Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program J_2IRRG1 (Print RG1 register)
SAP ABAP Program J_2IRRG1 (Print RG1 register) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  EMARA - MEINS Base Unit of Measure
2 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEXCDTL - CHAPID Chapter ID
3 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEXCHDR - EXDAT Excise Document Date
4 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEXCHDR - EXGRP Excise Group
5 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEXGRPS - J_1IEXCGRP Excise Group
6 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEXGRPS - J_1IWERKS Plant
7 Table/Structure Field  J_1IPART2 - BUDAT Posting Date in the Document
8 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - AEDRATE Additional Excise Duty %
9 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - BEDRATE BED percentage
10 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - CESS Cess amount
11 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - CHAPID Chapter ID
12 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - CPUDT Excise Document Entry Date
13 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - ECS ECS Value
14 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - ECSRATE ECS rate in %
15 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - EXADDRATE1 AT1 rate in %
16 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - EXADDTAX1 Additional Tax1 value
17 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - EXAED Additional Excise Duty
18 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - EXBAS Excise Duty Base Amount
19 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - EXBED Basic Excise Duty
20 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - EXSED Special Excise Duty
21 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - MAKTX Material description
22 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - MATFORM Material packaging form: Packed, Loose
23 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - MATNR Material Number
24 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - MEINS Base Unit of Measure
25 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - MENGE Quantity
26 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - NCCD NCCD Value
27 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - NCCDRATE NCCD Rate in %
28 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - REASON reason for movement
29 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - RISIND Goods Movement Direction
30 Table/Structure Field  J_1IRG1 - SEDRATE Special Excise Duty %
31 Table/Structure Field  J_1IVCHID - J_1ICHID Chapter ID
32 Table/Structure Field  J_2ICOMP - AMOUNT1 Total Amount calculated
33 Table/Structure Field  J_2ICOMP - AMOUNT2 Total Amount calculated
34 Table/Structure Field  J_2ICOMP - AMOUNT3 Total Amount calculated
35 Table/Structure Field  J_2ICOMP - CL_BON Quantity
36 Table/Structure Field  J_2ICOMP - CL_FIN Quantity
37 Table/Structure Field  J_2ICOMP - ENDATE Date
38 Table/Structure Field  J_2ICOMP - E_MENGE Quantity
39 Table/Structure Field  J_2ICOMP - E_MENGE_BN Quantity
40 Table/Structure Field  J_2ICOMP - E_VALUE Excise Duty Base Amount
41 Table/Structure Field  J_2ICOMP - H_MENGE Quantity
42 Table/Structure Field  J_2ICOMP - H_VALUE Excise Duty Base Amount
43 Table/Structure Field  J_2ICOMP - MF_QTY Quantity
44 Table/Structure Field  J_2ICOMP - NEW_PAGE Checkbox
45 Table/Structure Field  J_2ICOMP - OP_QTY Quantity
46 Table/Structure Field  J_2ICOMP - O_MENGE Quantity
47 Table/Structure Field  J_2ICOMP - O_PURPOSE reason for movement
48 Table/Structure Field  J_2ICOMP - O_PUR_MENG Quantity
49 Table/Structure Field  J_2ICOMP - REMARKS Remarks containing RG1 or excise inv. ranges
50 Table/Structure Field  J_2ICOMP - RG1_P_L Packed or Loose
51 Table/Structure Field  J_2ICOMP - STDATE Date
52 Table/Structure Field  J_2ICOMP - TO_QTY Quantity
53 Table/Structure Field  J_2IEXTRCT - BUDAT Posting Date in the Document
54 Table/Structure Field  J_2IEXTRCT - EXGRP Excise Group
55 Table/Structure Field  J_2IEXTRCT - EXTRCTDATA Long char
56 Table/Structure Field  J_2IEXTRCT - KEYID Key ID qualifier for extract lines
57 Table/Structure Field  J_2IEXTRCT - REGISTER Register name
58 Table/Structure Field  J_2ILAYCTR - BUKRS Company Code
59 Table/Structure Field  J_2ILAYCTR - LAYOUTNAME Form name
60 Table/Structure Field  J_2ILAYCTR - LAYOUTNR Layout number
61 Table/Structure Field  J_2ILAYCTR - NOOFCOPIES No. of copies
62 Table/Structure Field  J_2ILAYCTR - OUTDEVICE Spool: Output device
63 Table/Structure Field  J_2ILAYCTR - REGISTER Register name
64 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRPLA_PERIOD_PDF - END_DT End Date
65 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRPLA_PERIOD_PDF - START_DT Start date
66 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - BEDAMT Basic Excise Duty
67 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - BEDRATE BED percentage
68 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - CHAPID Chapter ID
69 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - CL_BAL_BN Quantity
70 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - CL_BAL_FN Quantity
71 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - CL_BAL_FN_L Quantity
72 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - CPUDT Excise Document Entry Date
73 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - E_MENGE Quantity
74 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - E_MENGE_BOND Quantity
75 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - E_VALUE Excise Duty Base Amount
76 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - H_MENGE Quantity
77 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - H_VALUE Excise Duty Base Amount
78 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - MAKTX Material description
79 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - MATFORM Material packaging form: Packed, Loose
80 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - MATNR Material Number
81 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - MEINS Base Unit of Measure
82 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - OP_BAL Quantity
83 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - OP_BAL_L Quantity
84 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - O_MENGE Quantity
85 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - O_PURPOSE reason for movement
86 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - O_PUR_MENGE Quantity
87 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - QTY_MFR Quantity
88 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - QTY_MFR_L Quantity
90 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - TOTAL Quantity
91 Table/Structure Field  J_2IRRG1_TBL_PDF - TOTAL_L Quantity
92 Table/Structure Field  MARA - MATNR Material Number
93 Table/Structure Field  MARA - MEINS Base Unit of Measure
94 Table/Structure Field  MARAV - MAKTX Material description
95 Table/Structure Field  RLGRAP - FILENAME Local file for upload/download
96 Table/Structure Field  RLGRAP - FILETYPE Transfer file format (upload/download)
97 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DATUM ABAP System Field: Current Date of Application Server
98 Table/Structure Field  SYST - LINCT ABAP System Field: Page Length of Current List
99 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGID ABAP System Field: Message ID
100 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGNO ABAP System Field: Message Number
101 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGTY ABAP System Field: Message Type
102 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV1 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
103 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV2 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
104 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV3 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
105 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV4 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
106 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
107 Table/Structure Field  T001K - BUKRS Company Code
108 Table/Structure Field  T001K - BWKEY Valuation area