Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program LN_API_INSRELF50 (Form-Routinen zum Bearbeiten Debitor in ish_insrel_pat_modifymultiple)
SAP ABAP Program LN_API_INSRELF50 (Form-Routinen zum Bearbeiten Debitor in ish_insrel_pat_modifymultiple) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  BAPIRET2 - FIELD Field in parameter
2 Table/Structure Field  ICDIND - KZ Change type (U, I, E, D)
4 Table/Structure Field  ISH_ADRMAP_OO - ADRNR IS-H: Address Number
5 Table/Structure Field  ISH_ADRMAP_OO - ADROB IS-H: Address Object
6 Table/Structure Field  NADR - ADRNR IS-H: Address Number
7 Table/Structure Field  NADR - ADROB IS-H: Address Object
8 Table/Structure Field  NADR - BUILD IS-H: Block/House
9 Table/Structure Field  NADR - EINZG IS-H: Geographical Area
10 Table/Structure Field  NADR - FAXNR Fax Number
11 Table/Structure Field  NADR - FAXXT IS-H: Fax Number - Extension
12 Table/Structure Field  NADR - FLOOR IS-H: Block/House Level
13 Table/Structure Field  NADR - LAND IS-H: Country
14 Table/Structure Field  NADR - LANPF IS-H: Country of Post Office Box
15 Table/Structure Field  NADR - ORT IS-H: City
16 Table/Structure Field  NADR - ORT2 IS-H: District
17 Table/Structure Field  NADR - ORTPF IS-H: PO Box City
18 Table/Structure Field  NADR - PFACH IS-H: Post Office Box
19 Table/Structure Field  NADR - PSTLF IS-H: Postal Code of Company (for Major Accounts)
20 Table/Structure Field  NADR - PSTLP IS-H: Postal Code of P.O. Box
21 Table/Structure Field  NADR - PSTLZ IS-H: Postal Code of City
22 Table/Structure Field  NADR - REGIO IS-H: Region (Federal State, Province, County)
23 Table/Structure Field  NADR - ROOM IS-H: Unit Number
24 Table/Structure Field  NADR - STRAS IS-H: Street
25 Table/Structure Field  NADR - STRAZ IS-H: Other Designation Qualifying the Address
26 Table/Structure Field  NADR - TELNR IS-H: Telephone Number
27 Table/Structure Field  NADR - TELXT Telephone Number - Extension
28 Table/Structure Field  NADR - TEXNR IS-H: Telex Number
29 Table/Structure Field  NADR2 - TELNR IS-H: Telephone Number
30 Table/Structure Field  NPAT - ANRED IS-H: Form-of-Address Key
31 Table/Structure Field  NPAT - GBNAM IS-H: Birthname
32 Table/Structure Field  NPAT - LAND IS-H: Country of patient's place of residence
33 Table/Structure Field  NPAT - NAMZU IS-H: Name Affix
34 Table/Structure Field  NPAT - NNAME IS-H: Patient Last Name
35 Table/Structure Field  NPAT - ORT IS-H: City where Patient Resides
36 Table/Structure Field  NPAT - ORT2 Patient District
37 Table/Structure Field  NPAT - PASSNR IS-H: Identification Document Number
38 Table/Structure Field  NPAT - PATNR IS-H: Patient Number
39 Table/Structure Field  NPAT - PSTLZ IS-H: Patient Postal Code
40 Table/Structure Field  NPAT - SPRAS Patient Language
41 Table/Structure Field  NPAT - STRAS IS-H: Street and House Number of Patient
42 Table/Structure Field  NPAT - TELF1 IS-H: Patient Telephone Number
43 Table/Structure Field  NPAT - TITEL IS-H: Title
44 Table/Structure Field  NPAT - VNAME IS-H: Patient First Name
45 Table/Structure Field  NPAT - VORSW IS-H: Name Prefix
46 Table/Structure Field  NPIR - LFDNR IS-H: Sequence Number of Insurance Relationship
47 Table/Structure Field  NPIR - PATKZ IS-H: Indicator for Self-Payer Insurance Relationship
48 Table/Structure Field  NPIR - PATNR IS-H: Patient Number
49 Table/Structure Field  NPIR - SZDEB IS-H: Customer Number of Self-Payer in Financial Accounting
50 Table/Structure Field  NRIV - FROMNUMBER From number
51 Table/Structure Field  NRIV - TONUMBER To number
52 Table/Structure Field  RNADR_ATTRIB - EINZG IS-H: Geographical Area
53 Table/Structure Field  RNADR_ATTRIB - FAXNR Fax Number
54 Table/Structure Field  RNADR_ATTRIB - FAXXT IS-H: Fax Number - Extension
55 Table/Structure Field  RNADR_ATTRIB - FLOOR IS-H: Block/House Level
56 Table/Structure Field  RNADR_ATTRIB - LAND IS-H: Country
57 Table/Structure Field  RNADR_ATTRIB - LANPF IS-H: Country of Post Office Box
58 Table/Structure Field  RNADR_ATTRIB - ORT IS-H: City
59 Table/Structure Field  RNADR_ATTRIB - ORT2 IS-H: District
60 Table/Structure Field  RNADR_ATTRIB - ORTPF IS-H: PO Box City
61 Table/Structure Field  RNADR_ATTRIB - PFACH IS-H: Post Office Box
62 Table/Structure Field  RNADR_ATTRIB - PSTLF IS-H: Postal Code of Company (for Major Accounts)
63 Table/Structure Field  RNADR_ATTRIB - PSTLP IS-H: Postal Code of P.O. Box
64 Table/Structure Field  RNADR_ATTRIB - PSTLZ IS-H: Postal Code of City
65 Table/Structure Field  RNADR_ATTRIB - REGIO IS-H: Region (Federal State, Province, County)
66 Table/Structure Field  RNADR_ATTRIB - ROOM IS-H: Unit Number
67 Table/Structure Field  RNADR_ATTRIB - STRAS IS-H: Street
68 Table/Structure Field  RNADR_ATTRIB - STRAZ IS-H: Other Designation Qualifying the Address
70 Table/Structure Field  RNADR_ATTRIB - TEXNR IS-H: Telex Number
71 Table/Structure Field  RNADR_TELEPHONE - TELNR IS-H: Telephone Number
72 Table/Structure Field  RNDVV - NUMKZ RNDVV-NUMKZ
73 Table/Structure Field  RNDVV2 - NUMKZ RNDVV2-NUMKZ
74 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - ADRNR IS-H: Address Number
