Function Module list used by SAP ABAP Program /SSF/SLIB (Service Software Framework: Subroutine Library (internal use))
SAP ABAP Program /SSF/SLIB (Service Software Framework: Subroutine Library (internal use)) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Function Module  /SSF/CALL_SUBROUTINE_RFC Service Software Framework: Call subroutine in project via RFC
2 Function Module  /SSF/REMOTE_BTABBROWSE Service Software Framework: Browsing Actions in Remote PTAB (internal)
3 Function Module  /SSF/REMOTE_DTABBROWSE Service Software Framework: DL Remote system&authorization test (internal)
4 Function Module  DB_RESET_ISOLATION_TO_DEFAULT DB-independent FM, sets isolation level to default value
5 Function Module  DB_SET_ISOLATION_LEVEL DB-independent FM, defines the isolation level in parallel processing
6 Function Module  DEQUEUE_/SSF/E_BTAB Release lock on object /SSF/E_BTAB
7 Function Module  DEQUEUE_/SSF/E_DHEAD Release lock on object /SSF/E_DHEAD
8 Function Module  ENQUEUE_/SSF/E_BTAB Request lock for object /SSF/E_BTAB
9 Function Module  ENQUEUE_/SSF/E_DHEAD Request lock for object /SSF/E_DHEAD
10 Function Module  RFC_GET_ATTRIBUTES Informationen bzgl. Remote Function Call-Kontextes
11 Function Module  RSS_SYSTEM_GET_UNIQUE_ID BW Generation Tool: Generate 25-Digit GUID
12 Function Module  SLIC_GET_LICENCE_NUMBER Ermittelung der Installationsnummer.