Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program J_1IEWT_UTIL_FORM (J_1IEWT_UTIL_FORM - Forms Include)
SAP ABAP Program J_1IEWT_UTIL_FORM (J_1IEWT_UTIL_FORM - Forms Include) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  BDCDATA - DYNBEGIN BDC screen start
2 Table/Structure Field  BDCDATA - DYNPRO BDC Screen number
3 Table/Structure Field  BDCDATA - FNAM Field name
4 Table/Structure Field  BDCDATA - FVAL BDC field value
5 Table/Structure Field  BDCDATA - PROGRAM BDC module pool
6 Table/Structure Field  BDCMSGCOLL - MSGID Batch input message ID
7 Table/Structure Field  BDCMSGCOLL - MSGNR Batch input message number
8 Table/Structure Field  BDCMSGCOLL - MSGSPRA Language ID of a message
9 Table/Structure Field  BDCMSGCOLL - MSGTYP Batch input message type
10 Table/Structure Field  BDCMSGCOLL - MSGV1 Variable part of a message
11 Table/Structure Field  BDCMSGCOLL - MSGV2 Variable part of a message
12 Table/Structure Field  BKPF - AWKEY Object key
13 Table/Structure Field  BKPF - BELNR Accounting Document Number
14 Table/Structure Field  BKPF - BUDAT Posting Date in the Document
15 Table/Structure Field  BKPF - BUKRS Company Code
16 Table/Structure Field  BKPF - GJAHR Fiscal Year
17 Table/Structure Field  BSEG - BELNR Accounting Document Number
18 Table/Structure Field  BSEG - BUKRS Company Code
19 Table/Structure Field  BSEG - BUZEI Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document
20 Table/Structure Field  BSEG - DMBTR Amount in local currency
21 Table/Structure Field  BSEG - GJAHR Fiscal Year
22 Table/Structure Field  BSEG - HKONT General Ledger Account
23 Table/Structure Field  BSEG - KTOSL Transaction Key
24 Table/Structure Field  BSEG - QSSKZ Withholding Tax Code
25 Table/Structure Field  BSEG - SECCO Section Code
26 Table/Structure Field  BSEG - SHKZG Debit/Credit Indicator
27 Table/Structure Field  BSEG - VALUT Fixed Value Date
28 Table/Structure Field  BSEG - XREF3 Reference key for line item
29 Table/Structure Field  BSIS - BELNR Accounting Document Number
30 Table/Structure Field  BSIS - BUKRS Company Code
31 Table/Structure Field  BSIS - BUZEI Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document
32 Table/Structure Field  BSIS - GJAHR Fiscal Year
33 Table/Structure Field  BSIS - HKONT General Ledger Account
34 Table/Structure Field  BSIS - QSSKZ Withholding Tax Code
35 Table/Structure Field  BSIS - VALUT Fixed Value Date
36 Table/Structure Field  BSIS - XREF3 Reference key for line item
37 Table/Structure Field  DD03P - SCRTEXT_M Medium Field Label
38 Table/Structure Field  DD03P - TABNAME Table Name
39 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEWTADD - J_1IBUZEI Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document
40 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEWTADD - J_1ICERTDT Certificate Date
41 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEWTADD - J_1IEWTREC Record type for EWT transactions-India
42 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEWTADD - J_1IINTCHDT Challan Date
43 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEWTADD - J_1IINTCHLN Challan Number
44 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEWTCODE - QSSKZ Withholding Tax Code
45 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEWTPROV - AWKEY Object key
46 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEWTPROV - AWORG Reference organisational units
47 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEWTPROV - AWREF Reference document number
48 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEWTPROV - AWTYP Reference procedure
49 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEWTPROV - BELNR Accounting Document Number
50 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEWTPROV - BUKRS Company Code
51 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEWTPROV - DMBTR_TOTAL Amount in local currency
52 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEWTPROV - DMBTR_UTIL Amount in local currency
53 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEWTPROV - GJAHR Fiscal Year
54 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEWTPROV - INDI TDS update indicator
55 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEWTPROV - WAERS Currency Key
56 Table/Structure Field  J_1IEWTPROV - WITHT Indicator for withholding tax type
57 Table/Structure Field  RBKP - BELNR Document Number of an Invoice Document
58 Table/Structure Field  RBKP - BUDAT Posting Date in the Document
59 Table/Structure Field  RBKP - BUKRS Company Code
60 Table/Structure Field  RBKP - GJAHR Fiscal Year
61 Table/Structure Field  SYST - LANGU ABAP System Field: Language Key of Text Environment
62 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MANDT ABAP System Field: Client ID of Current User
63 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGID ABAP System Field: Message ID
64 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGNO ABAP System Field: Message Number
65 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGTY ABAP System Field: Message Type
66 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV1 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
67 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV2 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
68 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV3 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
69 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV4 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
