Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program RPCRSVDF (Include RPCRSVDF)
SAP ABAP Program RPCRSVDF (Include RPCRSVDF) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  BNKA - BANKA Name of bank
2 Table/Structure Field  BNKA - BANKL Bank Keys
3 Table/Structure Field  BNKA - BANKS Bank country key
4 Table/Structure Field  BNKA - ORT01 City
5 Table/Structure Field  HRADRESSE - NAME1 Name to Be Output in Addresses
6 Table/Structure Field  HRADRESSE - NAME2 Name to Be Output in Addresses
7 Table/Structure Field  HRADRESSE - ORT Location to Be Output in Addresses
8 Table/Structure Field  HRADRESSE - PLZ Postal Code to Be Output in Addresses
9 Table/Structure Field  HRADRESSE - STRASSE Street to Be Output in Addresses
10 Table/Structure Field  HRBANK - BLZ Bank Number
11 Table/Structure Field  HRBANK - INSTITUT Bank Designation
12 Table/Structure Field  HRBANK - KTO Account Number
13 Table/Structure Field  HRBANK - ORT City
14 Table/Structure Field  HRREHA_ERSTATTUNG - BETRAG Amount to Be Output on Forms
15 Table/Structure Field  HRREHA_ERSTATTUNG - WAERS Currency Key
16 Table/Structure Field  HRREHA_KKASSE - KKORT City
17 Table/Structure Field  HRREHA_KKASSE - KKTXT Text for HI Fund
18 Table/Structure Field  HRREHA_KKASSE - KVSCH HI Fund Key for Compulsory Health Insurance Fund
19 Table/Structure Field  ITCPO - TDCOVTITLE Spool Description
20 Table/Structure Field  ITCPO - TDDELETE Immediate Spool Deletion
21 Table/Structure Field  ITCPO - TDDEST Spool: Output device
22 Table/Structure Field  ITCPO - TDIMMED Immediate Spool Print
23 Table/Structure Field  ITCPO - TDNEWID New Spool Request
24 Table/Structure Field  P0000 - BEGDA Start Date
25 Table/Structure Field  P0000 - ENDDA End Date
26 Table/Structure Field  P0001 - BEGDA Start Date
27 Table/Structure Field  P0001 - ENDDA End Date
28 Table/Structure Field  P0001 - SACHA Payroll Administrator
29 Table/Structure Field  P0001 - SACHP Administrator for HR Master Data
30 Table/Structure Field  P0001 - SACHZ Administrator for Time Recording
31 Table/Structure Field  P0001 - SBMOD Administrator Group
32 Table/Structure Field  P0001 - SUBTY Subtype
33 Table/Structure Field  P0001 - WERKS Personnel Area
34 Table/Structure Field  P0002 - BEGDA Start Date
35 Table/Structure Field  P0002 - ENDDA End Date
36 Table/Structure Field  P0002 - GBDAT Date of Birth
37 Table/Structure Field  P0002 - NACHN Last Name
38 Table/Structure Field  P0002 - SUBTY Subtype
39 Table/Structure Field  P0002 - TITEL Title
40 Table/Structure Field  P0002 - VORNA First Name
41 Table/Structure Field  P0003 - ABRDT Accounted to
42 Table/Structure Field  P0007 - BEGDA Start Date
43 Table/Structure Field  P0007 - ENDDA End Date
44 Table/Structure Field  P0008 - BEGDA Start Date
45 Table/Structure Field  P0008 - ENDDA End Date
46 Table/Structure Field  P0012 - BEGDA Start Date
47 Table/Structure Field  P0012 - ENDDA End Date
48 Table/Structure Field  P0013 - BEGDA Start Date
49 Table/Structure Field  P0013 - ENDDA End Date
50 Table/Structure Field  P0020 - BEGDA Start Date
51 Table/Structure Field  P0020 - ENDDA End Date
52 Table/Structure Field  P0029 - BEGDA Start Date
53 Table/Structure Field  P0029 - ENDDA End Date
54 Table/Structure Field  P01O_REHA - AA_ADR P01O_REHA-AA_ADR
55 Table/Structure Field  P01O_REHA - AENDA Change Date of Reimbursement Application for Rehabilitants
56 Table/Structure Field  P01O_REHA - AG_ADR P01O_REHA-AG_ADR
57 Table/Structure Field  P01O_REHA - BANK P01O_REHA-BANK
58 Table/Structure Field  P01O_REHA - BEGDA Start Date
59 Table/Structure Field  P01O_REHA - DATUM Date
60 Table/Structure Field  P01O_REHA - ENDDA End Date
62 Table/Structure Field  P01O_REHA - ERSTER_TAG Participation Start Date
63 Table/Structure Field  P01O_REHA - GRUPPE1 Rehabilitation Acc. to Sect. 5 Para. 1 No. 7 SGB V
