Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program RFREAJ_ARCH_ATPS_PRE (Archive Prestage Measures: Set Deletion Indicator)
SAP ABAP Program RFREAJ_ARCH_ATPS_PRE (Archive Prestage Measures: Set Deletion Indicator) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  ARCH_OBJ - OBJECT Archiving Object
2 Table/Structure Field  REAJ_ADJUSTMENT_TASK - ADJMTASKID Adjustment Measure
3 Table/Structure Field  REAJ_ADJUSTMENT_TASK - ADJMTASKTYPE Type of Adjustment Measure
4 Table/Structure Field  REAJ_ADJUSTMENT_TASK - ATFIRSTADJMFROM First Adjustment Begins On
5 Table/Structure Field  REAJ_ADJUSTMENT_TASK - AUTHGRP Authorization Group
6 Table/Structure Field  REAJ_ADJUSTMENT_TASK - BUKRS Company Code
7 Table/Structure Field  REAJ_ADJUSTMENT_TASK - RESPONSIBLE Person Responsible
8 Table/Structure Field  REAJ_ADJUSTMENT_TASK - VALIDFROMACT Actual - Start Date of Adjustment Measure
9 Table/Structure Field  REAJ_ADJUSTMENT_TASK - VALIDTOACT Actual - End Date of Adjustment Measure
10 Table/Structure Field  REAJ_AR_OPTIONS_ATPS - ADJMFROM Calculated Pass-On Date
11 Table/Structure Field  REBD_BUSINESS_ENTITY - SWENR Business Entity Number
12 Table/Structure Field  RECAC_AR_RESIDENCE_TIME - AROBJTYPE Type of the Archived Data Object
13 Table/Structure Field  RECAC_AR_RESIDENCE_TIME - ARRESTIME1 Residence Time 1 in Days (Set Deletion Flag)
14 Table/Structure Field  RSOADJMTASKTYPE - LOW Type of Adjustment Measure
15 Table/Structure Field  RSOADJMTASKTYPE - SIGN Debit/Credit Sign (+/-)
16 Table/Structure Field  RSOADJMTASKTYPE - OPTION Operation
17 Table/Structure Field  SCREEN - INPUT SCREEN-INPUT
18 Table/Structure Field  SCREEN - NAME SCREEN-NAME
19 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DATUM ABAP System Field: Current Date of Application Server
20 Table/Structure Field  TIVCAARRES - AROBJTYPE Type of the Archived Data Object
21 Table/Structure Field  TIVCAARRES - ARRESTIME1 Residence Time 1 in Days (Set Deletion Flag)
22 Table/Structure Field  VIAJAT - ADJMTASKID Adjustment Measure
23 Table/Structure Field  VIAJAT - VALIDTOACT Actual - End Date of Adjustment Measure
24 Table/Structure Field  VIAJAT - VALIDFROMACT Actual - Start Date of Adjustment Measure
25 Table/Structure Field  VIAJAT - RESPONSIBLE Person Responsible
26 Table/Structure Field  VIAJAT - OBJNR Object Number
27 Table/Structure Field  VIAJAT - BENO Business Entity that Adjustment Measure Is For
28 Table/Structure Field  VIAJAT - AUTHGRP Authorization Group
29 Table/Structure Field  VIAJAT - ATFIRSTADJMFROM First Adjustment Begins On
30 Table/Structure Field  VIAJAT - ADJMTASKTYPE Type of Adjustment Measure
31 Table/Structure Field  VIAJAT - BUKRS Company Code
32 Table/Structure Field  VIAJAT_KEY - ADJMTASKID Adjustment Measure
33 Table/Structure Field  VIAJAT_TAB - AUTHGRP Authorization Group
34 Table/Structure Field  VIAJAT_TAB - VALIDTOACT Actual - End Date of Adjustment Measure
35 Table/Structure Field  VIAJAT_TAB - VALIDFROMACT Actual - Start Date of Adjustment Measure
36 Table/Structure Field  VIAJAT_TAB - RESPONSIBLE Person Responsible
37 Table/Structure Field  VIAJAT_TAB - OBJNR Object Number
38 Table/Structure Field  VIAJAT_TAB - BUKRS Company Code
39 Table/Structure Field  VIAJAT_TAB - BENO Business Entity that Adjustment Measure Is For
40 Table/Structure Field  VIAJAT_TAB - ATFIRSTADJMFROM First Adjustment Begins On
41 Table/Structure Field  VIAJAT_TAB - ADJMTASKTYPE Type of Adjustment Measure
42 Table/Structure Field  VIBDBE - SWENR Business Entity Number
43 Table/Structure Field  VIBDBE_KEY - SWENR Business Entity Number