Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program LSBAL_DISPLAY_BASEF10 (Include LSBAL_DISPLAY_BASEF10)
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - COL_POS ALV control: Output column
2 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - FIELDNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
3 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - HOTSPOT ALV control: SingleClick-sensitive
4 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - ICON ALV control: Output as icon
5 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - KEY ALV control: Key field
6 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - NO_OUT ALV control: Column is not output
7 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - OUTPUTLEN ALV control: Column width in characters
8 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - REPTEXT Heading
9 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_FCAT - TECH ALV control: Technical field
10 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - CWIDTH_OPT ALV control: Optimize column width
11 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_LAYO - ZEBRA ALV control: Alternating line color (striped)
12 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_SORT - DOWN Single-Character Flag
13 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_SORT - FIELDNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
14 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_SORT - SPOS Sort sequence
15 Table/Structure Field  ALV_S_SORT - UP Single-Character Flag
16 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_CODE - LEV1_GENR BAL_S_CODE-LEV1_GENR
17 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_CODE - LEV2_GENR BAL_S_CODE-LEV2_GENR
18 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_CODE - LEV3_GENR BAL_S_CODE-LEV3_GENR
19 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_CODE - LEV4_GENR BAL_S_CODE-LEV4_GENR
20 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_CODE - LEV5_GENR BAL_S_CODE-LEV5_GENR
21 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_CODE - LEV6_GENR BAL_S_CODE-LEV6_GENR
22 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_CODE - LEV7_GENR BAL_S_CODE-LEV7_GENR
23 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_CODE - LEV8_GENR BAL_S_CODE-LEV8_GENR
24 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_CODE - LEV9_GENR BAL_S_CODE-LEV9_GENR
25 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_CODE - MAX_LEVEL Natural number
28 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_COL - PROBCLASS1 Application Log: Display: Color (1 .. 7)
29 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_COL - PROBCLASS2 Application Log: Display: Color (1 .. 7)
30 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_COL - PROBCLASS3 Application Log: Display: Color (1 .. 7)
31 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_COL - PROBCLASS4 Application Log: Display: Color (1 .. 7)
32 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_COLA - PROBCLASS1 3-Byte field
33 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_COLA - PROBCLASS2 3-Byte field
34 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_COLA - PROBCLASS3 3-Byte field
35 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_COLA - PROBCLASS4 3-Byte field
36 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_COLT - PROBCLASS1 Natural number
37 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_COLT - PROBCLASS2 Natural number
38 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_COLT - PROBCLASS3 Natural number
39 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_COLT - PROBCLASS4 Natural number
40 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FCAT - CLTXT_ADD Application Log: Add field name
41 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FCAT - CLTXT_LEN Application Log: Field name length
42 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FCAT - CLTXT_SEP Applic. Log: Separator betw. field name and field (e.g.':')
43 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FCAT - COLDDICTXT ALV control: Determine DDIC text reference
44 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FCAT - COLTEXT ALV control: Column identifier for dialog functions
45 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FCAT - COL_POS ALV control: Output column
46 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FCAT - HOTSPOT ALV control: SingleClick-sensitive
47 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FCAT - IS_EXTERN Application Log: Log display field filled externally
48 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FCAT - IS_TREECOL Application Log: Level 1 only: Field is column in list tree
49 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FCAT - NO_OUT ALV control: Column is not output
50 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FCAT - OUTPUTLEN ALV control: Column width in characters
51 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FCAT - REF_FIELD ALV control: Reference field name for internal table field
52 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FCAT - REF_TABLE ALV control: Reference table name for internal table field
53 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FCAT - TECH ALV control: Technical field
54 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FLDS - FIELDNAME Field Name
55 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FLDS - OUTPUTLEN Output Length
56 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FLDS - REPTEXT Heading
57 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FLDS - SCRTEXT_L Long Field Label
58 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FLDS - SCRTEXT_M Medium Field Label
59 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_FLDS - SCRTEXT_S Short Field Label
60 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_GENR - FIELDNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
61 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_GENR - REF_FIELD ALV control: Reference field name for internal table field
62 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_GENR - REF_TABLE ALV control: Reference table name for internal table field
63 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - BYDETLEVEL Application log: Construct hierachy by DETLEVEL
