Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program LRECNF14 (Include LRECNF14)
SAP ABAP Program LRECNF14 (Include LRECNF14) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  AVIMI54 - DBISANRT Date up to when the adjustment type is valid
2 Table/Structure Field  AVIMI54 - DGABANRT Date as from when the adjustment type is valid
3 Table/Structure Field  AVIMI54 - SMVANART Lease-Out Adjustment Type
4 Table/Structure Field  AVIMI55 - DANPAB Date of first lease-out adjustment
5 Table/Structure Field  AVIMI55 - DGABANRT Date as from when the adjustment type is valid
6 Table/Structure Field  AVIMI55 - SKOART Condition Type (Smallest Subdivision of Condition Records)
7 Table/Structure Field  AVIMIUH - DGUELTIG Condition Item Valid From
8 Table/Structure Field  AVIMIUH - GESUMSATZ Sales amounts refer to contract validity period
9 Table/Structure Field  AVIMIUH - INTRENO Internal Real Estate Master Data Code
10 Table/Structure Field  AVIMIUH - SKOART Condition: Type
11 Table/Structure Field  AVIMIUI - DGUELTIG Condition Item Valid From
12 Table/Structure Field  AVIMIUI - INTRENO Internal Real Estate Master Data Code
13 Table/Structure Field  AVIMIUI - SKOART Condition: Type
14 Table/Structure Field  BMM00 - STYPE Batch Input Interface Record Type
15 Table/Structure Field  BOOLE - BOOLE Data element for domain BOOLE: TRUE (='X') and FALSE (=' ')
16 Table/Structure Field  BP000 - NAME1 Name 1 (surname for persons, otherwise company name)
17 Table/Structure Field  BP000 - NAME2 Name 2 (Continuation of NAME 1)
18 Table/Structure Field  BP000 - PARTNR Business Partner Number
19 Table/Structure Field  BPI000 - NAME1 Name 1 (surname for persons, otherwise company name)
20 Table/Structure Field  BPI000 - NAME2 Name 2 (Continuation of NAME 1)
21 Table/Structure Field  BUS000FLDS - TBFLD Table field (table name-field name)
22 Table/Structure Field  HELP_VALUE - FIELDNAME Field Name
23 Table/Structure Field  HELP_VALUE - SELECTFLAG General Flag
24 Table/Structure Field  HELP_VALUE - TABNAME Table Name
25 Table/Structure Field  ICONS - TEXT Carrier field for icons
26 Table/Structure Field  KNB5 - BUKRS Company Code
27 Table/Structure Field  KNB5 - KUNNR Customer Number
28 Table/Structure Field  KNB5 - MABER Dunning Area
29 Table/Structure Field  KNB5 - MADAT Date of Last Dunning Notice
30 Table/Structure Field  KNB5 - MAHNA Dunning Procedure
31 Table/Structure Field  KNB5 - MAHNS Dunning Level
32 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - BUKRS Company Code
33 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - BUT_ADJT Carrier field for icons
34 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - BUT_AUTHGRP Carrier field for icons
35 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - BUT_NOTICE Carrier field for icons
36 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - CHECK_1 Checkbox
37 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - CHECK_10 Checkbox
38 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - CHECK_2 Checkbox
39 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - CHECK_3 Checkbox
40 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - CHECK_4 Checkbox
41 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - CHECK_5 Checkbox
42 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - CHECK_6 Checkbox
43 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - CHECK_7 Checkbox
44 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - CHECK_8 Checkbox
45 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - CHECK_9 Checkbox
46 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - INTRENO Internal Real Estate Master Data Code
47 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - MANDT Client
48 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - RECNADJT Lease-Out Adjustment Type
49 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - RECNBEG Date of contract start
50 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - RECNDAKTKU Activation date
51 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - RECNDDUNNED Date of Last Dunning Notice
52 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - RECNDPO Date of first posting
53 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - RECNDSTKU Reversal date
54 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - RECNEND Date of contract end
55 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - RECNKUNNR Customer Number
56 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - RECNMABER Dunning Area
57 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - RECNMABERTXT Text
58 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - RECNMAHNA Dunning Procedure
59 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - RECNMAHNS_D Dunning Level
60 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - RECNNOTKEY Notice rule
61 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - RECNNOTPER Contract Notice Per
62 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - RECNNOTTYPE Notice Type of Lease-Out
63 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - RECNNR Real Estate Contract Number
64 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - RECNOBJNR Object number
65 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - RECNTERM Contract term in months
66 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - RECNTLAW Tenancy law
67 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - RECNTYPE External Real Estate contract type
