Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program RPR_AMEX_BTA_TO_FI_FORMS (Include RPR_AMEX_BTA_TO_FI_FORMS)
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACAP03 - ITEMNO_ACC Accounting Document Line Item Number
2 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACAP03 - PMNTTRMS Terms of payment key
3 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACAP03 - VENDOR_NO Account Number of Vendor or Creditor
4 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACCR01 - AMT_BASE Tax Base Amount in Document Currency
5 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACCR01 - AMT_DOCCUR Amount in document currency
6 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACCR01 - CURRENCY Currency Key
7 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACCR01 - CURR_TYPE Currency type and valuation view
8 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACCR01 - ITEMNO_ACC Accounting Document Line Item Number
9 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL03 - ACCT_KEY Transaction Key
10 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL03 - ALLOC_NMBR Assignment number
11 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL03 - ASSET_NO Main Asset Number
12 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL03 - BUS_AREA Business Area
13 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL03 - COSTCENTER Cost Center
14 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL03 - GL_ACCOUNT General Ledger Account
15 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL03 - ITEMNO_ACC Accounting Document Line Item Number
16 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL03 - ITEM_TEXT Item Text
17 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL03 - NETWORK Network Number for Account Assignment
18 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL03 - ORDERID Order Number
19 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL03 - PLANT Plant
20 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL03 - PROFIT_CTR Profit Center
21 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL03 - REF_KEY_1 Business partner reference key
22 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL03 - SALES_ORD Sales Order Number
23 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL03 - SUB_NUMBER Asset Subnumber
24 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL03 - TAX_CODE Tax on sales/purchases code
25 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL03 - WBS_ELEMENT Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
26 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL07 - ACCT_KEY Transaction Key
27 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL07 - BUS_AREA Business Area
28 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL07 - COMP_CODE Company Code
29 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL07 - COSTCENTER Cost Center
30 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL07 - NETWORK Network Number for Account Assignment
31 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL07 - OBJ_TYP_P Previous document: Reference procedure
32 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL07 - ORDERID Order Number
33 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL07 - POSTING_DATE Posting Date in the Document
34 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL07 - PROFIT_CTR Profit Center
35 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL07 - SALES_ORD Sales Order Number
36 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACGL07 - WBS_ELEMT Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
37 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACHE03 - COMP_CODE Company Code
38 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACHE03 - DOC_DATE Document Date in Document
39 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACHE03 - DOC_TYPE Document type
40 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACHE03 - HEADER_TXT Document Header Text
41 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACHE03 - OBJ_KEY Object key
42 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACHE03 - OBJ_KEY_R Cancel: object key (AWREF_REV and AWORG_REV)
43 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACHE03 - OBJ_SYS Logical system of source document
44 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACHE03 - OBJ_TYPE Reference procedure
45 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACHE03 - PSTNG_DATE Posting Date in the Document
46 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACHE03 - REF_DOC_NO Reference Document Number
47 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACHE03 - USERNAME User name
48 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACHE06 - OBJ_KEY Object key
49 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACHE06 - OBJ_SYS Logical system of source document
50 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACHE06 - OBJ_TYPE Reference procedure
51 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACTX01 - COND_KEY Condition Type