64 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - CODE BAL_S_IPRF-CODE
67 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - CONTR_DYN Dynpro Number
68 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - CONTR_REP ABAP Program: Current Main Program
69 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - EXP_LEVEL Natural number
70 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - EXP_LEVELT Natural number
71 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - FCAT_EXT_M BAL_S_IPRF-FCAT_EXT_M
72 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - FCAT_EXT_T BAL_S_IPRF-FCAT_EXT_T
73 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - HEAD_SIZE Natural number
74 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - HEAD_TEXT Comment
75 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - LANGU Language Key
77 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - LEV1_OUTP BAL_S_IPRF-LEV1_OUTP
78 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - LEV1_SORT BAL_S_IPRF-LEV1_SORT
79 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - LEV2_OUTP BAL_S_IPRF-LEV2_OUTP
80 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - LEV2_SORT BAL_S_IPRF-LEV2_SORT
81 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - LEV3_OUTP BAL_S_IPRF-LEV3_OUTP
82 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - LEV3_SORT BAL_S_IPRF-LEV3_SORT
83 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - LEV4_OUTP BAL_S_IPRF-LEV4_OUTP
84 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - LEV4_SORT BAL_S_IPRF-LEV4_SORT
85 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - LEV5_OUTP BAL_S_IPRF-LEV5_OUTP
86 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - LEV5_SORT BAL_S_IPRF-LEV5_SORT
87 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - LEV6_OUTP BAL_S_IPRF-LEV6_OUTP
88 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - LEV6_SORT BAL_S_IPRF-LEV6_SORT
89 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - LEV7_OUTP BAL_S_IPRF-LEV7_OUTP
90 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - LEV7_SORT BAL_S_IPRF-LEV7_SORT
91 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - LEV8_OUTP BAL_S_IPRF-LEV8_OUTP
92 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - LEV8_SORT BAL_S_IPRF-LEV8_SORT
93 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - LEV9_OUTP BAL_S_IPRF-LEV9_OUTP
94 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - LEV9_SORT BAL_S_IPRF-LEV9_SORT
95 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - MAX_LEVEL Natural number
96 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - MAX_LEV_O Natural number
97 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - MESS_ALV BAL_S_IPRF-MESS_ALV
100 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - READ_TREE BAL_S_IPRF-READ_TREE
101 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - SHOW_ALL Boolean Variable (X=True, -=False, Space=Unknown)
102 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - SORT_ALV BAL_S_IPRF-SORT_ALV
103 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - TITLE Title Line
104 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - TREE_NOMSG Application Log: No message data required in tree
105 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - TREE_SIZE Natural number
106 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_IPRF - USE_GRID Application Log: Use grid control for output
107 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_NTAB - LANGU Language Key
108 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_NTAB - TABNAME Table Name
109 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_NTAB - T_FIELDS BAL_S_NTAB-T_FIELDS
110 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_OUTP - CLTXT_ADD Application Log: Add field name
111 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_OUTP - CLTXT_LEN Application Log: Field name length
112 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_OUTP - CLTXT_SEP Applic. Log: Separator betw. field name and field (e.g.':')
113 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_OUTP - COLDDICTXT ALV control: Determine DDIC text reference
114 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_OUTP - COLTEXT ALV control: Column identifier for dialog functions
115 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_OUTP - COL_POS ALV control: Output column
116 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_OUTP - FIELDNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
117 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_OUTP - IS_TREECOL Application Log: Level 1 only: Field is column in list tree
118 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_OUTP - ITEM_NAME Tree Control: Column Name / Item Name
119 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_OUTP - OUTPUTLEN ALV control: Column width in characters
120 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - BYDETLEVEL Application log: Construct hierachy by DETLEVEL
121 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - COLORS BAL_S_PROF-COLORS
122 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - CWIDTH_OPT Application Log: Optimize message list column width
123 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - EXP_LEVEL Application Log: Tree: Expand to level
124 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - LANGU Application Log: Log display language
125 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - LEV1_FCAT BAL_S_PROF-LEV1_FCAT
126 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - LEV1_SORT BAL_S_PROF-LEV1_SORT
127 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - LEV2_FCAT BAL_S_PROF-LEV2_FCAT
128 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - LEV2_SORT BAL_S_PROF-LEV2_SORT
129 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - LEV3_FCAT BAL_S_PROF-LEV3_FCAT
130 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - LEV3_SORT BAL_S_PROF-LEV3_SORT
131 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - LEV4_FCAT BAL_S_PROF-LEV4_FCAT
132 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - LEV4_SORT BAL_S_PROF-LEV4_SORT
133 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - LEV5_FCAT BAL_S_PROF-LEV5_FCAT
