Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program BENOVIEWI01 (Include BENOVIEWI01)
SAP ABAP Program BENOVIEWI01 (Include BENOVIEWI01) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  BCNODES - ID Identification for nodes in bar chart
2 Table/Structure Field  BCNVALS - FL Flag: Use of values in value tables
3 Table/Structure Field  BCNVALS - ID Identification for nodes in bar chart
4 Table/Structure Field  BCNVALS - VAL Value in value table
5 Table/Structure Field  BCSECTION - ID Identification for section in time axis of bar chart
6 Table/Structure Field  BCSECTION - START Start date of section in bar chart
7 Table/Structure Field  BCVALS - FL Flag: Use of values in value tables
8 Table/Structure Field  BCVALS - VAL Value in value table
9 Table/Structure Field  NET_GRAPH - GR_MES User action ID
10 Table/Structure Field  P0001 - ENAME Formatted Name of Employee or Applicant
11 Table/Structure Field  P0001 - PERNR Personnel Number
12 Table/Structure Field  PS0001 - ENAME Formatted Name of Employee or Applicant
13 Table/Structure Field  PS0001_SAP - ENAME Formatted Name of Employee or Applicant
14 Table/Structure Field  PSHDR - PERNR Personnel Number
15 Table/Structure Field  PSKEY - INFTY Infotype
16 Table/Structure Field  PSKEY - PERNR Personnel Number
17 Table/Structure Field  PSYST - IOPER Infotype operation
18 Table/Structure Field  RPBEN_DA - BEGDA Benefit Start Date of IT Record that Exists at Present
19 Table/Structure Field  RPBEN_DA - BPLAN Benefit plan
20 Table/Structure Field  RPBEN_DA - ENDDA Benefit End Date of IT Record that Exists at Present
21 Table/Structure Field  RPBEN_DA - PERNR Personnel Number
22 Table/Structure Field  RPBEN_DA - PLTYP Benefit plan type
24 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UCOMM ABAP System Field: PAI-Triggering Function Code
25 Table/Structure Field  T5UBA - BPLAN Benefit plan