Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program RCCMREP06 (Call Center Management Profile/Framework Detail Report)
SAP ABAP Program RCCMREP06 (Call Center Management Profile/Framework Detail Report) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  CCMACTPROF - ACTCODE IC WinClient Action
2 Table/Structure Field  CCMACTPROF - ACT_PROF Logging Profile for Actions
3 Table/Structure Field  CCMCBQPROF - CBQUEUE_PROF Callback Queue Profile
4 Table/Structure Field  CCMCBQPROF - TYPE Callback queue type
5 Table/Structure Field  CCMCBQPROFASSN - CBQUEUE_PROF Callback Queue Profile
6 Table/Structure Field  CCMCBQPROFASSN - QUEUE Callback Queue
7 Table/Structure Field  CCMCBQUES_T - DESCRIPTION Description of callback queue
8 Table/Structure Field  CCMCBQUES_T - QUEUE Callback Queue
9 Table/Structure Field  CCMCBQUES_T - SPRAS Language Key
10 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCONT - COMPONENT Component Identification
11 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCONT - COMP_VARID Component variant
12 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCONT - ICON Name of an Icon
13 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCONT - PROFILE Component Container Profile
14 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCONT - TABNUMBER Component container tabstrip number
15 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCONT_T - PROFILE Component Container Profile
16 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCONT_T - QUICKINFO Quick info text for icons
17 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCONT_T - SPRAS Language Key
18 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCONT_T - TABLABEL Component container tabstrip label
19 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCONT_T - TABNUMBER Component container tabstrip number
20 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCPROF - ADD_AUTH_REQD Identification checks required
21 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCPROF - ANI_LOOKUP ANI lookup
22 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCPROF - ANI_PRECEDENCE Search sequence
23 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCPROF - ANI_SRCHKEY Search key
24 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCPROF - ANI_SRCHTYPE Search Type
25 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCPROF - CC_PROF Call Center Profile
26 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCPROF - CUSTFN_PREC Search sequence
27 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCPROF - CUSTFN_SRCHKEY Search key
28 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCPROF - CUST_FUNCNM Name of Function Module
29 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCPROF - IOBJ_KEY Search key
30 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCPROF - IOBJ_LOOKUP Call-attached data lookup
31 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCPROF - IOBJ_NAME Name of call-attached data object
32 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCPROF - IOBJ_PRECEDENCE Search sequence
33 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCPROF - IOBJ_SRCHKEY Search key
34 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCPROF - IOBJ_SRCHTYPE Search Type