75 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - ADROB IS-H: Address Object
76 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - AKONT Reconciliation Account in General Ledger
77 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - ANRED Title
78 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - ANREDE IS-H: Form-of-Address Text
79 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - BEGRF Authorization Group
80 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - BEGRS Authorization Group
81 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - BUILD IS-H: Block/House
82 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - BUKRS Company Code
83 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - BUSAB Accounting clerk
84 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - BUSAB_MA Dunning clerk
85 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - BUSAB_MA2 Dunning clerk
86 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - EINRI IS-H: Institution
87 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - EINZG IS-H: Geographical Area
88 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - FAXXT IS-H: Fax Number - Extension
89 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - FDGRV Planning group
90 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - FLOOR IS-H: Block/House Level
91 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - HBKID Short key for a house bank
92 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - KTOKD Customer Account Group
93 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - KUNNR Customer Number of FI Customer
94 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - LAND Country Key
95 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - LANPF IS-H: Country of Post Office Box
96 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - MABER Dunning Area
97 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - MABER_2 Dunning Area
98 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - MAHNA Dunning Procedure
99 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - MAHNA_2 Dunning Procedure
100 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - MGRUP Key for dunning notice grouping
101 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - NAME1 IS-H: Last Name/ 1st Name
102 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - NAME2 IS-H: First Name / 2nd Name
103 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - NAME3 Third Name
104 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - NAMZU IS-H: Name Affix
105 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - ORT City
106 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - ORT2 District
107 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - ORTPF IS-H: PO Box City
108 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - PATKZ IS-H: Indicator for Self-Payer Insurance Relationship
109 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - PATNR IS-H: Patient Number
110 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - PFACH PO Box
111 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - PSTL2 P.O. Box Postal Code
112 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - PSTLF IS-H: Postal Code of Company (for Major Accounts)
113 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - PSTLZ Postal Code
114 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - REGIO IS-H: Region (Federal State, Province, County)
115 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - ROOM IS-H: Unit Number
116 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - SELBZ IS-H: Indicator whether Self-Payer or IS-H Customer Created
117 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - SPRAS Language Key
118 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - STCD1 Tax Number 1
119 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - STRAS House number and street
120 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - STRAZ IS-H: Other Designation Qualifying the Address
121 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - TELEX Telex Number of Business Partner
122 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - TELF1 IS-H: Telephone Number of Business Partner
123 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - TELF2 Second telephone number
124 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - TELFX Fax Number of Business Partner
125 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - TELNR IS-H: Telephone Number
126 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - TELXT Telephone Number - Extension
127 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - TITEL IS-H: Title
128 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - TOGRU Tolerance group for the business partner/G/L account
129 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - VORSW IS-H: Name Prefix
130 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - WAERS Currency Key
131 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - XZVER Indicator: Record Payment History ?
