Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program N1PDGKIDI (Perinat: Dialog include GKI)
SAP ABAP Program N1PDGKIDI (Perinat: Dialog include GKI) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDANM - DOKAR Document Type
2 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDANM - DOKNR Document number
3 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDANM - DOKTL Document part
4 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDANM - DOKVR Document version
5 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDANM - N6ANMASEC PERINAT: Number of c-sections
6 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDASS - DOKAR Document Type
7 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDASS - DOKNR Document number
8 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDASS - DOKTL Document part
9 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDASS - DOKVR Document version
10 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDASS - N6ASSET PERINAT: E.T. (Datum)
11 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDASS - N6ASSETK PERINAT: korr. E.T. (Datum)
12 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDASS00 - DOKAR Document Type
13 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDASS00 - DOKNR Document number
14 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDASS00 - DOKTL Document part
15 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDASS00 - DOKVR Document version
16 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDASS00 - N6ASSARI PERINATAL: Current pregnancy risk factors
17 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDAZG - DOKAR Document Type
18 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDAZG - DOKNR Document number
19 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDAZG - DOKTL Document part
20 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDAZG - DOKVR Document version
21 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDAZG - N6AZGANKI PERINAT: Anzahl der Kinder
22 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - DOKAR Document Type
23 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - DOKNR Document number
24 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - DOKTL Document part
25 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - DOKVR Document version
26 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - EINRI IS-H: Institution
27 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - ISHMPATGEB Field of type DATS
28 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - N6GKIEPI PERINAT: Episiotomie
29 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - N6GKIGEBD PERINAT: Kind geboren am
30 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - N6GKIGEBM PERINAT: Geburtsmodus spontan/anderer
31 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - N6GKIGEBMS PERINAT: ICPM zum Geburtsmodus
32 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - N6GKIGEBT PERINAT: Geburtszeit des Kindes
33 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - N6GKIGMSOT Perinatal: BCI - Birth Type, Other Long Text ICPM
34 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - N6GKIGPOCO PERINAT: Gebärposition (Code)
35 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - N6GKIGPOST PERINAT: Gebärposition
36 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - N6GKIGRI PERINAT: Geburtsrisiken nein/ja
37 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - N6GKIGVL PERINAT: Geburtsverletzungen keine/ja
38 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - N6GKIKL PERINAT: Kindslage
39 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - N6GKIKLAG PERINAT: andere Kindslage (Katalog C)
40 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - N6GKIKLT PERINAT: Text zu andere Kindslage
41 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - N6GKINSEE PERINAT: EE-Zeit in min (wenn Notsectio)
42 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - N6GKINSOD PERINAT: OP-Dauer bei Sectio in min
43 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - N6GKIPP PERINAT: Werte Plazentarperiode normal/komplik.
44 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - N6GKISSW PERINAT: Schwangerschaftswoche
45 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - N6GKISSWT PERINAT: Tage der nächsten angefangenen SS-Woche
46 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI - N6_ANTISEC PERINAT: Perioperative Antibiotikaprophylaxe (Sectio)
47 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI00 - N6GKIGRBQS PERINAT: Geburtsrisiken (BQS Schlüssel 5)
48 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI00 - N6GKIGRIS PERINAT: Geburtsrisiken (Katalog C)
