Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program FICFGW00 (Calculation of Full Goodwill)
SAP ABAP Program FICFGW00 (Calculation of Full Goodwill) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  ECMCA - KSL Value in group currency
2 Table/Structure Field  FC00LST00M - RTCUR Transaction currency
3 Table/Structure Field  FC00LST00M - RITEM Financial statement item
4 Table/Structure Field  FC00LST00M - RITCLG Consolidation chart of accounts
5 Table/Structure Field  FC00LST00M - RECNR FC00LST00M-RECNR
6 Table/Structure Field  FC00LST00M - RBUPTR Partner unit
7 Table/Structure Field  FC00LST00M - RBUNIT Consolidation unit
8 Table/Structure Field  FC00LST00M - PLEVL Posting level
9 Table/Structure Field  FC00LST00M - LCURR Local currency
10 Table/Structure Field  FC00LST00M - KSL Value in group currency
11 Table/Structure Field  FC00LST00M - GCURR Group currency
12 Table/Structure Field  FC00_S_FIELDS - DATAFIELD Field Name
13 Table/Structure Field  FC00_S_FIELDS - FIELDNAME Field Name
14 Table/Structure Field  FC00_S_RANGE - HIGH ABAP/4: Selection value (LOW or HIGH value, external format)
15 Table/Structure Field  FC00_S_RANGE - LOW ABAP/4: Selection value (LOW or HIGH value, external format)
16 Table/Structure Field  FC00_S_RANGE - OPTION Type of OPTION component in row type of a Ranges type
17 Table/Structure Field  FC00_S_RANGE - SIGN Type of SIGN component in row type of a Ranges type
18 Table/Structure Field  FC00_S_SEL - LOW ABAP/4: Selection value (LOW or HIGH value, external format)
19 Table/Structure Field  FC00_S_SEL - SIGN Type of SIGN component in row type of a Ranges type
20 Table/Structure Field  FC00_S_SEL - OPTION Type of OPTION component in row type of a Ranges type
21 Table/Structure Field  FC00_S_SEL - FIELDNAME Field Name
22 Table/Structure Field  FC00_S_SEL - HIGH ABAP/4: Selection value (LOW or HIGH value, external format)
23 Table/Structure Field  FC06TAB - CONGR Consolidation group
24 Table/Structure Field  FC06TAB - DIMEN Dimension
25 Table/Structure Field  FC06TAB - ITCLG Consolidation chart of accounts
26 Table/Structure Field  FC06TAB - PERID Period
27 Table/Structure Field  FC06TAB - RVERS Consolidation (end-result) version
28 Table/Structure Field  FC06TAB - RYEAR Fiscal year
29 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV1 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
30 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UCOMM ABAP System Field: PAI-Triggering Function Code
31 Table/Structure Field  SYST - INDEX ABAP System Field: Loop Index
32 Table/Structure Field  TF620 - BKVRC Investment book value in group currency
33 Table/Structure Field  TF620 - COIAC C/I Activity: Investment holdings
34 Table/Structure Field  TF620 - PCNT1 Change in investment share
35 Table/Structure Field  TF630 - BKVRC Book value in group currency
36 Table/Structure Field  TF630 - COIAC Activity: Investee equity
37 Table/Structure Field  TF650 - COIAC Activity for consolidation of investments
38 Table/Structure Field  TF695 - ITKEY Classification key