132 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - ZAHLS Block Key for Payment
133 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - ZTERM Terms of payment key
134 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - ZUAWA Key for sorting according to assignment numbers
135 Table/Structure Field  RNG12 - ZWELS List of the Payment Methods to be Considered
136 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - ADRNR IS-H: Address Number
137 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - ADROB IS-H: Address Object
138 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - AKONT Reconciliation Account in General Ledger
139 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - ANRED Title
140 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - ANREDE IS-H: Form-of-Address Text
141 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - BEGRF Authorization Group
142 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - BEGRS Authorization Group
143 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - BUILD IS-H: Block/House
144 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - BUKRS Company Code
145 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - BUSAB Accounting clerk
146 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - BUSAB_MA Dunning clerk
147 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - BUSAB_MA2 Dunning clerk
148 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - EINRI IS-H: Institution
149 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - EINZG IS-H: Geographical Area
150 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - FAXXT IS-H: Fax Number - Extension
151 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - FDGRV Planning group
152 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - FLOOR IS-H: Block/House Level
153 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - HBKID Short key for a house bank
154 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - KTOKD Customer Account Group
155 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - KUNNR Customer Number of FI Customer
156 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - LAND Country Key
157 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - LANPF IS-H: Country of Post Office Box
158 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - LFDNR IS-H: Sequence Number of Insurance Relationship
159 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - MABER Dunning Area
160 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - MABER_2 Dunning Area
161 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - MAHNA Dunning Procedure
162 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - MAHNA_2 Dunning Procedure
163 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - MGRUP Key for dunning notice grouping
164 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - NAME1 IS-H: Last Name/ 1st Name
165 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - NAME2 IS-H: First Name / 2nd Name
166 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - NAME3 Third Name
167 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - NAMZU IS-H: Name Affix
168 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - NO_B_SEGM IS-H: Company Code Data is Missing for Customer
169 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - NUMKZ IS-H: (E)xternal or (I)nternal Number Assignment Customer
170 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - ORT City
171 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - ORT2 District
172 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - ORTPF IS-H: PO Box City
173 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - PATKZ IS-H: Indicator for Self-Payer Insurance Relationship
174 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - PATNR IS-H: Patient Number
175 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - PFACH PO Box
176 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - PSTL2 P.O. Box Postal Code
177 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - PSTLF IS-H: Postal Code of Company (for Major Accounts)
178 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - PSTLZ Postal Code
179 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - REGIO IS-H: Region (Federal State, Province, County)
180 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - ROOM IS-H: Unit Number
181 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - SELBZ IS-H: Indicator whether Self-Payer or IS-H Customer Created
182 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - SPRAS Language Key
183 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - STCD1 Tax Number 1
184 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - STRAS House number and street
185 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - STRAZ IS-H: Other Designation Qualifying the Address
186 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - TELEX Telex Number of Business Partner
187 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - TELF1 IS-H: Telephone Number of Business Partner
188 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - TELF2 Second telephone number
189 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - TELFX Fax Number of Business Partner
190 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - TELNR IS-H: Telephone Number
191 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - TELXT Telephone Number - Extension
192 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - TITEL IS-H: Title
193 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - TOGRU Tolerance group for the business partner/G/L account
194 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - VORSW IS-H: Name Prefix
195 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - WAERS Currency Key
196 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - XZVER Indicator: Record Payment History ?