35 Table/Structure Field  CCMCCPROF - RAISE_DNIS_CHGD DNIS changed
36 Table/Structure Field  CCMCLBC - CALLER_KEYNAME Attribute of object to be displayed
37 Table/Structure Field  CCMCLBC - CALLER_OBJECT Business Object with Caller Information
38 Table/Structure Field  CCMCLBC - CLB_PROF Callback Configuration Profile
39 Table/Structure Field  CCMCLBC - CONTACT_KEYNAME Attribute of object to be displayed
40 Table/Structure Field  CCMCLBC - CONTACT_MCODE Search help for manual contact person search
41 Table/Structure Field  CCMCLBC - CONTACT_MCODEID Matchcode ID
42 Table/Structure Field  CCMCLBC - CONTACT_OBJECT Business Object with Contact Person Information
43 Table/Structure Field  CCMCLBC - FLD_C_MCODE Search Help for Manual Caller Search
44 Table/Structure Field  CCMCLBC - FLD_C_MCODEID Matchcode ID
45 Table/Structure Field  CCMCLBC - NO_REGIO Display region
46 Table/Structure Field  CCMCLBC_T - CLB_PROF Callback Configuration Profile
47 Table/Structure Field  CCMCLBC_T - FLD_CONTACT Contact person
48 Table/Structure Field  CCMCLBC_T - FLD_C_ID Callback partner
49 Table/Structure Field  CCMCLBC_T - SPRAS Language Key
50 Table/Structure Field  CCMCSCONF - CREATE_FUNC Name of Function Module
51 Table/Structure Field  CCMCSCONF - PROFILE Contact Search and Display Profile
52 Table/Structure Field  CCMCSEARCH - AUTOCONTINUE Continue Automatically
53 Table/Structure Field  CCMCSEARCH - HOTKEY Hot key for a search help
54 Table/Structure Field  CCMCSEARCH - PROFILE Contact Search and Display Profile
55 Table/Structure Field  CCMCSEARCH - SEARCHTYPE Search Type
56 Table/Structure Field  CCMCSEARCH - SHLPNAME Name of a Search Help
57 Table/Structure Field  CCMCSEARCHMAP - HOTKEY Hot key for a search help
58 Table/Structure Field  CCMCSEARCHMAP - KEYNAME Search key
59 Table/Structure Field  CCMCSEARCHMAP - MCOFIELD Search field
60 Table/Structure Field  CCMCSEARCHMAP - PROFILE Contact Search and Display Profile
61 Table/Structure Field  CCMCSEARCHMAP - SEARCHTYPE Search Type
62 Table/Structure Field  CCMCSEARCHMAP - SHLPNAME Name of a Search Help
63 Table/Structure Field  CCMCTIADMIN - AUTOLOGIN Automatic Login
64 Table/Structure Field  CCMCTIADMIN - AUTOLOGOUT Automatic Logout
65 Table/Structure Field  CCMCTIADMIN - LOGSYS Logical system
66 Table/Structure Field  CCMCTIADMIN - NONBLOCKINWAIT Real-Time Screen Pop
67 Table/Structure Field  CCMCTIADMIN - PROFILE CTI Administration Profile
68 Table/Structure Field  CCMCTIADMIN - QLOGINAUTOSEL Automatic Selection of Queue at Login
69 Table/Structure Field  CCMCTIADMIN - QLOGOUTAUTOSEL Automatic Selection of Queue at Logout
70 Table/Structure Field  CCMCTIADMIN - QUEUELOGINSCR Queue Selection Screen
71 Table/Structure Field  CCMCTIBKEY_T - BUTTONKEY Button Name
72 Table/Structure Field  CCMCTIBKEY_T - LANGTEXT Description
73 Table/Structure Field  CCMCTIBKEY_T - SPRAS Language Key
74 Table/Structure Field  CCMCTIPROF - BUTCOLROW Function key position in row/column
75 Table/Structure Field  CCMCTIPROF - BUTTONKEY Button Name
76 Table/Structure Field  CCMCTIPROF - CTIPROF Function key profile
77 Table/Structure Field  CCMCTIQUEUEASSN - PROFILE CTI queue profile
78 Table/Structure Field  CCMCTIQUEUEASSN - QUEUE Telephone number
79 Table/Structure Field  CCMCTIQUEUE_T - QUEUE Telephone number
80 Table/Structure Field  CCMCTIQUEUE_T - SPRAS Language Key
81 Table/Structure Field  CCMCTIQUEUE_T - TEXT Name of CTI Queue
82 Table/Structure Field  CCMSCRPROF - ACTIVITY_CODE IC WinClient Action
83 Table/Structure Field  CCMSCRPROF - APPEND_SCRIPT Append Script
84 Table/Structure Field  CCMSCRPROF - SCRIPT_PROF Scripting profile
85 Table/Structure Field  CCMSCRPROF - TEXT_ID Script Text Identification
86 Table/Structure Field  CCMSCRPROF - TEXT_NAME Script name
87 Table/Structure Field  CCMSCRPROF - VALID_FROMDT Valid from date
88 Table/Structure Field  CCMSCRPROF - VALID_TODT Valid to date
89 Table/Structure Field  CCMSCRPROFILE - ACTIVITY_CODE IC WinClient Action
90 Table/Structure Field  CCMSCRPROFILE - SCRIPT_PROF Scripting profile
91 Table/Structure Field  CCMSESSION - OBJID1 Object ID
92 Table/Structure Field  CICCONF - FRAME_CONF Framework ID
93 Table/Structure Field  CICCONF - FRAME_DESC Framework description
94 Table/Structure Field  CICFHCASSN - COMPONENT Component Identification
95 Table/Structure Field  CICFHCASSN - COMP_VARID Component variant
96 Table/Structure Field  CICFHCASSN - FRAME_PROF Framework ID
97 Table/Structure Field  CICFHCASSN - SEQ_NO Sequence Number of Component Assignment
98 Table/Structure Field  CICFSCASSN - COMPONENT Component Identification
99 Table/Structure Field  CICFSCASSN - COMP_VARID Component variant
100 Table/Structure Field  CICFSCASSN - FRAME_PROF Framework ID
101 Table/Structure Field  CICFSCASSN - SLOT_NO Position of the subscreen
102 Table/Structure Field  CICORGSTRUC - CICPROF Interaction Center WinClient Profile
103 Table/Structure Field  CICORGSTRUC - FRAMEWORK_ID Framework ID
104 Table/Structure Field  CICORGSTRUC - IND Index of Entry
105 Table/Structure Field  CICORGSTRUC - OTYPE Object Type
106 Table/Structure Field  CICORGSTRUC - REALO Extended Object ID
