Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program LN1F6F01 (Include LN1F6F01)
SAP ABAP Program LN1F6F01 (Include LN1F6F01) is using
# | Object Type | Object Name | Object Description | Note |
1 | Table/Structure Field | ALV_S_FCAT - COL_POS | ALV control: Output column | |
2 | Table/Structure Field | ALV_S_FCAT - DRDN_FIELD | ALV control: Field name of internal table field | |
3 | Table/Structure Field | ALV_S_FCAT - DRDN_HNDL | Natural number | |
4 | Table/Structure Field | ALV_S_FCAT - F4AVAILABL | Does the field have an input help | |
5 | Table/Structure Field | ALV_S_FCAT - FIELDNAME | ALV control: Field name of internal table field | |
6 | Table/Structure Field | ALV_S_FCAT - FIX_COLUMN | ALV Control: Fix Column | |
7 | Table/Structure Field | ALV_S_FCAT - ICON | ALV control: Output as icon | |
8 | Table/Structure Field | ALV_S_FCAT - INTLEN | Internal Length in Bytes | |
9 | Table/Structure Field | ALV_S_FCAT - INTTYPE | ABAP data type (C,D,N,...) | |
10 | Table/Structure Field | ALV_S_FCAT - KEY | ALV control: Key field | |
11 | Table/Structure Field | ALV_S_FCAT - OUTPUTLEN | ALV control: Column width in characters | |
12 | Table/Structure Field | ALV_S_FCAT - REPTEXT | Heading | |
13 | Table/Structure Field | ALV_S_FCAT - STYLE | ALV control: Style | |
14 | Table/Structure Field | ALV_S_FCAT - TECH | ALV control: Technical field | |
15 | Table/Structure Field | ALV_S_FCAT - TOOLTIP | ALV control: Tool tip for column header | |
16 | Table/Structure Field | ALV_S_LAYO - CWIDTH_OPT | ALV control: Optimize column width | |
17 | Table/Structure Field | ALV_S_LAYO - NO_ROWINS | Character Field Length 1 | |
18 | Table/Structure Field | ALV_S_LAYO - SMALLTITLE | ALV control: Title size | |
19 | Table/Structure Field | ALV_S_SORT - FIELDNAME | ALV control: Field name of internal table field | |
20 | Table/Structure Field | ALV_S_SORT - SPOS | Sort sequence | |
21 | Table/Structure Field | ALV_S_SORT - UP | Single-Character Flag | |
22 | Table/Structure Field | DDSHFPROP - FIELDNAME | Name of a search help parameter | |
23 | Table/Structure Field | DDSHFPROP - SHLPLISPOS | Position in the hit list of an elementary search help | |
24 | Table/Structure Field | DDSHFPROP - SHLPOUTPUT | Flag for EXPORT Parameters for Search Help | |
25 | Table/Structure Field | DDSHFPROP - SHLPSELPOS | Position in dialog box of an elementary search help | |
26 | Table/Structure Field | DDSHRETVAL - FIELDVAL | Field contents, min./max. value | |
27 | Table/Structure Field | DFIES - FIELDNAME | Field Name | |
28 | Table/Structure Field | DFIES - REPTEXT | Heading | |
29 | Table/Structure Field | DFIES - SCRTEXT_L | Long Field Label | |
30 | Table/Structure Field | DFIES - SCRTEXT_M | Medium Field Label | |
31 | Table/Structure Field | DFIES - SCRTEXT_S | Short Field Label | |
32 | Table/Structure Field | DISVARIANT - HANDLE | Mgt. ID for repeated calls from the same program | |
33 | Table/Structure Field | DISVARIANT - REPORT | ABAP Program Name | |
34 | Table/Structure Field | DISVARIANT - USERNAME | User name for user-specific storage | |
35 | Table/Structure Field | ICDIND - KZ | Change type (U, I, E, D) | |
36 | Table/Structure Field | ICON - NAME | Name of an Icon | |
37 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_COL - FIELDNAME | ALV control: Field name of internal table field | |
38 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_DROP - HANDLE | Natural number | |
39 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_DROP - VALUE | ALV Control: Cell Content | |
40 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_FCAT - COL_POS | ALV control: Output column | |
41 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_FCAT - DRDN_FIELD | ALV control: Field name of internal table field | |
42 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_FCAT - DRDN_HNDL | Natural number | |
