Message Number list used by SAP ABAP Program L3303I01 (User defined PAI modules)
SAP ABAP Program L3303I01 (User defined PAI modules) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Message Number  HRBEN00VIEWS - 023 Maximum amount must not be smaller than minimum amount
2 Message Number  HRBEN00VIEWS - 024 Specifiy day and month or leave both fields empty
3 Message Number  HRBEN00VIEWS - 034 You have to specify a parameter group, since a rule criterion is chosen
4 Message Number  HRBEN00VIEWS - 035 No parameter group needs to be specified, since no criterion is chosen
5 Message Number  HRBEN00VIEWS - 036 Salary cutoff day not allowed, since salary is not a criterion
6 Message Number  HRBEN00VIEWS - 037 Age cutoff day not allowed, since age is not a criterion
7 Message Number  HRBEN00VIEWS - 038 Seniority cutoff day not allowed, since it is not a criterion
8 Message Number  HRBEN00VIEWS - 039 Date override not allowed, since seniority is not a criterion
9 Message Number  HRBEN00VIEWS - 040 Rule not allowed, since seniority is not a criterion
10 Message Number  HRBEN00VIEWS - 063 Enter rounding rule and divisor or leave both fields empty
11 Message Number  HRBEN00VIEWS - 064 No factor specified, therefore rounding rule and divisor not allowed
12 Message Number  HRBEN00VIEWS - 065 No amount specified for unit, therefore minimum and maximum not allowed