197 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - ZAHLS Block Key for Payment
198 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - ZTERM Terms of payment key
199 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - ZUAWA Key for sorting according to assignment numbers
200 Table/Structure Field  RNG12N - ZWELS List of the Payment Methods to be Considered
201 Table/Structure Field  RNG12X - AKTION Change type (U, I, E, D)
202 Table/Structure Field  RNG12X - KUNNR Customer Number of FI Customer
203 Table/Structure Field  RNG12X - LFDNR IS-H: Sequence Number of Insurance Relationship
204 Table/Structure Field  RNG13 - BANKL Bank number
205 Table/Structure Field  RNG13 - BANKN Bank account number
206 Table/Structure Field  RNG13 - BANKS Bank country key
207 Table/Structure Field  RNG13 - BKONT Bank Control Key
208 Table/Structure Field  RNG13 - IBAN IBAN (International Bank Account Number)
209 Table/Structure Field  RNG13 - INSERT Checkbox
210 Table/Structure Field  RNG13N - BANKL Bank number
211 Table/Structure Field  RNG13N - BANKN Bank account number
212 Table/Structure Field  RNG13N - BANKS Bank country key
213 Table/Structure Field  RNG13N - EINRI IS-H: Institution
214 Table/Structure Field  RNG13N - INSERT Checkbox
215 Table/Structure Field  RNG13N - KUNNR Customer Number of FI Customer
216 Table/Structure Field  RNG13N - LFDBV IS-H: Sequence Number of Bank Details
217 Table/Structure Field  RNG13N - LFDNR IS-H: Sequence Number of Insurance Relationship
218 Table/Structure Field  RNG13N - PATKZ IS-H: Indicator for Self-Payer Insurance Relationship
219 Table/Structure Field  RNG13N - PATNR IS-H: Patient Number
220 Table/Structure Field  RNG13X - AKTION Change type (U, I, E, D)
221 Table/Structure Field  RNG13X - BANKL_X Updated information in related user data field
222 Table/Structure Field  RNG13X - BANKN_X Updated information in related user data field
223 Table/Structure Field  RNG13X - BANKS_X Updated information in related user data field
224 Table/Structure Field  RNG13X - IBAN IBAN (International Bank Account Number)
225 Table/Structure Field  RNG13X - IBAN_X Updated information in related user data field
226 Table/Structure Field  RNG13X - KUNNR Customer Number of FI Customer
227 Table/Structure Field  RNG13X - LFDBV IS-H: Sequence Number of Bank Details
228 Table/Structure Field  RNG13X - LFDNR IS-H: Sequence Number of Insurance Relationship
229 Table/Structure Field  RNG99 - EINRI IS-H: Institution
230 Table/Structure Field  RNIRA - INSSZ IS-H: Specifies Creation of FI Customer
231 Table/Structure Field  RNIRA - LFDNR IS-H: Sequence Number of Insurance Relationship
232 Table/Structure Field  RNIRA - PATKZ IS-H: Indicator for Self-Payer Insurance Relationship
233 Table/Structure Field  RNIRA - RNG12X RNIRA-RNG12X
234 Table/Structure Field  RNIRA - T_RNG13X RNIRA-T_RNG13X
235 Table/Structure Field  RNIRA - VERAN_X Updated information in related user data field
236 Table/Structure Field  RNIRA - VERGB_X Updated information in related user data field
237 Table/Structure Field  RNIRA - VERGE_X Updated information in related user data field
238 Table/Structure Field  RNIRA - VERGN_X Updated information in related user data field
239 Table/Structure Field  RNIRA - VERNA_X Updated information in related user data field
240 Table/Structure Field  RNIRA - VERNN_X Updated information in related user data field
241 Table/Structure Field  RNIRA - VERNZ_X Updated information in related user data field
242 Table/Structure Field  RNIRA - VERSN_X Updated information in related user data field
243 Table/Structure Field  RNIRA - VERTI_X Updated information in related user data field