43 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_FCAT - EDIT | ALV control: Ready for input | |
44 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_FCAT - F4AVAILABL | Does the field have an input help | |
45 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_FCAT - FIELDNAME | ALV control: Field name of internal table field | |
46 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_FCAT - FIX_COLUMN | ALV Control: Fix Column | |
47 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_FCAT - ICON | ALV control: Output as icon | |
48 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_FCAT - INTLEN | Internal Length in Bytes | |
49 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_FCAT - INTTYPE | ABAP data type (C,D,N,...) | |
50 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_FCAT - KEY | ALV control: Key field | |
51 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_FCAT - OUTPUTLEN | ALV control: Column width in characters | |
52 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_FCAT - REF_TABLE | ALV control: Reference table name for internal table field | |
53 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_FCAT - REPTEXT | Heading | |
54 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_FCAT - SCRTEXT_L | Long Field Label | |
55 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_FCAT - SCRTEXT_M | Medium Field Label | |
56 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_FCAT - SCRTEXT_S | Short Field Label | |
57 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_FCAT - STYLE | ALV control: Style | |
58 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_FCAT - TECH | ALV control: Technical field | |
59 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_FCAT - TOOLTIP | ALV control: Tool tip for column header | |
60 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_L002 - GRID_TITLE | ALV Control: Title bar text | |
61 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_L002 - NO_ROWMARK | ALV control: Disable row selections | |
62 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_L002 - SEL_MODE | ALV control: SelectionMode | |
63 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_LAYO - CWIDTH_OPT | ALV control: Optimize column width | |
64 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_LAYO - GRID_TITLE | ALV Control: Title bar text | |
65 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_LAYO - NO_ROWINS | Character Field Length 1 | |
66 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_LAYO - NO_ROWMARK | ALV control: Disable row selections | |
67 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_LAYO - SEL_MODE | ALV control: SelectionMode | |
68 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_LAYO - SMALLTITLE | ALV control: Title size | |
69 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_MODI - FIELDNAME | ALV control: Field name of internal table field | |
70 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_MODI - ROW_ID | Natural number | |
71 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_MODI - VALUE | ALV Control: Cell Content | |
72 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_ROID - ROW_ID | Natural number | |
73 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_ROW - INDEX | ALV control: Row number (index of internal table) | |
74 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_SORT - FIELDNAME | ALV control: Field name of internal table field | |
75 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_SORT - SPOS | Sort sequence | |
76 | Table/Structure Field | LVC_S_SORT - UP | Single-Character Flag | |
77 | Table/Structure Field | N1FAT - DATAG | Pick-Up Date for the Transport Order | |
78 | Table/Structure Field | N1FAT - DATZL | Destination (Drop-Off) Date of a Transport Order | |
