Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program LSLVCF07 (Include LSLVCF07)
SAP ABAP Program LSLVCF07 (Include LSLVCF07) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - EMPHASIZE ALV control: Highlight column with color
2 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - FIELDNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
3 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - KEY ALV control: Key field
4 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - NO_OUT ALV control: Column is not output
5 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - REPTEXT Heading
6 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - DOC_ID Business Document Service: Document ID
7 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - EDIT ALV control: Ready for input
8 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - EDIT_MODE ALV control: Edit mode
9 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - FRONTEND ALV control: Excel, Crystal or ALV
10 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - GRAPHICS GUID in 'CHAR' Format in Uppercase
11 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - LANGUAGE Language ID
12 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - NO_HEADERS ALV control: Hide column headings
13 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - NO_KEYFIX ALV control: Do not fix key columns
14 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - NO_MERGING ALV control: Disable cell merging
15 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - OBJECT_KEY Business Document Service: Object key
16 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - TEMPLATE Business Document Service: File names
17 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - TOTALS_BEF ALV control: Totals output before individual records
18 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_TOTO - MAX_LEVEL Natural number
19 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_TOTO - OFFSET Natural number
20 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_TOTO - TOTALS Single-Character Flag
21 Table/Structure Field  DD03P - FIELDNAME Field Name
22 Table/Structure Field  DD03P - OUTPUTLEN Output Length
23 Table/Structure Field  DD03P - REPTEXT Heading
24 Table/Structure Field  DD03P - ROLLNAME Data element (semantic domain)
25 Table/Structure Field  DD03P - TABNAME Table Name
26 Table/Structure Field  DFIES - FIELDNAME Field Name
27 Table/Structure Field  DFIES - OUTPUTLEN Output Length
28 Table/Structure Field  DFIES - ROLLNAME Data element (semantic domain)
29 Table/Structure Field  DFIES - TABNAME Table Name
30 Table/Structure Field  KKB_S_FCAT - DDICTXT Single-Character Flag
31 Table/Structure Field  KKB_S_FCAT - SELTEXT_L Long Field Label
32 Table/Structure Field  KKB_S_FCAT - SELTEXT_M Medium Field Label
33 Table/Structure Field  KKB_S_FCAT - SELTEXT_S Short Field Label
34 Table/Structure Field  KKB_S_FILT - OPTIO Version Number Component
35 Table/Structure Field  KKB_S_FILT - SIGN0 Single-Character Flag
36 Table/Structure Field  KKB_S_FILT - VALUF_INT Text (80 Characters)
37 Table/Structure Field  KKB_S_FILT - VALUT_INT Text (80 Characters)
38 Table/Structure Field  KKB_S_GRPL - CINDEX_TO Natural number
39 Table/Structure Field  KKB_S_LAYO - CELL_MERGE Single-Character Flag
40 Table/Structure Field  KKB_S_LAYO - NO_AUTHOR Single-Character Flag
41 Table/Structure Field  KKB_S_LAYO - NO_COLHEAD Single-Character Flag
42 Table/Structure Field  KKB_S_LAYO - NUMC_SUM Single-Character Flag
43 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FC2 - FIELDNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
44 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - COLDDICTXT ALV control: Determine DDIC text reference
45 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - COLTEXT ALV control: Column heading
46 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - DD_OUTLEN ALV control: Output length in characters
47 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - DD_ROLL Data element (semantic domain)
48 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - DECIMALS_O ALV control: Number of decimal places for output
49 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - DECMLFIELD ALV control: Field name with DECIMALS specification
50 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - EMPHASIZE ALV control: Highlight column with color
51 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - FIELDNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
52 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - KEY ALV control: Key field
53 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - NO_OUT ALV control: Column is not output
54 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - REF_FIELD ALV control: Reference field name for internal table field
55 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - REF_TABLE ALV control: Reference table name for internal table field
56 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - REPTEXT Heading
57 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - ROUNDFIELD ALV control: Field name with ROUND specification
58 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - SCRTEXT_L Long Field Label
59 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - SCRTEXT_M Medium Field Label
60 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - SCRTEXT_S Short Field Label
61 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - TECH_COL ALV control: Internal use
62 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - TECH_COMP ALV control: Internal use
63 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - TXT_FIELD ALV control: Field name of internal table field
64 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FILT - DD_OUTLEN ALV control: Output length in characters
65 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FILT - HIGH Text (80 Characters)
66 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FILT - LOW Text (80 Characters)
67 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FILT - OPTION Version Number Component
68 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FILT - REF_FIELD ALV control: Reference field name for internal table field
