Function Module list used by SAP ABAP Program RFFMAR05 (Reloading Archived FI Postings in FM)
SAP ABAP Program RFFMAR05 (Reloading Archived FI Postings in FM) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Function Module  ARCHIVE_CLOSE_FILE Open Archive Files Will Be Closed
2 Function Module  ARCHIVE_GET_ARCHIVE_FILES Transfer Archive Key of the Files Belonging to a Handle
3 Function Module  ARCHIVE_GET_CUSTOMIZING_DATA Read Customizing Data of an Archiving Object
4 Function Module  ARCHIVE_GET_NEXT_OBJECT Read Data Object from the Archive File
5 Function Module  ARCHIVE_GIVE_STATISTICS Transfer Statistical Data in Data Archiving Programs
6 Function Module  ARCHIVE_OPEN_FOR_MOVE Write and/or Reload Data Objects to a New Archive File
7 Function Module  ARCHIVE_WRITE_STATISTICS Output Statistical Data Collected by ADK (Standard Log)
8 Function Module  FM_ARC_AL_DISPLAY_RUN_RESULT Ausgabe der gelöschten oder zurückladenen Budgethierachiebelege
9 Function Module  FM_ARC_AL_TOP_OF_PAGE Titel der Seite für die HHM Archivierung
10 Function Module  FM_ARC_AL_UPDATE_FM01_ARCH Füllung der Tabelle FM01_ARCH
11 Function Module  FM_ARC_FI_DISPLAY_LINE_ITEMS Ausgabe der archivierten Belege FI
12 Function Module  FM_ARC_FI_GET_NEXT_RECORD Einlesen der archivierten Belege FI
13 Function Module  FM_ARC_FI_UPDATE_ITEMS Ist Daten updaten