64 Table/Structure Field  P01O_REHA - GRUPPE2 Rehabilitation Acc. to Sect. 5 Para. 1 No. 6 SGB V
65 Table/Structure Field  P01O_REHA - GRUPPE3 Other Rehabilitation Acc. to Sec. 5 Par. 1 No. 6 SGB V
66 Table/Structure Field  P01O_REHA - KKASSE P01O_REHA-KKASSE
67 Table/Structure Field  P01O_REHA - NAME Name, First Name, Record Number of Rehabilitant
68 Table/Structure Field  P01O_REHA - SACHBEARB Processor to Be Printed on Reimbursement Application
69 Table/Structure Field  P0230 - BEGDA Start Date
70 Table/Structure Field  P0230 - ENDDA End Date
71 Table/Structure Field  P0231 - BEGDA Start Date
72 Table/Structure Field  P0231 - ENDDA End Date
73 Table/Structure Field  P0593 - BEGDA Start Date
74 Table/Structure Field  P0593 - ENDDA End Date
75 Table/Structure Field  P0593 - RTDAT Participation Start Date
76 Table/Structure Field  P0593 - RTPHA Phase of Rehabilitation
77 Table/Structure Field  P0593 - RTRNR Number of Program Sponsor
78 Table/Structure Field  P0593 - RTSAB Person Responsible for Rehabilitants
79 Table/Structure Field  P0593 - RTSNR Employment Office Record Number
80 Table/Structure Field  P0593 - SBMOD Administrator Group
81 Table/Structure Field  P0593 - SUBTY Subtype
82 Table/Structure Field  P593R - AENDA Change Date of Reimbursement Application for Rehabilitants
83 Table/Structure Field  P593R - BEGDA Date
84 Table/Structure Field  P593R - BETRAG Wage Type Amount for Payments
85 Table/Structure Field  P593R - ENDDA Date
86 Table/Structure Field  P593R - ERDAT Date
87 Table/Structure Field  P593R - ERSTERTAG Participation Start Date
88 Table/Structure Field  P593R - GRUPPE Function Model for Public Sector
89 Table/Structure Field  P593R - KVGES HI Fund Branch Office
90 Table/Structure Field  P593R - KVSCH HI Fund Key for Compulsory Health Insurance Fund
91 Table/Structure Field  P593R - PERIODE For-period for payroll
92 Table/Structure Field  P593R - PERNR Personnel Number
93 Table/Structure Field  P593R - RTPHA Phase of Rehabilitation
94 Table/Structure Field  P593R - RTRNR Number of Program Sponsor
95 Table/Structure Field  P593R - RTSNR Employment Office Record Number
96 Table/Structure Field  P593R - WAERS Currency Key
102 Table/Structure Field  PAYDE_RESULT - EVP PAYDE_RESULT-EVP
104 Table/Structure Field  PAYDE_RESULT - NAT PAYDE_RESULT-NAT
105 Table/Structure Field  PAY_SIM_PERNR - PERNR Personnel Number
106 Table/Structure Field  PAY_SIM_PERNR - RETCD Return Code
107 Table/Structure Field  PC200 - PERNR Personnel Number
108 Table/Structure Field  PC200 - SEQNO Sequence Number
109 Table/Structure Field  PC202 - MOLGA Country Grouping
110 Table/Structure Field  PC202 - WAERS Currency Key
111 Table/Structure Field  PC205 - APZNR PC205 assignment
112 Table/Structure Field  PC205 - ENDDA End Date
113 Table/Structure Field  PC207 - AMT_CURR Currency Key
114 Table/Structure Field  PC207 - ANZHL HR payroll: Number
115 Table/Structure Field  PC207 - APZNR PC205 assignment
116 Table/Structure Field  PC207 - BETRG HR Payroll: Amount
117 Table/Structure Field  PC207 - CNTR1 National assignment indicator
118 Table/Structure Field  PC207 - LGART Wage Type
119 Table/Structure Field  PC207 - V0TYP Variable assignment type
120 Table/Structure Field  PC207 - V0ZNR Variable assignment number
121 Table/Structure Field  PC20C - V0TYP Variable assignment type
122 Table/Structure Field  PC20C - V0ZNR Variable assignment number
123 Table/Structure Field  PC20C - VINFO Variable Assignment Information
124 Table/Structure Field  PC20N - BEGDA Start Date
125 Table/Structure Field  PC20N - CNTR1 SI split
126 Table/Structure Field  PC20N - ENDDA End Date
127 Table/Structure Field  PC20N - KVSFR HI Fund Key for Compulsory Health Insurance Fund
128 Table/Structure Field  PC261 - ABKRS Payroll Area
129 Table/Structure Field  PC261 - FPBEG Start date of payroll period (FOR period)
