Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program RFVIZWTO10 (PBO)
SAP ABAP Program RFVIZWTO10 (PBO) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  BNKA - BANKA Name of bank
2 Table/Structure Field  BNKA - BRNCH Bank Branch
3 Table/Structure Field  BOOLE - BOOLE Data element for domain BOOLE: TRUE (='X') and FALSE (=' ')
4 Table/Structure Field  FKNBK - BVTYP Partner bank type
5 Table/Structure Field  FKNBK - KUNNR Customer Number
6 Table/Structure Field  FKNBK - KZ Change type (U, I, E, D)
7 Table/Structure Field  FKNBK - MANDT Client
8 Table/Structure Field  ICDIND - KZ Change type (U, I, E, D)
9 Table/Structure Field  KNA1 - BEGRU Authorization Group
10 Table/Structure Field  KNA1 - CONFS Status of Change Authorization (Central)
11 Table/Structure Field  KNA1 - KUNNR Customer Number
12 Table/Structure Field  KNB1 - BEGRU Authorization Group
13 Table/Structure Field  KNB1 - BUKRS Company Code
14 Table/Structure Field  KNB1 - CONFS Status of Change Authorization (Company Code Level)
15 Table/Structure Field  KNB1 - KUNNR Customer Number
16 Table/Structure Field  KNBK - BANKL Bank Keys
17 Table/Structure Field  KNBK - BANKN Bank account number
18 Table/Structure Field  KNBK - BANKS Bank country key
19 Table/Structure Field  KNBK - BVTYP Partner bank type
20 Table/Structure Field  KNBK - KUNNR Customer Number
21 Table/Structure Field  KNBK - MANDT Client
22 Table/Structure Field  KNBK - XEZER Indicator: Is there collection authorization ?
23 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - RECNNR Real Estate Contract Number
24 Table/Structure Field  RFVIZWT10_DE - BVTYP_VOR Default Partner Bank Category for Lease-Out
25 Table/Structure Field  RFVIZWT10_DE - GZLSCH_VOR Default for Payment Method (Credit Memo) Lease-Out
26 Table/Structure Field  RFVIZWT10_DE - HBKID_VOR Default for House Bank of Lease-Out
27 Table/Structure Field  RFVIZWT10_DE - ZLSCH_VOR Default for Payment Method (Debit Memo) Lease-Out
28 Table/Structure Field  RFVIZWT10_DE - ZLSPR_VOR Proposal for Lease-Out Payment Block
29 Table/Structure Field  RVZKOKOKEY - BUKRS Company Code
30 Table/Structure Field  RVZKOKOKEY - DGUEL_KK Date Condition Effective from
31 Table/Structure Field  RVZKOKOKEY - RKEY1 Key part 1
32 Table/Structure Field  RVZKOKOKEY - SANLF Product Category
33 Table/Structure Field  SCREEN - INPUT SCREEN-INPUT
34 Table/Structure Field  SCREEN - NAME SCREEN-NAME
38 Table/Structure Field  SI_KNA1 - BEGRU Authorization Group
39 Table/Structure Field  SI_KNA1 - CONFS Status of Change Authorization (Central)
40 Table/Structure Field  SI_KNB1 - BEGRU Authorization Group
41 Table/Structure Field  SI_KNB1 - CONFS Status of Change Authorization (Company Code Level)
42 Table/Structure Field  SI_T005ABA - BNKEY Name of the bank key
43 Table/Structure Field  SKONDFLDS - BUKRS Company Code
44 Table/Structure Field  SKONDFLDS - BVTYP Partner bank type
45 Table/Structure Field  SKONDFLDS - BVTYP_VOR Partner bank type
46 Table/Structure Field  SKONDFLDS - GFZLSCH Payment method for credit memos
47 Table/Structure Field  SKONDFLDS - GZLSCH_VOR Payment method
48 Table/Structure Field  SKONDFLDS - KZ General Flag
49 Table/Structure Field  SKONDFLDS - MV General Flag
50 Table/Structure Field  SKONDFLDS - NO_DISPLAY General Flag
51 Table/Structure Field  SKONDFLDS - RKEY1 Key part 1
52 Table/Structure Field  SKONDFLDS - ZLSCH Payment method
53 Table/Structure Field  SKONDFLDS - ZLSCH_VOR Payment method
54 Table/Structure Field  SKONDFLDS - ZLSPR Payment Block Key
55 Table/Structure Field  SKONDFLDS - ZLSPR_VOR Block Key for Payment
56 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DATUM ABAP System Field: Current Date of Application Server
57 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DYNNR ABAP System Field: Current Dynpro Number
58 Table/Structure Field  SYST - LOOPC ABAP System Field: Visible Lines of Step Loop
59 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MANDT ABAP System Field: Client ID of Current User
60 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGID ABAP System Field: Message ID
61 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGNO ABAP System Field: Message Number