68 Table/Structure Field  RECNFLDS - SPARTNR Business Partner Number
69 Table/Structure Field  RECNVICN03 - RECNAEZIF Equivalence number distribution
70 Table/Structure Field  RECNVZZKOPO - DFAELL Due date
71 Table/Structure Field  RECNVZZKOPO - DGUEL_KP Condition Item Valid From
72 Table/Structure Field  RECNVZZKOPO - GESPERRT Internal flag: Record is blocked for changes
73 Table/Structure Field  RECNVZZKOPO - JEINMKON Indicator: Condition type valid once
74 Table/Structure Field  RECNVZZKOPO - NO_CHANGE Internal flag: Record is blocked for changes
75 Table/Structure Field  RECNVZZKOPO - SBEWZITI Flow category
76 Table/Structure Field  RECNVZZKOPO - SKOART Condition Type (Smallest Subdivision of Condition Records)
77 Table/Structure Field  RECNVZZKOPO - XKOARTM Condition type text
78 Table/Structure Field  SCREEN - INPUT SCREEN-INPUT
79 Table/Structure Field  SCREEN - NAME SCREEN-NAME
80 Table/Structure Field  SELC - LOW CHAR40 for SYST
81 Table/Structure Field  SELC - NAME CHAR08 data element for SYST
82 Table/Structure Field  SOLI - LINE Text field length 255: texts
83 Table/Structure Field  SOOD1 - ACNAM Execute: Name of Report, FM, DB, TCode
84 Table/Structure Field  SOOD1 - OBJCP Document cannot be changed
85 Table/Structure Field  SOOD1 - OBJDES Short description of contents
86 Table/Structure Field  SOOD1 - OBJLA Language in Which Document Is Created
87 Table/Structure Field  SOOD1 - OBJNAM Name of document, folder or distribution list
88 Table/Structure Field  SOOD1 - OBJPRI Document priority
89 Table/Structure Field  SOOD1 - OBJSNS Object: Sensitivity (private, functional, ...)
90 Table/Structure Field  SOOD1 - SKIPS Execute: Process First Screen in Background
91 Table/Structure Field  SOOD1 - VMTYP Execute: Type (Report, Dialog Module, ...)
92 Table/Structure Field  SOOS1 - ACDAT Date by which action is to be taken on the received document
93 Table/Structure Field  SOOS1 - OBJAC The recipient must take action
94 Table/Structure Field  SOOS1 - OBJRR A reply must be sent for this object
95 Table/Structure Field  SOOS1 - RECESC Specification of recipient type
96 Table/Structure Field  SOOS1 - RECNAM Recipient Name
97 Table/Structure Field  SOOS1 - RRDAT A reply to the document must be sent by the specified date
98 Table/Structure Field  SOOS1 - SNDEX Send express
99 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DATUM ABAP System Field: Current Date of Application Server
100 Table/Structure Field  SYST - INDEX ABAP System Field: Loop Index
101 Table/Structure Field  SYST - LANGU ABAP System Field: Language Key of Text Environment
102 Table/Structure Field  SYST - LILLI ABAP System Field: Selected List Line
103 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGID ABAP System Field: Message ID
104 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGNO ABAP System Field: Message Number
105 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGTY ABAP System Field: Message Type
106 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV1 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
107 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV2 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
108 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV3 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
109 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV4 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
110 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
111 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TCODE ABAP System Field: Current Transaction Code
112 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UNAME ABAP System Field: Name of Current User
113 Table/Structure Field  T047N - BUKRS Company Code
114 Table/Structure Field  T047N - MABER Dunning Area
115 Table/Structure Field  T047N - SPRAS Language Key
116 Table/Structure Field  T047N - TEXT1 Text
117 Table/Structure Field  TBZ0K - AKTYP Activity Category
118 Table/Structure Field  THEAD - TDID Text ID
119 Table/Structure Field  THEAD - TDNAME Name
120 Table/Structure Field  THEAD - TDSPRAS Language Key