244 Table/Structure Field  RNIRA - VERVN_X Updated information in related user data field
245 Table/Structure Field  RNIRA - VERVV_X Updated information in related user data field
246 Table/Structure Field  RNIRA - VERVW_X Updated information in related user data field
247 Table/Structure Field  RNIRS - ADNHV IS-H: Address Number
248 Table/Structure Field  RNIRS - ADOHV IS-H: Address Object
249 Table/Structure Field  RNIRS - KOSTR IS-H: Insurance Provider
250 Table/Structure Field  RNIRS - PATKZ IS-H: Indicator for Self-Payer Insurance Relationship
251 Table/Structure Field  RNIRS - STORN IS-H: Cancellation Indicator
252 Table/Structure Field  RNIRS - SZDEB IS-H: Customer Number of Self-Payer in Financial Accounting
253 Table/Structure Field  RNIRS - VERAN IS-H: Form-of-Address Key
254 Table/Structure Field  RNIRS - VERGB IS-H: Date of Birth of Person Insured
255 Table/Structure Field  RNIRS - VERGE IS-H: Sex of Person Insured
256 Table/Structure Field  RNIRS - VERGN IS-H: Name at Birth of Person Insured
257 Table/Structure Field  RNIRS - VERNA IS-H: Nationality of Person
258 Table/Structure Field  RNIRS - VERNN Last Name of Insured Person
259 Table/Structure Field  RNIRS - VERNZ Name Affix of Insured Person
260 Table/Structure Field  RNIRS - VERSN Tax Number 1
261 Table/Structure Field  RNIRS - VERTI Title of Insured Person
262 Table/Structure Field  RNIRS - VERVN First Name of Insured Person
263 Table/Structure Field  RNIRS - VERVV IS-H: Relationship to Main Insured
264 Table/Structure Field  RNIRS - VERVW Name Prefix of Insured Person
265 Table/Structure Field  RNUIRS - INSSZ IS-H: Specifies Creation of FI Customer
266 Table/Structure Field  RNUIRS - VERAN_X Updated information in related user data field
267 Table/Structure Field  RNUIRS - VERGB_X Updated information in related user data field
268 Table/Structure Field  RNUIRS - VERGE_X Updated information in related user data field
269 Table/Structure Field  RNUIRS - VERGN_X Updated information in related user data field
270 Table/Structure Field  RNUIRS - VERNA_X Updated information in related user data field
271 Table/Structure Field  RNUIRS - VERNN_X Updated information in related user data field
272 Table/Structure Field  RNUIRS - VERNZ_X Updated information in related user data field
273 Table/Structure Field  RNUIRS - VERSN_X Updated information in related user data field
274 Table/Structure Field  RNUIRS - VERTI_X Updated information in related user data field
275 Table/Structure Field  RNUIRS - VERVN_X Updated information in related user data field
276 Table/Structure Field  RNUIRS - VERVV_X Updated information in related user data field
277 Table/Structure Field  RNUIRS - VERVW_X Updated information in related user data field
278 Table/Structure Field  RNVIRA - ADNHV IS-H: Address Number
279 Table/Structure Field  RNVIRA - ADOHV IS-H: Address Object
280 Table/Structure Field  RNVIRA - KOSTR IS-H: Insurance Provider
281 Table/Structure Field  RNVIRA - LFDNR IS-H: Sequence Number of Insurance Relationship
282 Table/Structure Field  RNVIRA - PATKZ IS-H: Indicator for Self-Payer Insurance Relationship
283 Table/Structure Field  RNVIRA - STORN IS-H: Cancellation Indicator
284 Table/Structure Field  RNVIRA - SZDEB IS-H: Customer Number of Self-Payer in Financial Accounting
285 Table/Structure Field  RNVIRA - VERAN IS-H: Form-of-Address Key
286 Table/Structure Field  RNVIRA - VERGB IS-H: Date of Birth of Person Insured
287 Table/Structure Field  RNVIRA - VERGE IS-H: Sex of Person Insured
288 Table/Structure Field  RNVIRA - VERGN IS-H: Name at Birth of Person Insured
289 Table/Structure Field  RNVIRA - VERNA IS-H: Nationality of Person
290 Table/Structure Field  RNVIRA - VERNN Last Name of Insured Person