69 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FILT - REF_TABLE ALV control: Reference table name for internal table field
70 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FILT - SIGN Single-Character Flag
71 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_GRPL - CINDX_FROM Natural number
72 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_GRPL - CINDX_TO Natural number
73 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L002 - BOX_FNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
74 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L002 - GRID_TITLE ALV Control: Title bar text
75 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L002 - SEL_MODE ALV control: SelectionMode
76 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L003 - NO_TOTLINE ALV control: Do not output totals line
77 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L003 - NO_UTSPLIT ALV control: Split totals lines by unit
78 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L003 - NUMC_TOTAL ALV control: Disallow NUMC field summation
79 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L004 - EXCP_CONDS ALV control: Aggregate exceptions
80 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L004 - EXCP_FNAME ALV control: Field name with exception coding
81 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L004 - EXCP_ROLLN ALV control: Data element for exception documentation
82 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L005 - DETAILINIT ALV control: Display initial values on detail screen
83 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L005 - DETAILTITL ALV control: Title bar of detail screen
84 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L005 - KEYHOT ALV control: Key columns as hotspot
85 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L005 - NO_AUTHOR ALV control: Do not perform ALV standard authority check
86 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L006 - CTAB_FNAME ALV control: Field name with complex cell color coding
87 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L006 - INFO_FNAME ALV control: Field name with simple row color coding
88 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - BOX_FNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
89 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - CTAB_FNAME ALV control: Field name with complex cell color coding
90 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - DETAILINIT ALV control: Display initial values on detail screen
91 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - DETAILTITL ALV control: Title bar of detail screen
92 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - DOC_ID Business Document Service: Document ID
93 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - EDIT ALV control: Ready for input
94 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - EDIT_MODE ALV control: Edit mode
95 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - EXCP_CONDS ALV control: Aggregate exceptions
96 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - EXCP_FNAME ALV control: Field name with exception coding
97 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - EXCP_ROLLN ALV control: Data element for exception documentation
98 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - FRONTEND ALV control: Excel, Crystal or ALV
99 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - GRAPHICS GUID in 'CHAR' Format in Uppercase
100 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - GRID_TITLE ALV Control: Title bar text
101 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - INFO_FNAME ALV control: Field name with simple row color coding
102 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - KEYHOT ALV control: Key columns as hotspot
103 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - LANGUAGE Language ID
104 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - NO_AUTHOR ALV control: Do not perform ALV standard authority check
105 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - NO_HEADERS ALV control: Hide column headings
106 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - NO_KEYFIX ALV control: Do not fix key columns
107 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - NO_MERGING ALV control: Disable cell merging
108 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - NO_TOTLINE ALV control: Do not output totals line
109 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - NO_UTSPLIT ALV control: Split totals lines by unit
110 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - NUMC_TOTAL ALV control: Disallow NUMC field summation
111 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - OBJECT_KEY Business Document Service: Object key
112 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - SEL_MODE ALV control: SelectionMode
113 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - TEMPLATE Business Document Service: File names
114 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - TOTALS_BEF ALV control: Totals output before individual records
115 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_TOTO - LEN_TEXT Natural number
116 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_TOTO - MAX_LEVEL Natural number
117 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_TOTO - OFFSET Natural number
118 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_TOTO - SUBTOT Single-Character Flag
119 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_TOTO - SUBTOT_OUT Single-Character Flag
120 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_TOTO - TOTALS Single-Character Flag
121 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_TOTO - TOTALS_OUT Single-Character Flag
122 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_TOTO - T_LEVELS LVC_S_TOTO-T_LEVELS
123 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_TOTO - ULINE_LVL Natural number
124 Table/Structure Field  SYST - CUCOL ABAP System Field: Horizontal Cursor Position in PAI
125 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
126 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TITLE ABAP System Field: Title Line Content of Current Dynpro