Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program RCIFIMAX (Generate and reconcile the runtime version of active models)
SAP ABAP Program RCIFIMAX (Generate and reconcile the runtime version of active models) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  CIFOBJINFO - KEYSTRUCT Table Name
2 Table/Structure Field  CIFOBJINFO - IMTYP Filter Object Type for Which Runtime Version is Generated
3 Table/Structure Field  CIFOBJINFT - LANGU Language Key
4 Table/Structure Field  CIFOBJINFT - OBJNAME Text (30 Characters)
5 Table/Structure Field  CIFOBJINFT - IMTYP Filter Object Type for Which Runtime Version is Generated
6 Table/Structure Field  CIFREF - XFELD Checkbox
7 Table/Structure Field  CIFTYPANZ - FLTSUM Total Filter Objects for a Publishing Type
8 Table/Structure Field  CIFTYPANZ - IMTYP Filter Object Type for Which Runtime Version is Generated
9 Table/Structure Field  CIF_IMAX - DATA Data Vector for Integration Model APO Interface
10 Table/Structure Field  CIF_IMAX - IMTYP Filter Object Type for Which Runtime Version is Generated
11 Table/Structure Field  CIF_IMAX - LDATA INT2 Field for CIFIMDATA
12 Table/Structure Field  CIF_IMAX - LOGSYS Logical system
13 Table/Structure Field  CIF_IMAX - SEGMENT Segment Number for Integration Model APO Interface
14 Table/Structure Field  CIF_IMOD - ACTIVE Flag, if Entry Active
15 Table/Structure Field  CIF_IMOD - STATUS Status of an Integration Model Row
16 Table/Structure Field  CIF_IMOD - SEGMENT Segment Number for Integration Model APO Interface
17 Table/Structure Field  CIF_IMOD - MODELNAME Integration Model Name for APO Interface
18 Table/Structure Field  CIF_IMOD - LOGSYS Logical system
19 Table/Structure Field  CIF_IMOD - LDATA INT2 Field for CIFIMDATA
20 Table/Structure Field  CIF_IMOD - IMTYP Filter Object Type for Which Runtime Version is Generated
21 Table/Structure Field  CIF_IMOD - DATA Data Vector for Integration Model APO Interface
22 Table/Structure Field  CIF_IMODD - DATA Data Vector for Integration Model APO Interface
23 Table/Structure Field  CIF_IMODD - LDATA INT2 Field for CIFIMDATA
24 Table/Structure Field  CIF_IMODK - SEGMENT Segment Number for Integration Model APO Interface
25 Table/Structure Field  CIF_IMODK - MODELNAME Integration Model Name for APO Interface
26 Table/Structure Field  CIF_IMODK - IMTYP Filter Object Type for Which Runtime Version is Generated
27 Table/Structure Field  CIF_IMODK - LOGSYS Logical system
28 Table/Structure Field  CIF_REPPAR - CHKIMAX Generation of Runtime Version (CIF_IMAX) Table
29 Table/Structure Field  CIF_REPPAR - CHKONLY Consistency Check W/O Generation
30 Table/Structure Field  CIF_SEGPOS - LOGSYS Logical system
31 Table/Structure Field  CIF_SEGPOS - POS Item Number for Integration Model APO Interface
32 Table/Structure Field  CIF_SEGPOS - SEGMENT Segment Number for Integration Model APO Interface
33 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L002 - GRID_TITLE ALV Control: Title bar text
34 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - GRID_TITLE ALV Control: Title bar text
35 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
36 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TITLE ABAP System Field: Title Line Content of Current Dynpro
37 Table/Structure Field  SYST - SAPRL ABAP System Field: SAP System Release
38 Table/Structure Field  SYST - LANGU ABAP System Field: Language Key of Text Environment
39 Table/Structure Field  SYST - INDEX ABAP System Field: Loop Index
40 Table/Structure Field  SYST - BATCH ABAP System Field: Background Processing Active
41 Table/Structure Field  TREEMSNOD - ISFOLDER Flag (X or Blank)
42 Table/Structure Field  TREEMSNOD - NODE_KEY Tree Model: Node Key
43 Table/Structure Field  TREEMSNOD - RELATKEY Tree Model: Node Key
44 Table/Structure Field  TREEMSNOD - RELATSHIP Natural number
45 Table/Structure Field  TREEMSNOD - USEROBJECT Tree Model: Object Reference
46 Table/Structure Field  TREEMSNODT - ISFOLDER Flag (X or Blank)
47 Table/Structure Field  TREEMSNODT - NODE_KEY Tree Model: Node Key
48 Table/Structure Field  TREEMSNODT - RELATKEY Tree Model: Node Key
49 Table/Structure Field  TREEMSNODT - RELATSHIP Natural number
50 Table/Structure Field  TREEMSNODT - TEXT Simple Tree Model: Text of a node
51 Table/Structure Field  TREEMSNODT - USEROBJECT Tree Model: Object Reference