Function Module list used by SAP ABAP Program RMXMP_TRANSFORM_STARTF01 (Include RMXMP_TRANSFORM_STARTF01)
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Function Module  CCCN_ECN_WITH_EFFECTIVITY Prüfen und ausgeben, ob Änderungsnummer relevant für Effectivity
2 Function Module  CC_CHANGE_NUMBER_CHECK Check whether change number is allowed for changes
3 Function Module  CM_FV_MKAL_BT_INITIALIZE Initialisierung von globalen Belegtabellen
4 Function Module  CM_FV_MKAL_GET_SINGLE Lesen eines MKAL-Satzes von der Datenbank
5 Function Module  CN_EX_SET_NETSTUFE_MAX Set maximum level of detail
6 Function Module  CP_16_LSTVAR_SET Pläne: Listvariantenverwaltung: Listvaiante merken
7 Function Module  CP_AU_CHANGE_RULE_CHK Check change rule
8 Function Module  CP_CHK_AUTHORITY Task lists: Authorization check
9 Function Module  CP_CHK_DIMENSION Check dimension equality of two units
10 Function Module  CP_DB_PLKO_READ Füllen der Kopf-Belegtabelle von der Datenbank
11 Function Module  CZ_MATERIAL_READ Read material data from task list point of view
12 Function Module  FUNCTION_EXISTS Function module: Check existence and Find Function Group
13 Function Module  MRTRS300_MASTER_RECIPE_INIT RMS-MRTRS : Initialize internal tables of Master Recipe in C?BT
14 Function Module  MRTRS320_TRANSFORM_HIST_INIT RMS-MRTRS : Initialize data of MR transformation history
15 Function Module  MRTRS800_MRGEN_CONTROL_READ RMS-MRTRS : Read control information for Master Recipe Transformation
16 Function Module  MRTRS800_RFCDEST_DEFAULT RMS-MRTRS : Read logical system of General Recipe
17 Function Module  MRTRS800_RFCDEST_READ RMS-MRTRS : Read logical system of General Recipe
18 Function Module  RCP984_PNGUID_GET_BY_PNAME Lesen der PNGUID nach Rezeptname
19 Function Module  RCP995_MIGRATION_STATUS RMS-RCP: Prüfung, ob Migration abgeschlossen
20 Function Module  RMXM800_PLANT_DEFAULT_READ Werkspezifische Standardeinstellungen zur Transformation lesen
21 Function Module  RMXM800_READ_ROM_GRP_CST Transformationsgruppe lesen
22 Function Module  RMXM953_PROFILE_CHECK Überprüfen Profil
23 Function Module  T001W_READ Werk aus der Tabelle T001W lesen und verproben
24 Function Module  T141_READ Materialstatus aus der T141 auslesen und verproben
25 Function Module  T409_READ Plantyp/Materialart gegen Tabelle T409 verproben
26 Function Module  T411_READ Planverwendung aus Tabelle T411 lesen und verproben
27 Function Module  T412_READ Planstatus aus der Tabelle T412 auslesen und verproben
28 Function Module  TC52_READ Reading Control Recipe Destination