291 Table/Structure Field  RNVIRA - VERNZ Name Affix of Insured Person
292 Table/Structure Field  RNVIRA - VERSN Tax Number 1
293 Table/Structure Field  RNVIRA - VERTI Title of Insured Person
294 Table/Structure Field  RNVIRA - VERVN First Name of Insured Person
295 Table/Structure Field  RNVIRA - VERVV IS-H: Relationship to Main Insured
296 Table/Structure Field  RNVIRA - VERVW Name Prefix of Insured Person
297 Table/Structure Field  SYST - LANGU ABAP System Field: Language Key of Text Environment
298 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGID ABAP System Field: Message ID
299 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGNO ABAP System Field: Message Number
300 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGTY ABAP System Field: Message Type
301 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV1 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
302 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV2 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
303 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV3 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
304 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV4 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
305 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
306 Table/Structure Field  T001 - BUKRS Company Code
307 Table/Structure Field  T001 - WAERS Currency Key
308 Table/Structure Field  T005T - LANDX Country Name
309 Table/Structure Field  T005T - NATIO Nationality
310 Table/Structure Field  TIBAN - IBAN IBAN (International Bank Account Number)
311 Table/Structure Field  TN00 - CVERS IS-H: IS-H Country Version
312 Table/Structure Field  TN01 - BUKRS Company Code
313 Table/Structure Field  TN01 - EINRI IS-H: Institution
314 Table/Structure Field  TN02A - ANWEN IS-H: Logical Application
315 Table/Structure Field  TN02E - EVENT IS-H: Event for Triggering Messages, Forms
316 Table/Structure Field  TN02Q - ANWEN IS-H: Logical Application
317 Table/Structure Field  TN02Q - EINRI IS-H: Institution
318 Table/Structure Field  TN02Q - PARNA IS-H: Parameter Name
319 Table/Structure Field  TN02Q - PARWE IS-H: Parameter Value
320 Table/Structure Field  TN03A - PARNA IS-H: Parameter Name
321 Table/Structure Field  TN03A - PARWE IS-H: Parameter Value (Function Module Name)
322 Table/Structure Field  TN17A - ANRDE IS-H: Form-of-Address ID
323 Table/Structure Field  TN17A - ANRDS IS-H: Form-of-Address Key
324 Table/Structure Field  TNIRS - NOFRG IS-H: No Insurance Relationships for Third-Party Payer
325 Table/Structure Field  TNKRS - NKOBJ Name of number range object
326 Table/Structure Field  TNKRS - OBKEY IS-H: Further Subdivision of Number Range Object
327 Table/Structure Field  VRNG12N - KUNNR Customer Number of FI Customer
328 Table/Structure Field  VRNG12N - KZ Change type (U, I, E, D)
329 Table/Structure Field  VRNG12N - LFDNR IS-H: Sequence Number of Insurance Relationship
330 Table/Structure Field  VRNG12N - PATKZ IS-H: Indicator for Self-Payer Insurance Relationship
331 Table/Structure Field  VRNG12N - PATNR IS-H: Patient Number
332 Table/Structure Field  VRNG13N - BANKL Bank number
333 Table/Structure Field  VRNG13N - BANKN Bank account number
334 Table/Structure Field  VRNG13N - BANKS Bank country key
335 Table/Structure Field  VRNG13N - INSERT Checkbox
336 Table/Structure Field  VRNG13N - KUNNR Customer Number of FI Customer
337 Table/Structure Field  VRNG13N - KZ Change type (U, I, E, D)
338 Table/Structure Field  VRNG13N - LFDBV IS-H: Sequence Number of Bank Details
339 Table/Structure Field  VRNG13N - LFDNR IS-H: Sequence Number of Insurance Relationship
340 Table/Structure Field  VRNG13N - PATNR IS-H: Patient Number