Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program LWSTN2F16 (Form wstn_al_sites_fill)
SAP ABAP Program LWSTN2F16 (Form wstn_al_sites_fill) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  AUFG - GRMAN Indicates that plant group does not exist as a class
2 Table/Structure Field  AUFG - FIGRP Base plant group
3 Table/Structure Field  AUFI - FILNR Customer Number
4 Table/Structure Field  AUFI - FIWRK Store as plant
5 Table/Structure Field  AUFI - PMNGU Planned qty of sub-item
6 Table/Structure Field  AUFI - VZENT Distribution center (as customer)
7 Table/Structure Field  AUPO - ATTYP Material Category
8 Table/Structure Field  AUPO - AUFME Allocation Unit
9 Table/Structure Field  AUPO - MATKL Material Group
10 Table/Structure Field  AUPO - MATNR Material Number
11 Table/Structure Field  AUPO - PMNGE Planned Quantity of Item
12 Table/Structure Field  AUPO - SBELN No. of allocation rule
13 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MANDT ABAP System Field: Client ID of Current User
14 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_ALLOC - SBELN No. of allocation rule
15 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_ALLOC - QTY_AL_TOTAL Material quantity allocated per store group
16 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_ALLOC - QTY_AL_SITE Material Quantity Allocated per Plant
17 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_ALLOC - PONUM Item number in the prepack allocation plan
18 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_ALLOC - PLANNR Prepack allocation plan number
19 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_ALLOC - MANDT Client
20 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_ALLOC - FILGRP Store Group
21 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_ALLOC - AUFME Allocation Unit
22 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_ALLOC - ATTYP Material Category
23 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_ALLOC - ASORT Assortment
24 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_ALLOC - MATNR Material Number
25 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_FILGRP - MANDT Client
26 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_FILGRP - PLANNR Prepack allocation plan number
27 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_FILGRP - FIWRK Store as plant
28 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_FILGRP - FILNR Customer Number
29 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_FILGRP - FILGRP Store Group
30 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_FILGRP - ASORT Assortment
31 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_POSI - PLANNR Prepack allocation plan number
32 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_POSI - PONUM Item number in the prepack allocation plan
33 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_POSI - REF_AL_CNT No. of alloc. or put-away lines that refer to an alloc. item
34 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_SGROUP - ASORT Assortment
35 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_SGROUP - FILGRP Store Group
36 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_SGROUP - FILGRPTEXT Description
37 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_SGROUP - MANDT Client
38 Table/Structure Field  WSTN_AL_SGROUP - PLANNR Prepack allocation plan number