Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program J_1IUPBO (Include J11UTLPB)
SAP ABAP Program J_1IUPBO (Include J11UTLPB) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  BSIS - BUKRS Company Code
2 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEXCHDR - BUDAT Posting Date in the Document
3 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEXCHDR - TRNTYP Excise Transaction Type
4 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEXCHDR - SRGRP Excise Document Series Group
5 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEXCHDR - NCCD NCCD Value
6 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEXCHDR - KUNWE Ship-to party
7 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEXCHDR - EXSED Special Excise Duty
8 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEXCHDR - EXNUM Official Excise Document Number
9 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEXCHDR - EXGRP Excise Group
10 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEXCHDR - EXDAT Excise Document Date
11 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEXCHDR - EXBED Basic Excise Duty
12 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEXCHDR - EXAED Additional Excise Duty
13 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEXCHDR - ECS ECS Value
14 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEXCHDR - DOCYR Year
15 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEXCHDR - DOCNO Internal Excise Document Number
16 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEXCHDR - CESS Cess amount
17 Table/Structure Field  SCREEN - ACTIVE SCREEN-ACTIVE
18 Table/Structure Field  SCREEN - GROUP4 SCREEN-GROUP4
19 Table/Structure Field  SCREEN - INPUT SCREEN-INPUT
20 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DATLO ABAP System Field: Local Date of Current User
21 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DYNNR ABAP System Field: Current Dynpro Number
22 Table/Structure Field  SYST - VLINE ABAP System Field: Vertical Line for List
23 Table/Structure Field  T001 - WAERS Currency Key