70 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
71 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TCODE ABAP System Field: Current Transaction Code
72 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UCOMM ABAP System Field: PAI-Triggering Function Code
73 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UNAME ABAP System Field: Name of Current User
74 Table/Structure Field  T001 - WAERS Currency Key
75 Table/Structure Field  T001RWT - REINH Unit to be rounded up to
76 Table/Structure Field  T059P - WITHT Indicator for withholding tax type
77 Table/Structure Field  T059P - WT_WTRD Rounding Rule
78 Table/Structure Field  USR01 - BNAME User Name in User Master Record
79 Table/Structure Field  USR01 - DATFM Date format
80 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEM - BELNR Accounting Document Number
81 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEM - BUKRS Company Code
82 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEM - BUZEI Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document
83 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEM - CTNUMBER Withholding Tax Certificate Number
84 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEM - GJAHR Fiscal Year
85 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEM - J_1IBUZEI Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document
86 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEM - J_1ICERTDT Certificate Date
87 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEM - J_1IEWTREC Record type for EWT transactions-India
88 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEM - J_1IINTCHDT Challan Date
89 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEM - J_1IINTCHLN Challan Number
90 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEM - WITHT Indicator for withholding tax type
91 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEM - WT_QBSHB Withholding tax amount in document currency
92 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEM - WT_QBSHH Withholding tax amount (in local currency)
93 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEM - WT_QBSHHA W/tax auxiliary amount for reversal (in local currency)
94 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEM - WT_QBSHHB W/tax auxiliary amount 2 in local currency for reversal
95 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEM - WT_QBUIHB Enter withholding tax amount in document currency manually
96 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEM - WT_QBUIHH Enter withholding tax amount in local currency manually
97 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEM - WT_QSFHB Amount exempt from withholding tax in document currency
98 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEM - WT_QSFHH Amount exempt from withholding tax in local currency
99 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEM - WT_QSSHB Withholding tax base amount in document currency
100 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEM - WT_QSSHH Withholding tax base amount (local currency)
101 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEM - WT_STAT Line item status
102 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEMX - BELNR Accounting Document Number
103 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEMX - BUKRS Company Code
104 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEMX - BUZEI Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document
105 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEMX - CTNUMBER Withholding Tax Certificate Number
106 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEMX - GJAHR Fiscal Year
107 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEMX - J_1IBUZEI Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document
108 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEMX - J_1ICERTDT Certificate Date
109 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEMX - J_1IEWTREC Record type for EWT transactions-India
110 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEMX - J_1IINTCHDT Challan Date
111 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEMX - J_1IINTCHLN Challan Number
112 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEMX - WITHT Indicator for withholding tax type
113 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEMX - WT_QBSHB Withholding tax amount in document currency
114 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEMX - WT_QBSHH Withholding tax amount (in local currency)
115 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEMX - WT_QBSHHA W/tax auxiliary amount for reversal (in local currency)
116 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEMX - WT_QBSHHB W/tax auxiliary amount 2 in local currency for reversal
117 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEMX - WT_QBUIHB Enter withholding tax amount in document currency manually
118 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEMX - WT_QBUIHH Enter withholding tax amount in local currency manually
119 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEMX - WT_QSFHB Amount exempt from withholding tax in document currency
120 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEMX - WT_QSFHH Amount exempt from withholding tax in local currency
121 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEMX - WT_QSSHB Withholding tax base amount in document currency
122 Table/Structure Field  WITH_ITEMX - WT_QSSHH Withholding tax base amount (local currency)