121 Table/Structure Field  TIVCNADJT - RECNADJT Lease-Out Adjustment Type
122 Table/Structure Field  TIVCNADJT - RECNTYPE External Real Estate contract type
123 Table/Structure Field  TIVM2 - SANPNR Rent Adjustment Method
124 Table/Structure Field  TIVM2 - SMIETR Tenancy law
125 Table/Structure Field  TIVM2 - SMVANART Lease-Out Adjustment Type
126 Table/Structure Field  TJ01 - VRGNG Business Transaction
127 Table/Structure Field  TLINE - TDLINE Text Line
128 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - BUKRS Company Code
129 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - INTRENO Internal Real Estate Master Data Code
130 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - MANDT Client
131 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - RECNADJT Lease-Out Adjustment Type
132 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - RECNBEG Date of contract start
133 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - RECNDAKTKU Activation date
134 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - RECNDDUNNED Date of Last Dunning Notice
135 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - RECNDPO Date of first posting
136 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - RECNDSTKU Reversal date
137 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - RECNEND Date of contract end
138 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - RECNKUNNR Customer Number
139 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - RECNMABER Dunning Area
140 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - RECNMAHNA Dunning Procedure
141 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - RECNMAHNS_D Dunning Level
142 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - RECNNOTKEY Notice rule
143 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - RECNNOTPER Contract Notice Per
144 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - RECNNOTTYPE Notice Type of Lease-Out
145 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - RECNNR Real Estate Contract Number
146 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - RECNOBJNR Object number
147 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - RECNTLAW Tenancy law
148 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - RECNTYPE External Real Estate contract type
149 Table/Structure Field  VICN01 - SPARTNR Business Partner Number
150 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - BUKRS Company Code
151 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - RECNADJT Lease-Out Adjustment Type
152 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - RECNBEG Date of contract start
153 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - RECNDAKTKU Activation date
154 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - RECNDDUNNED Date of Last Dunning Notice
155 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - RECNDPO Date of first posting
156 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - RECNDSTKU Reversal date
157 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - RECNEND Date of contract end
158 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - RECNKUNNR Customer Number
159 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - RECNMABER Dunning Area
160 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - RECNMAHNA Dunning Procedure
161 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - RECNMAHNS_D Dunning Level
162 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - RECNNOTKEY Notice rule
163 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - RECNNOTPER Contract Notice Per
164 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - RECNNOTTYPE Notice Type of Lease-Out
165 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - RECNNR Real Estate Contract Number
166 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - RECNOBJNR Object number
167 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - RECNTLAW Tenancy law
168 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - RECNTYPE External Real Estate contract type
169 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_FT - SPARTNR Business Partner Number
