Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program LFVERK09 (Klassenimplementation warrantbond)
SAP ABAP Program LFVERK09 (Klassenimplementation warrantbond) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MANDT ABAP System Field: Client ID of Current User
2 Table/Structure Field  TERSVWERKO - CURRENCY2 Reference unit currency
3 Table/Structure Field  TERSVWERKO - STARTDATE Term from
4 Table/Structure Field  TERSVWERKO - SHORTTEXT Short text/description of the object
5 Table/Structure Field  TERSVWERKO - RIGHTTYPE Rights category of an executable right
6 Table/Structure Field  TERSVWERKO - RIGHTNUMBER ID number of executable right
7 Table/Structure Field  TERSVWERKO - REFERENCEUNIT Reference units
8 Table/Structure Field  TERSVWERKO - RATIONUMERATOR Option ratio - numerator
9 Table/Structure Field  TERSVWERKO - RANLUNDERLYING ID number of underlying for executable right
10 Table/Structure Field  TERSVWERKO - RANLEX ID number of warrant bond ex
11 Table/Structure Field  TERSVWERKO - POSTINGSTATE Status of executable right
12 Table/Structure Field  TERSVWERKO - MANDT Client
13 Table/Structure Field  TERSVWERKO - ISACTIV Active indicator for executable rights
14 Table/Structure Field  TERSVWERKO - ENDDATE Term to
15 Table/Structure Field  TERSVWERKO - RATIODENOMINATOR Option ratio - Denominator
16 Table/Structure Field  TERSWARRANTBOND_INTERFACE - RANLEX ID number of warrant bond ex
17 Table/Structure Field  TERSWARRANTBOND_INTERFACE - RANLWARRANT ID number of warrant in warrant bond
19 Table/Structure Field  TERSWARRANTBOND_INTERFACE - NOMINALVALUE Nominal value
20 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERKO - STARTDATE Term from
21 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERKO - SHORTTEXT Short text/description of the object
22 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERKO - RIGHTTYPE Rights category of an executable right
23 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERKO - MANDT Client
24 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERKO - RIGHTNUMBER ID number of executable right
25 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERKO - REFERENCEUNIT Reference units
26 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERKO - RATIONUMERATOR Option ratio - numerator
27 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERKO - RANLUNDERLYING ID number of underlying for executable right
28 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERKO - RANLEX ID number of warrant bond ex
29 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERKO - POSTINGSTATE Status of executable right
30 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERKO - ISACTIV Active indicator for executable rights
31 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERKO - ENDDATE Term to
32 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERKO - CURRENCY2 Reference unit currency
33 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERKO - RATIODENOMINATOR Option ratio - Denominator
34 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERPO - WERZAEHL Value Change - Numerator
35 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERPO - WERNENN Value Change - Denominator
36 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERPO - VZ +/- Sign
37 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERPO - RIGHTNUMBER ID number of executable right
38 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERPO - REFRANL ID number of reference security of an executable right
39 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERPO - RANL ID number of sec. to be transferred for executable rights
40 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERPO - POSNR Item number of executable right
41 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERPO - MANDT Client
42 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERPO - KGV_FLAG Manages status of the related price gains/losses flows
43 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERPO - INCOMPLETE_FLAG Exercise right: Item line still incomplete
44 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERPO - BESZAEHL Position Change - Numberator
45 Table/Structure Field  TERTVWERPO - BESNENN Position Change - Denominator