130 Table/Structure Field  PC261 - FPPER For-period for payroll
131 Table/Structure Field  PC261 - INPER In-period for payroll
132 Table/Structure Field  PC261 - IPERM Period Parameters
133 Table/Structure Field  PC261 - SEQNR Sequence Number
134 Table/Structure Field  PC261 - SRTZA Indicator: Status of record
135 Table/Structure Field  PCL2 - RELID Area identification on import/export database PCL2
136 Table/Structure Field  PERNR - PERNR Personnel Number
137 Table/Structure Field  PME01 - BTRTL Personnel Subarea
138 Table/Structure Field  PME01 - WERKS Personnel Area
139 Table/Structure Field  PME75 - FUNKT Function Key for Public Sector
140 Table/Structure Field  PME75 - MOLGA Country Grouping
141 Table/Structure Field  PME80 - PERSA Personnel Area
142 Table/Structure Field  PME80 - SCODE Simulation Code
143 Table/Structure Field  PS0001 - SACHA Payroll Administrator
144 Table/Structure Field  PS0001 - SACHP Administrator for HR Master Data
145 Table/Structure Field  PS0001 - SACHZ Administrator for Time Recording
146 Table/Structure Field  PS0001 - SBMOD Administrator Group
147 Table/Structure Field  PS0001 - WERKS Personnel Area
148 Table/Structure Field  PS0001_SAP - SACHA Payroll Administrator
149 Table/Structure Field  PS0001_SAP - SACHP Administrator for HR Master Data
150 Table/Structure Field  PS0001_SAP - SACHZ Administrator for Time Recording
151 Table/Structure Field  PS0001_SAP - SBMOD Administrator Group
152 Table/Structure Field  PS0001_SAP - WERKS Personnel Area
153 Table/Structure Field  PS0002 - GBDAT Date of Birth
154 Table/Structure Field  PS0002 - NACHN Last Name
155 Table/Structure Field  PS0002 - TITEL Title
156 Table/Structure Field  PS0002 - VORNA First Name
157 Table/Structure Field  PS0003 - ABRDT Accounted to
158 Table/Structure Field  PS0593 - RTDAT Participation Start Date
159 Table/Structure Field  PS0593 - RTPHA Phase of Rehabilitation
160 Table/Structure Field  PS0593 - RTRNR Number of Program Sponsor
161 Table/Structure Field  PS0593 - RTSAB Person Responsible for Rehabilitants
162 Table/Structure Field  PS0593 - RTSNR Employment Office Record Number
163 Table/Structure Field  PS0593 - SBMOD Administrator Group
164 Table/Structure Field  PSHDR - BEGDA Start Date
165 Table/Structure Field  PSHDR - ENDDA End Date
166 Table/Structure Field  PSHDR - SUBTY Subtype
167 Table/Structure Field  PSKEY - BEGDA Start Date
168 Table/Structure Field  PSKEY - ENDDA End Date
169 Table/Structure Field  PSKEY - SUBTY Subtype
170 Table/Structure Field  RPCRSVD0L - AENDA Change Date of Reimbursement Application for Rehabilitants
171 Table/Structure Field  RPCRSVD0L - BEGDA Start Date of Rehabilitation Program
172 Table/Structure Field  RPCRSVD0L - BETRG Wage Type Amount for Payments
173 Table/Structure Field  RPCRSVD0L - ENAME Name of Rehabilitant
174 Table/Structure Field  RPCRSVD0L - ENDDA End Date of Rehabilitation Program
175 Table/Structure Field  RPCRSVD0L - PERNR Personnel Number
176 Table/Structure Field  RPCRSVD0L - RTPHA Phase of Rehabilitation
177 Table/Structure Field  RPCRSVD0L - RTRNR Number of Program Sponsor
178 Table/Structure Field  RPCRSVD0L - WAERS Currency Key
179 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DATUM ABAP System Field: Current Date of Application Server
180 Table/Structure Field  SYST - INDEX ABAP System Field: Loop Index
181 Table/Structure Field  SYST - LANGU ABAP System Field: Language Key of Text Environment
182 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGID ABAP System Field: Message ID
183 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGNO ABAP System Field: Message Number
184 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGTY ABAP System Field: Message Type
185 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV1 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
