Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program IFRECDCNCFGEN (Cash Flow Generation PROCESS)
SAP ABAP Program IFRECDCNCFGEN (Cash Flow Generation PROCESS) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MSG - MSGID Message Class
2 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MSG - MSGNO Message Number
3 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MSG - MSGTY Message Type
4 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MSG - MSGV1 Message Variable
5 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MSG - MSGV2 Message Variable
6 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MSG - MSGV3 Message Variable
7 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MSG - MSGV4 Message Variable
8 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_MSG - DETLEVEL Application Log: Level of detail
9 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_SCNT - MSG_CNT_E Application Log: Number of E messages
10 Table/Structure Field  BAL_S_SCNT - MSG_CNT_W Application Log: Number of W messages
11 Table/Structure Field  RECAMSG - MSGV2 Message Variable
12 Table/Structure Field  RECAMSG - MSGV4 Message Variable
13 Table/Structure Field  RECAMSG - MSGV3 Message Variable
14 Table/Structure Field  RECAMSG - MSGV1 Message Variable
15 Table/Structure Field  RECAMSG - MSGTY Message Type
16 Table/Structure Field  RECAMSG - MSGNO Message Number
17 Table/Structure Field  RECAMSG - MSGID Message Class
18 Table/Structure Field  RECAMSG - DETLEVEL Application Log: Level of detail
19 Table/Structure Field  RECATASKPARAM - MAXTASKS Natural number
20 Table/Structure Field  RECATASKPARAM - SERVERGRP Server Group for Parallel Processing
21 Table/Structure Field  RECA_RG_RECEIVER - RGSTATE Object State
22 Table/Structure Field  RECA_RG_RECEIVER - RGVALIDFROM Date: Valid From
23 Table/Structure Field  RECA_RG_RECEIVER - RGVALIDTO Date: Valid To
24 Table/Structure Field  RECD_CONDITION - DUEDATEUP Due Date for Follow-Up Postings
25 Table/Structure Field  RECD_CONTRACT_KEY - BUKRS Company Code
26 Table/Structure Field  RECD_CONTRACT_KEY - RECNNR Contract Number
27 Table/Structure Field  RECD_CONTRACT_KEY - RECNTYPE Contract Type
28 Table/Structure Field  RECNC_CONTRACT_TYPE - SMVART External Real Estate contract type
29 Table/Structure Field  RECNC_CONTRACT_TYPE_X - XMBEZ Description of type of RE contract type
30 Table/Structure Field  RECN_CONTRACT - RECNNR Contract Number
31 Table/Structure Field  RECN_CONTRACT - RECNTYPE Contract Type
32 Table/Structure Field  RECN_CONTRACT - OBJNR Object Number
33 Table/Structure Field  RECN_CONTRACT - RECNDACTIV Contract activation
34 Table/Structure Field  RECN_CONTRACT - BUKRS Company Code
35 Table/Structure Field  RERATASKOBJID - OBJNR Object Number
36 Table/Structure Field  RERATASKOBJID - TASKID UUID in compressed form (22 character UUENCODEd)
37 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV2 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
38 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
39 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV4 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
40 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV3 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
41 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV1 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
42 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGTY ABAP System Field: Message Type
43 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGNO ABAP System Field: Message Number
44 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGID ABAP System Field: Message ID
45 Table/Structure Field  SYST - BATCH ABAP System Field: Background Processing Active
46 Table/Structure Field  VICARG - RGSTATE Object State
47 Table/Structure Field  VICARG - RGVALIDFROM Date: Valid From
48 Table/Structure Field  VICARG - RGVALIDTO Date: Valid To
49 Table/Structure Field  VICARG_INP - RGVALIDTO Date: Valid To
50 Table/Structure Field  VICARG_INP - RGVALIDFROM Date: Valid From
51 Table/Structure Field  VICARG_INP - RGSTATE Object State
52 Table/Structure Field  VICARG_TAB - RGSTATE Object State
53 Table/Structure Field  VICARG_TAB - RGVALIDFROM Date: Valid From
54 Table/Structure Field  VICARG_TAB - RGVALIDTO Date: Valid To
55 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND - DUEDATEUP Due Date for Follow-Up Postings
56 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND_TAB - DUEDATEUP Due Date for Follow-Up Postings
57 Table/Structure Field  VICDCOND_TAB_TEC - DUEDATEUP Due Date for Follow-Up Postings
58 Table/Structure Field  VICNCN - OBJNR Object Number
59 Table/Structure Field  VICNCN - RECNTYPE Contract Type
60 Table/Structure Field  VICNCN - RECNNR Contract Number
61 Table/Structure Field  VICNCN - RECNDACTIV Contract activation
62 Table/Structure Field  VICNCN - BUKRS Company Code
63 Table/Structure Field  VICNCN_KEY - BUKRS Company Code
64 Table/Structure Field  VICNCN_KEY - RECNNR Contract Number
65 Table/Structure Field  VICNCN_TAB - OBJNR Object Number
66 Table/Structure Field  VICNCN_TAB - RECNDACTIV Contract activation
67 Table/Structure Field  VICNCN_TAB - RECNTYPE Contract Type