# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table  BAPIRET2 Return Parameter
2 Table  CMS_RE_STR_ADDR_GET_MLT Address details
3 Table  CMS_RE_STR_MAINOBJ_ACS_MAP_GET MAPI : Structure for Accessory
4 Table  CMS_RE_STR_MAINOBJ_BP_MAP_GET MAPI : Structure for RE - BP
5 Table  CMS_RE_STR_MAINOBJ_DOC_MAP_GET MAPI : Real estate part Doc
6 Table  CMS_RE_STR_MAINOBJ_LR_MAP_GET MAPI : Structure for RE - Land register
7 Table  CMS_RE_STR_MAINOBJ_VAL_MAP_GET MAPI : Structure for RE : Valuation
8 Table  CMS_RE_STR_OBJECT_PKY Structure for Object GUID
9 Table  CMS_RE_STR_OBJ_HDR_MAP_GET Object Header
10 Table  CMS_RE_STR_OBJ_MAIN_MAP_GET MAPI : Structure for RE : Main Object details
11 Table  CMS_RE_STR_PRT_LR_MAP_GET Structure for Land Register (without mandt)
12 Table  CMS_STR_ACR_MAP_GET_MLT MAPI: GET: Structure for aircraft details
13 Table  CMS_STR_ASMT_VAL_GET_MAP Assesment value
14 Table  CMS_STR_AST_DETAILS_GET_MAP Asset details strutcure (For MAPI layer)
15 Table  CMS_STR_AST_PKY Primary Key for CMS_AST
16 Table  CMS_STR_BDL_MAP_GET_MLT MAPI: GET: Structure for bundles details
17 Table  CMS_STR_BPID Bupa ID & Description
18 Table  CMS_STR_BP_DESCRIPTION Structure for business partner description
19 Table  CMS_STR_BP_REQD_DATA Data required from a Business Partner fetch
20 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_ADMIN_DATA_GET_MAP Administration data
21 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_ASGMT_PLDG_GET_MAP Pledge/Assignment details
22 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_BASIC_DATA_GET_MAP General Collateral agreement data
23 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_BP_DATA Collateral Agreement - Business Partner Details
24 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_BP_GET_MAP Collateral agreement- business partner details
25 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_BP_TRM_GET_MAP Bupa termination details for collateral agreement
26 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_CALC_GET_MAP Calculation values relevant for CAG
27 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_CHG_GET_MAP Charge details
28 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_DOC_GET_MAP Documents linked to collateral agreement
29 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_EXP_GET_MAP Expenditure incurred for collateral agreements
30 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_GUAR_GET_MAP Guarantee Data
31 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_LCHG_GET_MAP Land charge specific data
32 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_PKY Primary Key for CMS_CAG
33 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_POR_BP_GET_MAP Business Partner Relationship for the portions of a CAG
34 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_POR_GET_MAP Collateral agreement portion details
35 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_RBL_GET_MAP Collateral agreement- Receivable details
36 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_REL_FROM_GET_MAP Relationship: Contributions From Agreement Portions
37 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_REL_TO_GET_MAP Relationship: Contributions of Portions to Agreements
38 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_REQD_DATA_GET_MAP Data to be fetched for the CAG
39 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_RULES_GET_MAP Rules for collateral agreement
40 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_SA_GET_MAP Special arrangements for Collateral agreement
41 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_SNG_RULES Rules for a single CAG(without CAG_GUID)
42 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_SYS_STAT_GET_MAP System status
43 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_TRANSFER_GET_MAP Transfer specific fields
44 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_TXT_LINES_GET_MAP Notes data for collateral agreements
45 Table  CMS_STR_CAG_USR_STAT_GET_MAP User status
46 Table  CMS_STR_CLM_DATA_GET_MAP MAPI: Claims GET data - MLT
47 Table  CMS_STR_DEV_MAP_GET_MLT MAPI: GET: Structure for device details
48 Table  CMS_STR_DIST_CV_GET_MAP Distribution of collateral value
49 Table  CMS_STR_DIST_CV_REL_GET_MAP Distribution of collateral value to relations
50 Table  CMS_STR_FREE_COLL_GET_MAP Free collateral information
51 Table  CMS_STR_INV_MAP_GET_MLT MAPI: GET: Structure for Inventory details
52 Table  CMS_STR_LENDINGLMT_GRT_GET_MAP Lending limit for guarantees
53 Table  CMS_STR_LENDINGVAL_GRT_GET_MAP Lending for guarantees
54 Table  CMS_STR_LIF_INS_DATA_GET_MAP MAPI : GET MLT - Life insurance
55 Table  CMS_STR_LTOV_RATIO_PR_GET_MAP Loan to value ratio w.r.t prior charges
56 Table  CMS_STR_MAIN_LR_SEC2_MAP_GET MAPI GET - LR Section 2 with page details
57 Table  CMS_STR_MAIN_LR_SECB_MAP_GET MAPI GET:Section B- Structure for Main Object Land register
58 Table  CMS_STR_MOV_ADDR_MAP_GET_MLT Address data for Movables
59 Table  CMS_STR_MOV_PKY_GET_MLT MAPI GET : Moveables primary key with object system id
60 Table  CMS_STR_MSG_COL_MESSAGE Format for Return Code and its corresponding Message
61 Table  CMS_STR_OTH_OBJ_MAP_GET_MLT MAPI : GET : Other object
62 Table  CMS_STR_PAT_DATA_MAP_GET_MLT Patents GET data
63 Table  CMS_STR_PRIOR_CHGS_GET_MAP Prior charges
64 Table  CMS_STR_PRT_LR_SEC2_MAP_GET MAPI GET - LR Section 2 with page details
65 Table  CMS_STR_PRT_LR_SECB_MAP_GET MAPI GET:Section B - Structure for Main Object Land register
66 Table  CMS_STR_RE_REQD_DATA_MAP Data to be fetched for the real estate
67 Table  CMS_STR_RIG_ADDR_MAP_GET_MLT Address data for Rights
68 Table  CMS_STR_RIG_PKY_GET_MLT MAPI GET : Rights primary key with object system id
69 Table  CMS_STR_SEC_ACC_MAP_GET Securities account details
70 Table  CMS_STR_SEC_ACC_PKY Structure for Account GUID
71 Table  CMS_STR_SEC_ACC_POS_MAP_GET Structure for securities positions(without mandt)
72 Table  CMS_STR_SEC_REQD_DATA_MAP Data to be fetched for the Securities account
73 Table  CMS_STR_SHP_MAP_GET_MLT MAPI: GET: Structure for Ships details
74 Table  CMS_STR_SYS_STAT System status
75 Table  CMS_STR_USR_STAT User status
76 Table  CMS_STR_VEH_MAP_GET_MLT MAPI: GET: Structure for vehicle details
77 Table  DFKKCOH Correspondence - Correspondence Header
78 Table  EFG_RANGES Structure: Select Options
79 Table  EFG_STRN_PRINTDATA_EXPANDED Print Data (Extended -> Generated Print Program)
80 Table  EFG_STRN_SELECTION Selection for EFG_PRINT
81 Table  EFG_STR_MSG System Message
82 Table  P1028 Infotype 1028: Address