79 | Table/Structure Field | N1FAT - FHRID | ID of Transporter | |
80 | Table/Structure Field | N1FAT - FSTID | Transport Order Status (Internal Display) | |
81 | Table/Structure Field | N1FAT - ORGFD | OU of the Patient Transport Service | |
82 | Table/Structure Field | N1FAT - STORN | IS-H: Cancellation Indicator | |
83 | Table/Structure Field | N1FPV - BEMRK | Comment to a Transporter | |
84 | Table/Structure Field | N1FPV - DATBI | Date To | |
85 | Table/Structure Field | N1FPV - DATVO | Date From | |
86 | Table/Structure Field | N1FPV - EINRI | IS-H: Institution | |
87 | Table/Structure Field | N1FPV - FHRID | ID of Transporter | |
88 | Table/Structure Field | N1FPV - FRVFG | Transporter Available | |
89 | Table/Structure Field | N1FPV - MANDT | Client | |
90 | Table/Structure Field | N1FPV - ORGFD | OU of the Patient Transport Service | |
91 | Table/Structure Field | N1FPV - PAGNR | Pager Number | |
92 | Table/Structure Field | N1FPV - TELNR | IS-H: Telephone Number | |
93 | Table/Structure Field | N1FST - FSEND | Transport Order End Status | |
94 | Table/Structure Field | N1FST - FSTID | Transport Order Status (Internal Display) | |
95 | Table/Structure Field | N2KA - DEID | Ident. of Documentation Element | |
96 | Table/Structure Field | N2KA - KATRANG | Rank (Sequence Order of Catalog Entries) | |
97 | Table/Structure Field | N2KA - KATTEXT | Catalog Entry for Combo Box | |
98 | Table/Structure Field | N2KA - SEQNR | Sequence | |
99 | Table/Structure Field | N2KA - SPRAS | Language Key | |
100 | Table/Structure Field | NGPA - GPART | IS-H: Business Partner | |
101 | Table/Structure Field | NGPA - TELFN | IS-H: Telephone Number of Business Partner | |
102 | Table/Structure Field | NLEI - EINRI | IS-H: Institution | |
103 | Table/Structure Field | NORG - ORGID | IS-H: Organizational Unit Identification Key | |
104 | Table/Structure Field | NORG - ORGKB | IS-H: Organizational Unit Short Text | |
105 | Table/Structure Field | RNT40 - MARK | IS-H: Checkbox to Select a Row | |
106 | Table/Structure Field | SHLP_DESCR - FIELDPROP | SHLP_DESCR-FIELDPROP | |
107 | Table/Structure Field | SHLP_DESCR - INTDESCR | SHLP_DESCR-INTDESCR | |
108 | Table/Structure Field | SHLP_INTDS - DIALOGTYPE | Dialog type | |
109 | Table/Structure Field | SHLP_INTDS - SELMEXIT | Search help exit | |
110 | Table/Structure Field | SYST - LANGU | ABAP System Field: Language Key of Text Environment | |
111 | Table/Structure Field | SYST - MANDT | ABAP System Field: Client ID of Current User | |
112 | Table/Structure Field | SYST - MSGV1 | ABAP System Field: Message Variable | |
113 | Table/Structure Field | SYST - TABIX | ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables | |
114 | Table/Structure Field | SYST - TCODE | ABAP System Field: Current Transaction Code | |
115 | Table/Structure Field | SYST - TFILL | ABAP System Field: Number of Rows in Internal Tables | |
116 | Table/Structure Field | SYST - UNAME | ABAP System Field: Name of Current User | |
117 | Table/Structure Field | TNDYM - VCODE | IS-H: Processing Mode | |
118 | Table/Structure Field | VN1FPV - BEMRK | Comment to a Transporter | |
119 | Table/Structure Field | VN1FPV - DATBI | Date To | |
120 | Table/Structure Field | VN1FPV - DATVO | Date From | |
121 | Table/Structure Field | VN1FPV - EINRI | IS-H: Institution | |
122 | Table/Structure Field | VN1FPV - FHRID | ID of Transporter | |
123 | Table/Structure Field | VN1FPV - FRVFG | Transporter Available | |
124 | Table/Structure Field | VN1FPV - KZ | Change type (U, I, E, D) | |
125 | Table/Structure Field | VN1FPV - MANDT | Client | |
126 | Table/Structure Field | VN1FPV - ORGFD | OU of the Patient Transport Service | |
127 | Table/Structure Field | VN1FPV - PAGNR | Pager Number | |
128 | Table/Structure Field | VN1FPV - TELNR | IS-H: Telephone Number |