146 Table/Structure Field  MARC - UMLMC Stock in transfer (plant to plant)
147 Table/Structure Field  MARC - UNETO Underdelivery tolerance limit
148 Table/Structure Field  MARC - UNETO Underdelivery tolerance limit
149 Table/Structure Field  MARC - USEQU Quota arrangement usage
150 Table/Structure Field  MARC - USEQU Quota arrangement usage
151 Table/Structure Field  MARC - VBAMG Base quantity for capacity planning in shipping
152 Table/Structure Field  MARC - VBAMG Base quantity for capacity planning in shipping
153 Table/Structure Field  MARC - VBEAZ Shipping processing time
154 Table/Structure Field  MARC - VBEAZ Shipping processing time
155 Table/Structure Field  MARC - VRVEZ Shipping setup time
156 Table/Structure Field  MARC - VRVEZ Shipping setup time
157 Table/Structure Field  MARC - VZUSL Surcharge factor for cost in percent
158 Table/Structure Field  MARC - VZUSL Surcharge factor for cost in percent
159 Table/Structure Field  MARC - WEBAZ Goods receipt processing time in days
160 Table/Structure Field  MARC - WEBAZ Goods receipt processing time in days
161 Table/Structure Field  MARC - WERKS Plant
162 Table/Structure Field  MARC - WERKS Plant
163 Table/Structure Field  MARC - WSTGH Active substance content (deactivated)
164 Table/Structure Field  MARC - WSTGH Active substance content (deactivated)
165 Table/Structure Field  MARC - WZEIT Total replenishment lead time (in workdays)
166 Table/Structure Field  MARC - WZEIT Total replenishment lead time (in workdays)
167 Table/Structure Field  MARC - XCHAR Batch management indicator (internal)
168 Table/Structure Field  MARC - XCHAR Batch management indicator (internal)
169 Table/Structure Field  MARC - XCHPF Batch management requirement indicator
170 Table/Structure Field  MARC - XCHPF Batch management requirement indicator
171 Table/Structure Field  MBEW - BKLAS Valuation Class
172 Table/Structure Field  MBEW - BKLAS Valuation Class
173 Table/Structure Field  MBEW - BWTAR Valuation type
174 Table/Structure Field  MBEW - BWTAR Valuation type
175 Table/Structure Field  MBEW - BWTTY Valuation Category
176 Table/Structure Field  MBEW - BWTTY Valuation Category
177 Table/Structure Field  MBEW - LBKUM Total Valuated Stock
178 Table/Structure Field  MBEW - LBKUM Total Valuated Stock
179 Table/Structure Field  MBEW - PEINH Price unit
180 Table/Structure Field  MBEW - PEINH Price unit
181 Table/Structure Field  MBEW - SALK3 Value of Total Valuated Stock
182 Table/Structure Field  MBEW - SALK3 Value of Total Valuated Stock
183 Table/Structure Field  MBEW - SALKV Value based on moving average price (only with price ctrl S)
184 Table/Structure Field  MBEW - SALKV Value based on moving average price (only with price ctrl S)
185 Table/Structure Field  MBEW - STPRS Standard price
186 Table/Structure Field  MBEW - STPRS Standard price
187 Table/Structure Field  MBEW - VERPR Moving Average Price/Periodic Unit Price
188 Table/Structure Field  MBEW - VERPR Moving Average Price/Periodic Unit Price
189 Table/Structure Field  MBEW - VPRSV Price control indicator
190 Table/Structure Field  MBEW - VPRSV Price control indicator
191 Table/Structure Field  T001W - BWKEY Valuation area
192 Table/Structure Field  T001W - BWKEY Valuation area