Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program MJJD1FOB (IS-M: CUA Forms (Sample PGM))
SAP ABAP Program MJJD1FOB (IS-M: CUA Forms (Sample PGM)) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  INRI - RETURNCODE Return code
2 Table/Structure Field  JJTDIEN - AENDATE Date of Last Change
3 Table/Structure Field  JJTDIEN - MTART Material type
4 Table/Structure Field  JJTDIEN - MEINS Base Unit of Measure
5 Table/Structure Field  JJTDIEN - MATNR IS-M: Service material number
6 Table/Structure Field  JJTDIEN - ERFUSER Created By
7 Table/Structure Field  JJTDIEN - ERFDATE Created On
8 Table/Structure Field  JJTDIEN - DIENTYP IS-M: Service Type
9 Table/Structure Field  JJTDIEN - AENUSER Last Changed By
10 Table/Structure Field  JJTDIEN - AENTIME Time of Last Change
11 Table/Structure Field  JJTDIEN - ERFTIME Time Created
12 Table/Structure Field  JYTBEZEICH - KURZTEXT IS-M: Short Text
13 Table/Structure Field  JYTUSER - ERFDATE Created On
14 Table/Structure Field  JYTUSER - ERFUSER Created By
15 Table/Structure Field  JYTUSER - ERFTIME Time Created
16 Table/Structure Field  JYTUSER - AENUSER Last Changed By
17 Table/Structure Field  JYTUSER - AENTIME Time of Last Change
18 Table/Structure Field  JYTUSER - AENDATE Date of Last Change
19 Table/Structure Field  MG03STEUER - ALAND Departure country (country from which the goods are sent)
20 Table/Structure Field  MG03STEUER - LFDNR Sequence of Possible Taxes for each Country
21 Table/Structure Field  MG03STEUER - TATYP Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...)
22 Table/Structure Field  MG03STEUER - TAXKM Tax classification material
23 Table/Structure Field  RJMJD1 - MTART_BEZ Description of material type
24 Table/Structure Field  RJMJD1 - MEINS_BEZ Dimension text
25 Table/Structure Field  RJMJD1 - DIENTYP_B IS-M: Short Text
26 Table/Structure Field  SVAL - FIELDNAME Field Name
27 Table/Structure Field  SVAL - FIELD_OBL Required field flag
28 Table/Structure Field  SVAL - TABNAME Table Name
29 Table/Structure Field  SVAL - VALUE Table field value
30 Table/Structure Field  SVALE - ERRORFIELD Field Name
31 Table/Structure Field  SVALE - ERRORTAB Table Name
32 Table/Structure Field  SVALE - MSGID Message Class
33 Table/Structure Field  SVALE - MSGNO Message Number
34 Table/Structure Field  SVALE - MSGTY Message Type
35 Table/Structure Field  SYST - LOOPC ABAP System Field: Visible Lines of Step Loop
36 Table/Structure Field  SYST - WINY1 ABAP System Field: Obsolete
37 Table/Structure Field  SYST - WINX1 ABAP System Field: Obsolete
38 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
39 Table/Structure Field  SYST - STEPL ABAP System Field: Current Step Loop or Table Control Line
40 Table/Structure Field  SYST - LANGU ABAP System Field: Language Key of Text Environment
41 Table/Structure Field  T006A - MSEHT Unit of Measurement Text (Maximum 10 Characters)
42 Table/Structure Field  T134T - MTBEZ Description of material type
43 Table/Structure Field  TJH72 - KURZTEXT IS-M: Short Text
44 Table/Structure Field  TJY00 - BASISSPR Basic Language for Text Display
45 Table/Structure Field  TSTL - LFDNR Sequence of Possible Taxes for each Country
46 Table/Structure Field  TSTL - TALND Country is Relevant for Taxes
47 Table/Structure Field  TSTL - TATYP Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...)