Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program /TDAG/LCP_XMLF06 (Include /TDAG/LCP_XMLF06)
SAP ABAP Program /TDAG/LCP_XMLF06 (Include /TDAG/LCP_XMLF06) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPC_REP005 - ATNAM Characteristic Name
2 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPC_REP005 - ATTRIBUTE Attribute Name
3 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPC_REP005 - CLIENT Client
4 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPC_REP005 - CONVERT_FUNC Conversion Function
5 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPC_REP005 - ELEMENTID Internal ID of an Element
6 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPC_REP005 - ESTCAT Value Assignment Type
7 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPC_REP005 - IDCAT Identification Category
8 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPC_REP005 - IDTYPE Identification Type
9 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPC_REP005 - LANGU Language
10 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPC_REP005 - PHRCAT Phrase Category
11 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPC_REP005 - REPNO Report or Document Key
12 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPC_REP005 - TEXTCAT User-Defined Text Type
13 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPC_REP011 - CLIENT Client
14 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPC_REP011 - ELEMENTID Internal ID of an Element
15 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPC_REP011 - MULTIPLE Repeating Element
16 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPC_REP011 - REPNO Report or Document Key
17 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPS_CHAR_DEF - ATFOR Data type of characteristic
18 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPS_CHAR_DEF - ATNAM Characteristic Name
19 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPS_NODE_VALUE - ACTN Sequential Number of the Change State
20 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPS_NODE_VALUE - RECN Sequential Number of Data Record
21 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPS_NODE_VALUE - VALUE CP: XML Element/Attribute/Text Value
22 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPS_STACK_NODE - ACTN Sequential Number of the Change State
23 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPS_STACK_NODE - CLIENT Client
24 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPS_STACK_NODE - ELEMENTID Internal ID of an Element
25 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPS_STACK_NODE - MULTIPLE Repeating Element
26 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPS_STACK_NODE - RECN Sequential Number of Data Record
27 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPS_STACK_NODE - REPNO Report or Document Key
38 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPS_XML_DATA - RECNROOT Sequential Number of Data Record
39 Table/Structure Field  /TDAG/CPS_XML_DATA - SUBID Specification
42 Table/Structure Field  API_OBJEK - OBJEK Key of object to be classified
43 Table/Structure Field  API_OBJEK - OBJID Name of database table for object
44 Table/Structure Field  API_VALI - ATAWE Unit of Measurement
45 Table/Structure Field  API_VALI - ATBEZ Characteristic description
46 Table/Structure Field  API_VALI - ATNAM Characteristic Name
47 Table/Structure Field  API_VALI - ATWRT Characteristic Value
48 Table/Structure Field  BAPISTDTYP - BOOLEAN Truth Value
49 Table/Structure Field  ESTDF - HEADER Start of User-Defined Text
50 Table/Structure Field  ESTDF - LANGU Language
51 Table/Structure Field  ESTDF - LTXTFLG Long Text
52 Table/Structure Field  ESTDF - NAMEMST Name of Master Table
53 Table/Structure Field  ESTDF - RECN Sequential Number of Data Record
54 Table/Structure Field  ESTDF - RECNMST Reference to Master Table
55 Table/Structure Field  ESTDF - TEXTCAT User-Defined Text Type
56 Table/Structure Field  ESTPP - LTXTFLG Long Text
57 Table/Structure Field  ESTPP - PHRCODE Phrase Code
58 Table/Structure Field  ESTPP - PHRTEXT Phrase Text
59 Table/Structure Field  ESTPP - RECN Sequential Number of Data Record
60 Table/Structure Field  ESTPP - RECNROOT Sequential Number of Data Record
61 Table/Structure Field  ESTRI - IDCAT Identification Type
62 Table/Structure Field  ESTRI - IDENT Identifier
63 Table/Structure Field  ESTRI - IDTYPE Identification Category
64 Table/Structure Field  ESTRI - LANGU Language
65 Table/Structure Field  ESTRI - LTXTFLG Long Text
66 Table/Structure Field  ESTRI - RECN Sequential Number of Data Record
67 Table/Structure Field  ESTRI - RECNROOT Sequential Number of Data Record
68 Table/Structure Field  ESTVA - ACTN Sequential Number of the Change State
69 Table/Structure Field  ESTVA - RECN Sequential Number of Data Record
70 Table/Structure Field  ESTVA - RECNROOT Sequential Number of Data Record
71 Table/Structure Field  ESTVA - RECNTVH Reference to Value Assignment Header
72 Table/Structure Field  ESTVH - ESTCAT Value Assignment Type
73 Table/Structure Field  ESTVH - RECN Sequential Number of Data Record
74 Table/Structure Field  ESTVH - RECNROOT Sequential Number of Data Record
75 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIDF - HEADER Start of User-Defined Text
76 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIDF - LANGU Language
77 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIDF - LTXTFLG Long Text
78 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIDF - NAMEMST Name of Master Table
79 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIDF - RECN Sequential Number of Data Record
80 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIDF - RECNMST Reference to Master Table
81 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIDF - TEXTCAT User-Defined Text Type
82 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIFL - RECNMST Reference to Master Table
83 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIFL - RECNROOT Sequential Number of Data Record
84 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIFL - TDLINE Text Line
85 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIIL - RECNTRI Reference to Identifier
86 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIIL - TDLINE Text Line
87 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIPL - RECNMST Reference to Master Table
88 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIPL - TDLINE Text Line
89 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIPP - LTXTFLG Long Text
90 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIPP - PHRCODE Phrase Code
91 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIPP - PHRTEXT Phrase Text
92 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIPP - RECN Sequential Number of Data Record
93 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIPP - RECNROOT Sequential Number of Data Record
94 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIPR - ATAWE Unit of Measurement
95 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIPR - ATBEZ Characteristic description
96 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIPR - ATNAM Characteristic Name
97 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIPR - ATWRT Characteristic Value
98 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIPR - FLG_IS_PHR General Flag
99 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIPR - OBJEK Key of object to be classified
100 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIPR - OBJID Name of database table for object
101 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIPR - RECNTPH Reference to Phrase Header
102 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIRI - IDCAT Identification Type
103 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIRI - IDENT Identifier
104 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIRI - IDTYPE Identification Category
105 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIRI - LANGU Language
106 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIRI - LTXTFLG Long Text
107 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIRI - RECN Sequential Number of Data Record
108 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIRI - RECNROOT Sequential Number of Data Record
109 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIVA - ACTN Sequential Number of the Change State
110 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIVA - RECN Sequential Number of Data Record
111 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIVA - RECNROOT Sequential Number of Data Record
112 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIVA - RECNTVH Reference to Value Assignment Header
113 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIVH - ESTCAT Value Assignment Type
114 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIVH - RECN Sequential Number of Data Record
115 Table/Structure Field  RCGAPIVH - RECNROOT Sequential Number of Data Record
116 Table/Structure Field  RCGBGSEL - LANGU Language Key
117 Table/Structure Field  RCGUADM - RECNROOT Sequential Number of Data Record
118 Table/Structure Field  RCGUKEY - ACTN Sequential Number of the Change State
119 Table/Structure Field  RCGUKEY - RECN Sequential Number of Data Record
120 Table/Structure Field  SYST - LANGU ABAP System Field: Language Key of Text Environment
121 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
122 Table/Structure Field  TFDIR - FUNCNAME Name of Function Module
123 Table/Structure Field  TLINE - TDLINE Text Line