107 Table/Structure Field  CICORGSTRUC - STEXT Object Name
108 Table/Structure Field  CICORGSTRUCPROF - CICPROF Interaction Center WinClient Profile
109 Table/Structure Field  CICORGSTRUCPROF - IND Index of Entry
110 Table/Structure Field  CICORGSTRUCPROF - PROFNAME IC WinClient Profile Category
111 Table/Structure Field  CICORGSTRUCPROF - PROFVAL IC WinClient Component Profile
112 Table/Structure Field  CICORGSTRUCPROF - REALO Extended Object ID
113 Table/Structure Field  CICPROFILE - CICPROF IC WinClient Profile Name
114 Table/Structure Field  CICPROFILE - DESCRIPTION Interaction Center WinClient Profile Description
115 Table/Structure Field  CICPROFILE - FRAMEWORK_ID Framework ID
116 Table/Structure Field  CICPROFILES - CICPROF IC WinClient Profile Name
117 Table/Structure Field  CICPROFILES - PROFNAME IC WinClient Profile Category
118 Table/Structure Field  CICPROFILES - PROFVAL IC WinClient Component Profile
119 Table/Structure Field  CICPROFMASTER - CICPROFNAME IC WinClient Profile Category
120 Table/Structure Field  CICPROFMASTER - PROFILE_FIELDNM Profile Table Field Name
121 Table/Structure Field  CICPROFMASTER - PROFILE_TABLENM Profile Table Name
122 Table/Structure Field  CICPROFMASTER_T - CICPROFNAME IC WinClient Profile Category
123 Table/Structure Field  CICPROFMASTER_T - DESCRIPTION Profile description
124 Table/Structure Field  CICPROFMASTER_T - SPRAS Language Key
125 Table/Structure Field  CICTOOLBAR - PF_STATUS GUI Status
126 Table/Structure Field  CICTOOLBAR - TBAR_PROFILE Toolbar Profile
127 Table/Structure Field  CICTOOLBAREXCL - EXCLUDE_OKCODE Excluded OK codes
128 Table/Structure Field  CICTOOLBAREXCL - TBAR_PROFILE Toolbar Profile
129 Table/Structure Field  CIC_OBJECT_LIST - OBJID1 Object ID
130 Table/Structure Field  DDSUX031L - DBLENGTH Field Length in ABAP
131 Table/Structure Field  DDSUX031L - EXID ABAP data type (C,D,N,...)
132 Table/Structure Field  DDSUX031L - FIELDNAME Field Name
133 Table/Structure Field  DDSUX031L - OFFSET Table field offset
134 Table/Structure Field  EWFCAL - ACTSTAT Activation status
135 Table/Structure Field  EWFCAL - CALLGROUP Action Box transaction group
136 Table/Structure Field  EWFCAL - CALLID Action Box transaction code
137 Table/Structure Field  EWFCAL - CICACCESSTYPE Object processing type
138 Table/Structure Field  EWFCAL - CONFIG Action Box Configuration
139 Table/Structure Field  EWFCAL - FKEYFUNC Menu Painter: Object code
140 Table/Structure Field  EWFCAL - ICONNAME Icon name
141 Table/Structure Field  EWFCAL - INACTIVE Call is inactive
142 Table/Structure Field  EWFCAL - POSNR Front Office Call Position
143 Table/Structure Field  EWFCALD - CALLGROUP Action Box transaction group
144 Table/Structure Field  EWFCALD - CICACCESSTYPE Object processing type
145 Table/Structure Field  EWFCALD - FKEYFUNC Menu Painter: Object code
146 Table/Structure Field  EWFCALD - ICONNAME Icon name
147 Table/Structure Field  EWFCALD - INACTIVE Call is inactive
148 Table/Structure Field  EWFCALD - POSNR Front Office Call Position
149 Table/Structure Field  EWFCALT - ACTSTAT Activation status
150 Table/Structure Field  EWFCALT - CALLID Action Box transaction code
151 Table/Structure Field  EWFCALT - CONFIG Action Box Configuration
152 Table/Structure Field  EWFCALT - DESCRIPT Description of an Action Box transaction
153 Table/Structure Field  EWFCALT - LANGU Language Key
154 Table/Structure Field  EWFCALT - MENUTEXT Menu description for an Action Box transaction
155 Table/Structure Field  EWFGRU - ACTSTAT Activation status
156 Table/Structure Field  EWFGRU - CALLGROUP Action Box transaction group
157 Table/Structure Field  EWFGRU - CONFIG Action Box Configuration
158 Table/Structure Field  EWFGRU - ICONNAME Icon name
159 Table/Structure Field  EWFGRU - POSGROUP Position group for front office call group
160 Table/Structure Field  EWFGRU - POSNR Position of Front Office Call Group
161 Table/Structure Field  EWFGRUD - ICONNAME Icon name
162 Table/Structure Field  EWFGRUD - POSGROUP Position group for front office call group
163 Table/Structure Field  EWFGRUD - POSNR Position of Front Office Call Group
164 Table/Structure Field  EWFGRUT - ACTSTAT Activation status
165 Table/Structure Field  EWFGRUT - CALLGROUP Action Box transaction group
166 Table/Structure Field  EWFGRUT - CONFIG Action Box Configuration
167 Table/Structure Field  EWFGRUT - DESCRIPT Description of a front office process group
168 Table/Structure Field  EWFGRUT - LANGU Language Key
169 Table/Structure Field  SYST - LANGU ABAP System Field: Language Key of Text Environment
170 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV1 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
171 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TITLE ABAP System Field: Title Line Content of Current Dynpro
172 Table/Structure Field  SYST - ULINE ABAP System Field: Horizontal Line for List
173 Table/Structure Field  THEAD - TDNAME Name
174 Table/Structure Field  X031L - DBLENGTH Field Length in ABAP
175 Table/Structure Field  X031L - EXID ABAP data type (C,D,N,...)
176 Table/Structure Field  X031L - FIELDNAME Field Name
177 Table/Structure Field  X031L - OFFSET Table field offset