186 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV2 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
187 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV3 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
188 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV4 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
189 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
190 Table/Structure Field  T500P - MOLGA Country Grouping
191 Table/Structure Field  T500P - PERSA Personnel Area
192 Table/Structure Field  T511K - BEGDA Start Date
193 Table/Structure Field  T511K - ENDDA End Date
194 Table/Structure Field  T511K - KONST Payroll constant
195 Table/Structure Field  T511K - KWERT Value of payroll constants
196 Table/Structure Field  T511K - MOLGA Country Grouping
197 Table/Structure Field  T522T - ANRED Form-of-Address Key
198 Table/Structure Field  T522T - ATEXT Form of address text
199 Table/Structure Field  T522T - SPRSL Language Key
200 Table/Structure Field  T526 - ANRDE Form-of-Address Key
201 Table/Structure Field  T526 - SACHN Name of administrator
202 Table/Structure Field  T526 - SACHX Administrator
203 Table/Structure Field  T526 - TELNR Telephone Number
204 Table/Structure Field  T526 - WERKS Administrator Group
205 Table/Structure Field  T536A - ANART Address Type
206 Table/Structure Field  T536A - ANTXT Address Text (Name, Street, City, Tel. No.)
207 Table/Structure Field  T536A - SEQNU Text Identification
208 Table/Structure Field  T536A - VARGU Layout rule for address type
209 Table/Structure Field  T549Q - BEGDA Start Date
210 Table/Structure Field  T549Q - ENDDA End Date
211 Table/Structure Field  T549Q - PABRJ Payroll Year
212 Table/Structure Field  T549Q - PABRP Payroll Period
213 Table/Structure Field  T549Q - PERMO Period Parameters
214 Table/Structure Field  T5D11 - BEGDA Start Date
215 Table/Structure Field  T5D11 - ENDDA End Date
216 Table/Structure Field  T5D11 - KKTXT Text for HI Fund
217 Table/Structure Field  T5D11 - KVSCH HI Fund Key for Compulsory Health Insurance Fund
218 Table/Structure Field  T5D1K - BEGDA Start Date
219 Table/Structure Field  T5D1K - ENDDA End Date
220 Table/Structure Field  T5D1K - KVGES HI Fund Branch Office
221 Table/Structure Field  T5D1K - KVSCH HI Fund Key for Compulsory Health Insurance Fund
222 Table/Structure Field  T5D1K - ORT01 City
223 Table/Structure Field  T5D87 - BEGDA Start Date
224 Table/Structure Field  T5D87 - ENDDA End Date
225 Table/Structure Field  T5D87 - FKTMO Function Model for Public Sector
226 Table/Structure Field  T5D87 - FUNKT Function Key for Public Sector
227 Table/Structure Field  T5D87 - MOLGA Country Grouping
228 Table/Structure Field  T5D87 - ORGKY Org. Key Function Models (Return Value for Feature ODMOD)
229 Table/Structure Field  T5D8N - BEGDA Start Date
230 Table/Structure Field  T5D8N - ENDDA End Date
231 Table/Structure Field  T5D8N - RTBEZ Name of Sponsor
232 Table/Structure Field  T5D8N - RTORT Address (City) of Sponsor
233 Table/Structure Field  T5D8N - RTRNR Number of Program Sponsor
234 Table/Structure Field  T5D8N - RTRPL Postal Code of Program Sponsor
235 Table/Structure Field  T5D8N - RTSTR Address (Street) of Program Sponsor
236 Table/Structure Field  T5D8Q - BEGDA Start Date
237 Table/Structure Field  T5D8Q - ENDDA End Date
238 Table/Structure Field  T5D8Q - FKTMO Function Model for Public Sector
239 Table/Structure Field  T5D8Q - MOLGA Country Grouping
240 Table/Structure Field  T5D8Q - PHASE Phase of Rehabilitation
241 Table/Structure Field  T5D8Q - RTSBA Type of Person Responsible for Rehabilitants
242 Table/Structure Field  T5F99OSFT - FOTYPE Output form type (reporting)
243 Table/Structure Field  VARI - VARIANT ABAP: Name of variant (without program name)