49 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI00 - N6GKIGRIT PERINAT: Text zu Geburtsrisiken aus Katalog C
50 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI01 - N6GKIGM PERINAT: Ind. zur OP-Entbindung
51 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI01 - N6GKIGMT PERINAT: Texte zur Indikation lt. Katalog
52 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI02 - DOKAR Document Type
53 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI02 - DOKNR Document number
54 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI02 - DOKTL Document part
55 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI02 - DOKVR Document version
56 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI02 - N6GKIGVCO PERINAT: Geburtsverletzungen (Code)
57 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI02 - N6GKIGVCT PERINAT: Geburtsverletzungen
58 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKI03 - N6GKIPKOM PERINAT: Plazentakomplikationen (Combo)
59 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKIGEBMOD - EINRI IS-H: Institution
60 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKIGEBMOD - GM_ICPM PERINAT: ICPM zum Geburtsmodus
61 Table/Structure Field  N1PDDGKIGEBMOD - TEXT Text Field
62 Table/Structure Field  N1PDKGKIGM - N6GKIGM PERINAT: Ind. zur OP-Entbindung
63 Table/Structure Field  N1PDKGKIGM - SQSGM PERINAT: Ind. zur OP-Entbindung lt. SQS
64 Table/Structure Field  N1PDKGKIGM - TEXT PERINAT: Ind. zur OP-Entbindung (Bezeichnung)
65 Table/Structure Field  N1PDKGKIGPO - N6GKIGPOCO PERINAT: Gebärposition (Code)
66 Table/Structure Field  N1PDKGKIGPO - N6GKIGPOS PERINAT: Gebärposition
67 Table/Structure Field  N1PDKGKIGPO - SQSGEBPOS PERINAT: Gebärposition lt. SQS
68 Table/Structure Field  N1PDKGKIGRIS - BQSGRIS PERINAT: Geburtsrisiken (BQS Schlüssel 5)
69 Table/Structure Field  N1PDKGKIGRIS - N6GKIGRIS PERINAT: Geburtsrisiken (Katalog C)
70 Table/Structure Field  N1PDKGKIGRIS - TEXT PERINAT: Geburtsrisiken (Bezeichnung)
71 Table/Structure Field  N1PDKGKIGVW - N6GKIGVC PERINAT: Geburtsverletzungen (Code)
72 Table/Structure Field  N1PDKGKIGVW - N6GKIGVT PERINAT: Geburtsverletzungen
73 Table/Structure Field  N1PDKGKIKLAG - N6GKIKLAG PERINAT: andere Kindslage (Katalog C)
74 Table/Structure Field  N1PDKGKIKLAG - SQSLAGE PERINAT: Kindslage lt. SQS
75 Table/Structure Field  N1PDKGKIKLAG - TEXT PERINAT: Kindslagen (Bezeichnung)
76 Table/Structure Field  NDOC - DOKAR Document Type
77 Table/Structure Field  NDOC - DOKNR Document number
78 Table/Structure Field  NDOC - DOKTL Document part
79 Table/Structure Field  NDOC - DOKVR Document version
80 Table/Structure Field  NDOC - DTID Document Category ID
81 Table/Structure Field  NDOC - EINRI IS-H: Institution
82 Table/Structure Field  NDOC - FALNR IS-H: Case Number
83 Table/Structure Field  NFAL - EINRI IS-H: Institution
84 Table/Structure Field  NFAL - FALNR IS-H: Case Number
85 Table/Structure Field  NGEB - EINRI IS-H: Institution
86 Table/Structure Field  NGEB - FALN1 IS-H: Case Number
87 Table/Structure Field  NGEB - FALN2 IS-H: Case Number
88 Table/Structure Field  NGEB - GBDAT IS-H: Birthdate
89 Table/Structure Field  NGEB - GBTIM Time of Birth
90 Table/Structure Field  NGEB - MODUS IS-H: Birth Procedure
91 Table/Structure Field  NGEB - STORN IS-H: Cancellation Indicator
92 Table/Structure Field  RNDOC_FIELDS - DTID Document Category ID
93 Table/Structure Field  RNDOC_FIELDS - EINRI IS-H: Institution
94 Table/Structure Field  RNDOC_FIELDS - FALNR IS-H: Case Number
95 Table/Structure Field  RSEU1 - FUNC Function Code
96 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGID ABAP System Field: Message ID
97 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGNO ABAP System Field: Message Number
98 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGTY ABAP System Field: Message Type
99 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV1 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
100 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV2 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
101 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV3 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
102 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV4 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
103 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
104 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TCODE ABAP System Field: Current Transaction Code
105 Table/Structure Field  TN15E - KZ_KAISER IS-H: Birth procedure by caesarean section
106 Table/Structure Field  TN15E - KZ_VAKUUM IS-H: Birth procedure birth by vacuum extraction
107 Table/Structure Field  TN15E - KZ_ZANGEN IS-H: Birth Procedure - Birth by Forceps Delivery
108 Table/Structure Field  TN15E - MODUS IS-H: Birth Procedure