62 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGTY ABAP System Field: Message Type
63 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV1 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
64 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV2 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
65 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV3 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
66 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV4 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
67 Table/Structure Field  SYST - STEPL ABAP System Field: Current Step Loop or Table Control Line
68 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
69 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UCOMM ABAP System Field: PAI-Triggering Function Code
70 Table/Structure Field  T001 - BUKRS Company Code
71 Table/Structure Field  T005 - BNKEY Name of the bank key
72 Table/Structure Field  T005 - LAND1 Country Key
73 Table/Structure Field  TZPA - GSART Product Type
74 Table/Structure Field  VIBEPP - IMKEY Internal Key for Real Estate Object
75 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - BUKRS Company Code
76 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - RECNGFZLSCH Payment method for credit memos
77 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - RECNHBKID Short key for a house bank
78 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - RECNNR Real Estate Contract Number
79 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - RECNTYPE External Real Estate contract type
80 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - ZLSCH Payment method
81 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - BUKRS Company Code
82 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - RECNGFZLSCH Payment method for credit memos
83 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - RECNHBKID Short key for a house bank
84 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - RECNNR Real Estate Contract Number
85 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - RECNTYPE External Real Estate contract type
86 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - ZLSCH Payment method
87 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_HD2 - BUKRS Company Code
88 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_HD2 - RECNNR Real Estate Contract Number
89 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_HD2 - RECNTYPE External Real Estate contract type
90 Table/Structure Field  VIKOKO - BUKRS Company Code
91 Table/Structure Field  VIKOKO - DGUEL_KK Date Condition Effective from
92 Table/Structure Field  VIKOKO - GZLSCH Payment method for credit memos
93 Table/Structure Field  VIKOKO - RKEY1 Key part 1
94 Table/Structure Field  VIKOKO - SANLF Product Category
95 Table/Structure Field  VIKOKO - ZLSCH Rental agreement payment method
96 Table/Structure Field  VIMIMV - BUKRS Company Code
97 Table/Structure Field  VIMIMV - HBKID Short key for a house bank
98 Table/Structure Field  VIMIMV - IMKEY Internal Key for Real Estate Object
99 Table/Structure Field  VIMIMV - KUNNR Customer number main contract partner
100 Table/Structure Field  VIMIMV - SMIVE Lease-Out Number
101 Table/Structure Field  VIMIMV - SWENR Business Entity Number
102 Table/Structure Field  VVAUTHPAR - ACTVT Activity
103 Table/Structure Field  VVAUTHPAR - BUKRS Company Code
104 Table/Structure Field  VVAUTHPAR - SKOART Condition Type (Smallest Subdivision of Condition Records)
105 Table/Structure Field  VVAUTHPAR - SMVART External Real Estate contract type
106 Table/Structure Field  VVAUTHPAR - SWENR Business Entity Number
107 Table/Structure Field  VVZZKOPO - BUKRS Company Code
108 Table/Structure Field  VVZZKOPO - BVTYP Partner bank type
109 Table/Structure Field  VVZZKOPO - GFZLSCH Payment method for credit memos
110 Table/Structure Field  VVZZKOPO - NLFD_ANG Offer consecutive number
111 Table/Structure Field  VVZZKOPO - RKEY1 Key part 1
112 Table/Structure Field  VVZZKOPO - SKOART Condition Type (Smallest Subdivision of Condition Records)
113 Table/Structure Field  VVZZKOPO - ZLSCH Payment method
114 Table/Structure Field  VVZZKOPO - ZLSPR Payment Block Key
115 Table/Structure Field  VZGPO - BVTYP Partner bank type