134 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - LEV5_SORT BAL_S_PROF-LEV5_SORT
135 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - LEV6_FCAT BAL_S_PROF-LEV6_FCAT
136 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - LEV6_SORT BAL_S_PROF-LEV6_SORT
137 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - LEV7_FCAT BAL_S_PROF-LEV7_FCAT
138 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - LEV7_SORT BAL_S_PROF-LEV7_SORT
139 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - LEV8_FCAT BAL_S_PROF-LEV8_FCAT
140 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - LEV8_SORT BAL_S_PROF-LEV8_SORT
141 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - LEV9_FCAT BAL_S_PROF-LEV9_FCAT
142 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - LEV9_SORT BAL_S_PROF-LEV9_SORT
143 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - MESS_FCAT BAL_S_PROF-MESS_FCAT
144 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - MESS_MARK Applicationn Log: Messages in list selectable
145 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - MESS_SORT BAL_S_PROF-MESS_SORT
146 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - NO_TOOLBAR Application Log: Hide toolbar in ALV grid
147 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_PROF - ROOT_TEXT Application Log: Tree: Root node text
148 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_READ - CONTEXT Boolean Variable (X=True, -=False, Space=Unknown)
149 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_READ - DETLEVELS Boolean Variable (X=True, -=False, Space=Unknown)
150 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_READ - EXTERN Boolean Variable (X=True, -=False, Space=Unknown)
151 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_READ - ICON_LNG Boolean Variable (X=True, -=False, Space=Unknown)
152 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_READ - ICON_MSGTY Boolean Variable (X=True, -=False, Space=Unknown)
153 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_READ - ICON_PAR Boolean Variable (X=True, -=False, Space=Unknown)
154 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_READ - MSGVAR Boolean Variable (X=True, -=False, Space=Unknown)
155 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_READ - MSG_STMP Boolean Variable (X=True, -=False, Space=Unknown)
156 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_READ - T_MSG Boolean Variable (X=True, -=False, Space=Unknown)
157 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_SFLD - DOWN Application Log: Sort in descending order
158 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_SFLD - FIELDNAME Application Log: Long field name
159 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_SORT - DOWN Single-Character Flag
160 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_SORT - REF_FIELD ALV control: Field name of internal table field
161 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_SORT - REF_TABLE ALV control: Reference field name for internal table field
162 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_SORT - SPOS Sort sequence
163 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_SORT - UP Single-Character Flag
164 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - COL_POS ALV control: Output column
165 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - FIELDNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
166 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - HOTSPOT ALV control: SingleClick-sensitive
167 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - ICON ALV control: Output as icon
168 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - KEY ALV control: Key field
169 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - NO_OUT ALV control: Column is not output
170 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - OUTPUTLEN ALV control: Column width in characters
171 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - REF_FIELD ALV control: Reference field name for internal table field
172 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - REF_TABLE ALV control: Reference table name for internal table field
173 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - REPTEXT Heading
174 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - SCRTEXT_L Long Field Label
175 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - SCRTEXT_M Medium Field Label
176 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - SCRTEXT_S Short Field Label
177 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_FCAT - TECH ALV control: Technical field
178 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L002 - NO_TOOLBAR ALV control: Hide toolbar
179 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L002 - SEL_MODE ALV control: SelectionMode
180 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L006 - CTAB_FNAME ALV control: Field name with complex cell color coding
181 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_L006 - INFO_FNAME ALV control: Field name with simple row color coding
182 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - CTAB_FNAME ALV control: Field name with complex cell color coding
183 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - CWIDTH_OPT ALV control: Optimize column width
184 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - INFO_FNAME ALV control: Field name with simple row color coding
185 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - NO_TOOLBAR ALV control: Hide toolbar
186 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - SEL_MODE ALV control: SelectionMode
187 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_LAYO - ZEBRA ALV control: Alternating line color (striped)
188 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_SORT - DOWN Single-Character Flag
189 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_SORT - FIELDNAME ALV control: Field name of internal table field
190 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_SORT - SPOS Sort sequence
191 Table/Structure Field  LVC_S_SORT - UP Single-Character Flag
192 Table/Structure Field  SYST - LANGU ABAP System Field: Language Key of Text Environment
193 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGLI ABAP System Field: Obsolete
194 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables