Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program RJITST20 (IS-M/SD: Circulation Book Data for Period)
SAP ABAP Program RJITST20 (IS-M/SD: Circulation Book Data for Period) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  DD04T - REPTEXT Heading
2 Table/Structure Field  JCBKANKEY - AUDITCAT Circulation Audit Report Category ID
3 Table/Structure Field  JCBKANKEY - DELIV_RETRN_DATE Shipping date or return date of delivered/returned issues
4 Table/Structure Field  JCBKANKEY - DELIVTYPE_LOG Logistical delivery type
5 Table/Structure Field  JDTDRER - SPART Division for publication
6 Table/Structure Field  JDTPVA - AUFMELDART Audit Report Type for Edition
7 Table/Structure Field  JDTPVA - BEZEI10 Short text for edition
8 Table/Structure Field  JDTPVA - DRERZ Publication
9 Table/Structure Field  JDTPVA - IVWNR Circulation Audit Report ID for Edition
10 Table/Structure Field  JDTPVA - PVA Edition
11 Table/Structure Field  JITCIRCBOOK - DELIV_RETRN_DATE Shipping date or return date of delivered/returned issues
12 Table/Structure Field  JITCIRCBOOK - PUBL_DELIV Actual Publication Delivered
13 Table/Structure Field  JITCIRCBOOK - PUBL_DATE Publication Date
14 Table/Structure Field  JITCIRCBOOK - EDITION_DELIV Actual edition delivered
15 Table/Structure Field  JITCIRCBOOK - DELIVTYPE_LOG Logistical delivery type
16 Table/Structure Field  JITCIRCBOOK - CIRC_FIG_INSERT Inserted Proportion of Circulation
17 Table/Structure Field  JITCIRCBOOK - CIRC_FIG_COMB Combined Proportion of Circulation
18 Table/Structure Field  JITCIRCBOOK - CIRC_FIGURE Circulation Figure
19 Table/Structure Field  JITCIRCBOOK - CAID_ED_DELIV Audit Report ID for Edition Delivered
20 Table/Structure Field  JITCIRCBOOK - AUDITCAT Circulation Audit Report Category ID
21 Table/Structure Field  JITSTAT - DRERZ Publication
22 Table/Structure Field  JITSTAT - ERSCHDAT Publication Date
23 Table/Structure Field  JITSTAT - IVWBLGMNG CAR insert quantity
24 Table/Structure Field  JITSTAT - IVWKN Circulation Audit Report Category ID
25 Table/Structure Field  JITSTAT - IVWMENGE Audit Report Quantity
26 Table/Structure Field  JITSTAT - IVWMITMNG CAR combination quantity
27 Table/Structure Field  JITSTAT - LFARTLOG Logistical delivery type
28 Table/Structure Field  JITSTAT - PVA Edition
29 Table/Structure Field  JITSTAT - VERSANDDAT IS-M: Shipping Date
30 Table/Structure Field  RJISEL - IVW_NR_AUS Display by Audit Report ID
31 Table/Structure Field  RJISEL - PVA_AUSG Sort output by edition
32 Table/Structure Field  RJMSG - MSGID Message Class
33 Table/Structure Field  RJMSG - MSGNO Message Number
34 Table/Structure Field  RJMSG - MSGTY Message Type
35 Table/Structure Field  RJMSG - MSGV1 Message Variable
36 Table/Structure Field  RJMSG - MSGV2 Message Variable
37 Table/Structure Field  RJMSG - MSGV3 Message Variable
38 Table/Structure Field  RJMSG - MSGV4 Message Variable
39 Table/Structure Field  RJMSG_VAR - MSGV1 Message Variable
40 Table/Structure Field  RJMSG_VAR - MSGV4 Message Variable
41 Table/Structure Field  RJMSG_VAR - MSGV3 Message Variable
42 Table/Structure Field  RJMSG_VAR - MSGV2 Message Variable
43 Table/Structure Field  SYST - VLINE ABAP System Field: Vertical Line for List
44 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
45 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGNO ABAP System Field: Message Number
46 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV4 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
47 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV3 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
48 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV2 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
49 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV1 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
50 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGTY ABAP System Field: Message Type
51 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGID ABAP System Field: Message ID
52 Table/Structure Field  SYST - LANGU ABAP System Field: Language Key of Text Environment
53 Table/Structure Field  T100 - ARBGB Application Area
54 Table/Structure Field  T100 - MSGNR Message number
55 Table/Structure Field  T100 - SPRSL Language Key
56 Table/Structure Field  T100 - TEXT Message Text
57 Table/Structure Field  TJK00 - IVWKNREM Audit Report Category ID for Full-Copy Returns
58 Table/Structure Field  TJK00 - IVWKNREMKL Audit Report Category ID for Certificated Returns