52 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACTX01 - ITEMNO_ACC Accounting Document Line Item Number
53 Table/Structure Field  BAPIACTX01 - TAX_CODE Tax on sales/purchases code
54 Table/Structure Field  BAPIRET2 - ID Message Class
55 Table/Structure Field  BAPIRET2 - MESSAGE_V1 Message Variable
56 Table/Structure Field  BAPIRET2 - MESSAGE_V2 Message Variable
57 Table/Structure Field  BAPIRET2 - MESSAGE_V3 Message Variable
58 Table/Structure Field  BAPIRET2 - MESSAGE_V4 Message Variable
59 Table/Structure Field  BAPIRET2 - NUMBER Message Number
60 Table/Structure Field  BAPIRET2 - ROW Lines in parameter
61 Table/Structure Field  BAPIRET2 - TYPE Message type: S Success, E Error, W Warning, I Info, A Abort
62 Table/Structure Field  BSET - KSCHL Condition Type
63 Table/Structure Field  CSKS - DATAB Valid-From Date
64 Table/Structure Field  CSKS - DATBI Valid To Date
65 Table/Structure Field  CSKS - KOKRS Controlling Area
66 Table/Structure Field  CSKS - KOSTL Cost Center
67 Table/Structure Field  FAGL_S_PC_SEG_SETTINGS - BUKRS Company Code
68 Table/Structure Field  FAGL_S_PC_SEG_SETTINGS - PC_ACTIVE Data element for domain BOOLE: TRUE (='X') and FALSE (=' ')
69 Table/Structure Field  P0001 - KOSTL Cost Center
70 Table/Structure Field  P0017 - KOSTL Cost Center
71 Table/Structure Field  PS0001 - KOSTL Cost Center
72 Table/Structure Field  PS0001_SAP - KOSTL Cost Center
73 Table/Structure Field  PS0017 - KOSTL Cost Center
74 Table/Structure Field  PTK17 - AUFNR Order Number
75 Table/Structure Field  PTK17 - KOSTL Cost Center
76 Table/Structure Field  PTK17 - POSNR Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
77 Table/Structure Field  PTRV_PSREF - AUFNR Order Number
78 Table/Structure Field  PTRV_PSREF - KOSTL Cost Center
79 Table/Structure Field  PTRV_PSREF - POSNR Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
80 Table/Structure Field  SMESG - MSGTY Message type (E, I, W, ...)
81 Table/Structure Field  SYST - BATCH ABAP System Field: Background Processing Active
82 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DATUM ABAP System Field: Current Date of Application Server
83 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGID ABAP System Field: Message ID
84 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGNO ABAP System Field: Message Number
85 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGTY ABAP System Field: Message Type
86 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV1 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
87 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV2 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
88 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV3 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
89 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV4 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
90 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
91 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UNAME ABAP System Field: Name of Current User
92 Table/Structure Field  T001 - KTOPL Chart of Accounts
93 Table/Structure Field  T001 - LAND1 Country Key
94 Table/Structure Field  T076B - BUKRS Company Code
95 Table/Structure Field  T076B - BUKRSNAME Company Code Name in the Invoice
96 Table/Structure Field  T076B - KONTO Partner number
97 Table/Structure Field  T076B - PARART Partner Type
98 Table/Structure Field  T076I - EWLNR EDI: Goods/Services Number (First 30 Places)
99 Table/Structure Field  T076I - KONTO Partner number
100 Table/Structure Field  T076I - KTBUKRS Company Code
101 Table/Structure Field  T076I - PARART Partner Type
102 Table/Structure Field  T076I - SKONT G/L Account Number
103 Table/Structure Field  T076K - ANLN1 Main Asset Number
104 Table/Structure Field  T076K - ANLN2 Asset Subnumber
105 Table/Structure Field  T076K - AUFNR Order Number
106 Table/Structure Field  T076K - GSBER Business Area
107 Table/Structure Field  T076K - IDZUKONT ID for Additional Account Assignments
108 Table/Structure Field  T076K - KDAUF Sales Order Number
109 Table/Structure Field  T076K - KONTO Partner number
110 Table/Structure Field  T076K - KOSTL Cost Center
111 Table/Structure Field  T076K - KTBUKRS Company Code
112 Table/Structure Field  T076K - NPLNR Network Number for Account Assignment
113 Table/Structure Field  T076K - PARART Partner Type
114 Table/Structure Field  T076K - PRCTR Profit Center
115 Table/Structure Field  T076K - PS_PSP_PNR Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
116 Table/Structure Field  T076K - WERKS Plant
117 Table/Structure Field  T076M - KONTO Partner number
118 Table/Structure Field  T076M - LAND1 Country Key
119 Table/Structure Field  T076M - MWSATZ Tax Rate Determined Externally
120 Table/Structure Field  T076M - MWSKZ Tax on sales/purchases code
121 Table/Structure Field  T076M - PARART Partner Type
122 Table/Structure Field  TCURX - CURRDEC Number of decimal places
123 Table/Structure Field  TCURX - CURRKEY Currency Key