170 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_HD1 - INTRENO Internal Real Estate Master Data Code
171 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_HD1 - MANDT Client
172 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_HD2 - BUKRS Company Code
173 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_HD2 - RECNNR Real Estate Contract Number
174 Table/Structure Field  VICN01_HD2 - RECNTYPE External Real Estate contract type
175 Table/Structure Field  VICN03 - RECNAEZIF Equivalence number distribution
176 Table/Structure Field  VICN03_FT - RECNAEZIF Equivalence number distribution
177 Table/Structure Field  VIMI25 - BUKRS Company Code
178 Table/Structure Field  VIMI25 - SKOART Condition: Type
179 Table/Structure Field  VIMI25 - SMENR Number of Rental Unit
180 Table/Structure Field  VIMI25 - SMIVE Lease-Out Number
181 Table/Structure Field  VIMI25 - SWENR Business Entity Number
182 Table/Structure Field  VIMI25 - YUMSJAHR Reported Sales Year
183 Table/Structure Field  VIMI54 - DBISANRT Date up to when the adjustment type is valid
184 Table/Structure Field  VIMI54 - DGABANRT Date as from when the adjustment type is valid
185 Table/Structure Field  VIMI54 - SMVANART Lease-Out Adjustment Type
186 Table/Structure Field  VIMI55 - DANPAB Date of first lease-out adjustment
187 Table/Structure Field  VIMI55 - DANPLETZ Date of last index adjustment
188 Table/Structure Field  VIMI55 - DGABANRT Date as from when the adjustment type is valid
189 Table/Structure Field  VIMI55 - INTRENO Internal Real Estate Master Data Code
190 Table/Structure Field  VIMI55 - SKOART Condition Type (Smallest Subdivision of Condition Records)
191 Table/Structure Field  VIMIMV - DKUEZU Contract Notice Per
192 Table/Structure Field  VIMIMV - DMIBEG Rental start date
193 Table/Structure Field  VIMIMV - DMIEND Rental end date
194 Table/Structure Field  VIMIMV - INTRENO Internal Real Estate Master Data Code
195 Table/Structure Field  VIMIMV - MANDT Client
196 Table/Structure Field  VIMIMV - SMVANART Lease-Out Adjustment Type
197 Table/Structure Field  VIMIMV - SMVART External Real Estate contract type
198 Table/Structure Field  VIMIUH - DGUELTIG Condition Item Valid From
199 Table/Structure Field  VIMIUH - GESUMSATZ Sales amounts refer to contract validity period
200 Table/Structure Field  VIMIUH - INTRENO Internal Real Estate Master Data Code
201 Table/Structure Field  VIMIUH - SKOART Condition: Type
202 Table/Structure Field  VIMIUI - DGUELTIG Condition Item Valid From
203 Table/Structure Field  VIMIUI - INTRENO Internal Real Estate Master Data Code
204 Table/Structure Field  VIMIUI - SKOART Condition: Type
205 Table/Structure Field  VIOB01 - SMIETR Tenancy law
206 Table/Structure Field  VIRS03 - DRSDATERS Resubmission date
207 Table/Structure Field  VIRS03 - INTRENO Internal Real Estate Master Data Code
208 Table/Structure Field  VIRS03 - JRSREADY Resubmission date complete
209 Table/Structure Field  VIRS03 - SRSREASON Resubmission reason
210 Table/Structure Field  VVAUTHPAR - ACTVT Activity
211 Table/Structure Field  VVAUTHPAR - BUKRS Company Code
212 Table/Structure Field  VVAUTHPAR - SMVART External Real Estate contract type
213 Table/Structure Field  VZGPO - PARTNR Business Partner Number
214 Table/Structure Field  VZGPO - SNUMOBJ Key for number range object
215 Table/Structure Field  VZGPO - SOBJEKT Internal key for object for business partner table
216 Table/Structure Field  VZGPOKEY - PARTNR Business Partner Number
217 Table/Structure Field  VZGPOKEY - SNUMOBJ Key for number range object
218 Table/Structure Field  VZGPOKEY - SOBJEKT Internal key for object for business partner table
219 Table/Structure Field  VZGPOKEY_1 - PARTNR Business Partner Number
220 Table/Structure Field  VZGPOKEY_1 - SNUMOBJ Key for number range object
221 Table/Structure Field  VZGPOKEY_1 - SOBJEKT Internal key for object for business partner table
222 Table/Structure Field  VZZKOPO - DFAELL Due date
223 Table/Structure Field  VZZKOPO - DGUEL_KP Condition Item Valid From
224 Table/Structure Field  VZZKOPO - SKOART Condition Type (Smallest Subdivision of Condition Records)