Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program MCQ000F0 (Form pool for QMIS interface)
SAP ABAP Program MCQ000F0 (Form pool for QMIS interface) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  EMARA - MEINS Base Unit of Measure
2 Table/Structure Field  MARA - MATNR Material Number
3 Table/Structure Field  MARA - MEINS Base Unit of Measure
4 Table/Structure Field  MCCONTROL - MODUS Mode of info structure updating in LIS
5 Table/Structure Field  MCQALS - LMENGESCH Defective Quantity in Inspected Quantity
6 Table/Structure Field  MCQALS - STAT30 Origin of Inspection Lot Unit of Measure for LIS Interface
7 Table/Structure Field  MCQALS - STAT04 Data Record Was Changed Using Customer Exit
8 Table/Structure Field  MCQALS - MENGENEINH Base Unit of Measure for The Inspection Lot Quantity
9 Table/Structure Field  MCQALS - MATNR Material Number
10 Table/Structure Field  MCQALS - LOSMENGE Inspection Lot Quantity
11 Table/Structure Field  MCQALS - LMENGEZER Quantity Destroyed During Inspection
12 Table/Structure Field  MCQALS - LMENGEPR Quantity Actually Inspected
13 Table/Structure Field  MCQALS - LMENGEIST Actual Lot Quantity
14 Table/Structure Field  MCQALS - LMENGE09 Other Quantity (2) Posted from Inspection Lot Stock
15 Table/Structure Field  MCQALS - LMENGE07 Quantity Returned to Vendor
16 Table/Structure Field  MCQALS - LMENGE06 Quantity Posted to Another Material
17 Table/Structure Field  MCQALS - LMENGE08 Other Quantity Posted from Inspection Lot Stock
18 Table/Structure Field  MCQALS - LMENGE05 Quantity Posted to Reserves
19 Table/Structure Field  MCQALS - LMENGE04 Quantity Posted to Blocked Stock
20 Table/Structure Field  MCQALS - LMENGE03 Quantity Posted to Sample
21 Table/Structure Field  MCQALS - LMENGE02 Quantity Posted to Scrap
22 Table/Structure Field  MCQALS - LMENGE01 Quantity Posted to Unrestricted-Use Stock
23 Table/Structure Field  MCQALS - GESSTICHPR Sample Size
24 Table/Structure Field  MCQALS - EINHPROBE Base Unit of Measure for the Sample Unit
25 Table/Structure Field  MCQALSB - LMENGE09 Other Quantity (2) Posted from Inspection Lot Stock
26 Table/Structure Field  MCQALSB - LMENGEIST Actual Lot Quantity
27 Table/Structure Field  MCQALSB - LMENGEPR Quantity Actually Inspected
28 Table/Structure Field  MCQALSB - LMENGESCH Defective Quantity in Inspected Quantity
29 Table/Structure Field  MCQALSB - LOSMENGE Inspection Lot Quantity
30 Table/Structure Field  MCQALSB - MATNR Material Number
31 Table/Structure Field  MCQALSB - MENGENEINH Base Unit of Measure for The Inspection Lot Quantity
32 Table/Structure Field  MCQALSB - STAT04 Data Record Was Changed Using Customer Exit
33 Table/Structure Field  MCQALSB - STAT30 Origin of Inspection Lot Unit of Measure for LIS Interface
34 Table/Structure Field  MCQALSB - LMENGEZER Quantity Destroyed During Inspection
35 Table/Structure Field  MCQALSB - LMENGE07 Quantity Returned to Vendor
36 Table/Structure Field  MCQALSB - LMENGE08 Other Quantity Posted from Inspection Lot Stock
37 Table/Structure Field  MCQALSB - EINHPROBE Base Unit of Measure for the Sample Unit
38 Table/Structure Field  MCQALSB - GESSTICHPR Sample Size
39 Table/Structure Field  MCQALSB - LMENGE01 Quantity Posted to Unrestricted-Use Stock
40 Table/Structure Field  MCQALSB - LMENGE02 Quantity Posted to Scrap
41 Table/Structure Field  MCQALSB - LMENGE03 Quantity Posted to Sample
42 Table/Structure Field  MCQALSB - LMENGE04 Quantity Posted to Blocked Stock
43 Table/Structure Field  MCQALSB - LMENGE05 Quantity Posted to Reserves
44 Table/Structure Field  MCQALSB - LMENGE06 Quantity Posted to Another Material
45 Table/Structure Field  MESG - TXTNR Message number
46 Table/Structure Field  QALS - STAT30 Origin of Inspection Lot Unit of Measure for LIS Interface
47 Table/Structure Field  QALS - STAT04 Data Record Was Changed Using Customer Exit
48 Table/Structure Field  QALS - MENGENEINH Base Unit of Measure for The Inspection Lot Quantity
49 Table/Structure Field  QALS - MATNR Material Number
50 Table/Structure Field  QALS - LOSMENGE Inspection Lot Quantity
51 Table/Structure Field  QALS - LMENGEZER Quantity Destroyed During Inspection
52 Table/Structure Field  QALS - LMENGESCH Defective Quantity in Inspected Quantity
53 Table/Structure Field  QALS - LMENGEPR Quantity Actually Inspected
54 Table/Structure Field  QALS - LMENGEIST Actual Lot Quantity
55 Table/Structure Field  QALS - LMENGE09 Other Quantity (2) Posted from Inspection Lot Stock
56 Table/Structure Field  QALS - LMENGE07 Quantity Returned to Vendor
57 Table/Structure Field  QALS - LMENGE06 Quantity Posted to Another Material
58 Table/Structure Field  QALS - LMENGE05 Quantity Posted to Reserves
59 Table/Structure Field  QALS - LMENGE04 Quantity Posted to Blocked Stock
60 Table/Structure Field  QALS - LMENGE03 Quantity Posted to Sample
61 Table/Structure Field  QALS - LMENGE02 Quantity Posted to Scrap
62 Table/Structure Field  QALS - LMENGE01 Quantity Posted to Unrestricted-Use Stock
63 Table/Structure Field  QALS - GESSTICHPR Sample Size
64 Table/Structure Field  QALS - EINHPROBE Base Unit of Measure for the Sample Unit
65 Table/Structure Field  QALS - LMENGE08 Other Quantity Posted from Inspection Lot Stock
66 Table/Structure Field  QM00 - QKZ X and Blank (Indicator)
67 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGID ABAP System Field: Message ID
68 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGTY ABAP System Field: Message Type
69 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV1 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
70 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV2 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
71 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV3 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
72 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV4 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
73 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
74 Table/Structure Field  T001K - BUKRS Company Code
75 Table/Structure Field  T001W - WERKS Plant
76 Table/Structure Field  T006 - MSEHI Unit of Measurement