Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program /SAPSLL/XPRA_GTS71_CUPED (GTS 7.0 -> 7.1: XPRA: Supplementary Customs Declarations)
SAP ABAP Program /SAPSLL/XPRA_GTS71_CUPED (GTS 7.0 -> 7.1: XPRA: Supplementary Customs Declarations) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/BP_K_S - GUID_PRTN Primary Key of Business Partner
2 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR - ADRMA Address Manually Entered or Changed
3 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR - ADRNR Address Number of Entry in Address File
4 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR - GUID_CORPAR Primary Key as GUID in 'RAW' Format
5 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR - GUID_MOBJ Primary Key of Main Object
6 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR - GUID_POBJ Primary Key of Preceding Object
7 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR - GUID_PRTN Primary Key of Business Partner
8 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR - LAND1 Country Key
9 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR - LAUNR Sequence Number
10 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR - MANDT Client
11 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR - MOBJT Type of Main Object
12 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR - PAFCT Partner Function
13 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR - PARNO Business Partner Number
14 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR - PAROB Partner Is Mandatory
15 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR - POBJT Type of Preceding Object
16 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR - VATNO VAT Registration Number
17 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR_K_S - GUID_CORPAR Primary Key as GUID in 'RAW' Format
18 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR_PK_S - GUID_CORPAR Primary Key as GUID in 'RAW' Format
19 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR_PK_S - MANDT Client
20 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR_S - ADRMA Address Manually Entered or Changed
21 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR_S - ADRNR Address Number of Entry in Address File
22 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR_S - GUID_MOBJ Primary Key of Main Object
23 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR_S - GUID_POBJ Primary Key of Preceding Object
24 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR_S - GUID_PRTN Primary Key of Business Partner
25 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR_S - LAND1 Country Key
26 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR_S - LAUNR Sequence Number
27 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR_S - MOBJT Type of Main Object
28 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR_S - PAFCT Partner Function
29 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR_S - PARNO Business Partner Number
30 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR_S - PAROB Partner Is Mandatory
31 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR_S - POBJT Type of Preceding Object
32 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR_S - VATNO VAT Registration Number
33 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR_SK_S - GUID_POBJ Primary Key of Preceding Object
34 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR_SK_S - GUID_PRTN Primary Key of Business Partner
35 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR_SK_S - PAFCT Partner Function
36 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CORPAR_SK_S - POBJT Type of Preceding Object
37 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUHD - GUID_CUHD Primary Key as GUID in 'RAW' Format
38 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUHD - GUID_FTORG Primary Key of Business Partner
39 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUHD - MANDT Client
40 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUHD_ADMIN_S - GUID_FTORG Primary Key of Business Partner
41 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUHD_K_S - GUID_CUHD Primary Key as GUID in 'RAW' Format
42 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUHD_PK_S - GUID_CUHD Primary Key as GUID in 'RAW' Format
43 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUHD_PK_S - MANDT Client
44 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUHD_RM_S - GUID_FTORG Primary Key of Business Partner
45 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUHD_S - GUID_FTORG Primary Key of Business Partner
46 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED - CORDER Document Number
47 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED - COYEAR Document Year
48 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED - FTORG_AN Declarant for Foreign Trade Organization
49 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED - FTORG_EM Consignee for Foreign Trade Organisation
50 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED - GUID_CUPED Primary Key as GUID in 'RAW' Format
51 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED - GUID_FTORG Primary Key as GUID in 'RAW' Format
52 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED - GUID_LCLIC Primary Key as GUID in 'RAW' Format
53 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED - LGREG Legal Regulation
54 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED - MANDT Client
55 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED - PEDAR Document Type for Supplementary Customs Declaration
56 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED - PEDTY Category of Periodic Declaration
57 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED - PRDES Target Procedure
58 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPEDRH - GUID_CUHD Primary Key as GUID in 'RAW' Format
59 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPEDRH - GUID_MOBJ Primary Key of Main Object
60 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPEDRH - MANDT Client
61 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPEDRH - MOBJT Type of Main Object
62 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPEDRH_PK_S - MANDT Client
63 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPEDRH_S - GUID_CUHD Primary Key as GUID in 'RAW' Format
64 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPEDRH_S - GUID_MOBJ Primary Key of Main Object
65 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPEDRH_S - MOBJT Type of Main Object
66 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPEDRH_SK_S - GUID_CUHD Primary Key as GUID in 'RAW' Format
67 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPEDRH_SK_S - GUID_MOBJ Primary Key of Main Object
68 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPEDRH_SK_S - MOBJT Type of Main Object
69 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED_K_S - GUID_CUPED Primary Key as GUID in 'RAW' Format
70 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED_PK_S - GUID_CUPED Primary Key as GUID in 'RAW' Format
71 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED_PK_S - MANDT Client
72 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED_S - CORDER Document Number
73 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED_S - COYEAR Document Year
74 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED_S - FTORG_AN Declarant for Foreign Trade Organization
75 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED_S - FTORG_EM Consignee for Foreign Trade Organisation
76 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED_S - GUID_FTORG Primary Key as GUID in 'RAW' Format
77 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED_S - GUID_LCLIC Primary Key as GUID in 'RAW' Format
78 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED_S - LGREG Legal Regulation
79 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED_S - PEDAR Document Type for Supplementary Customs Declaration
80 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED_S - PEDTY Category of Periodic Declaration
81 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED_S - PRDES Target Procedure
82 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED_SK_S - CORDER Document Number
83 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/CUPED_SK_S - COYEAR Document Year
84 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/LCLIC - GUID_LCLIC Primary Key as GUID in 'RAW' Format
85 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/LCLIC - LICTY License Type
86 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/LCLIC - MANDT Client
87 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/LCLIC_K_S - GUID_LCLIC Primary Key as GUID in 'RAW' Format
88 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/LCLIC_PK_S - GUID_LCLIC Primary Key as GUID in 'RAW' Format
89 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/LCLIC_PK_S - MANDT Client
90 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/LCLIC_S - LICTY License Type
91 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/LCLIC_SK_S - LICTY License Type
92 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/MOBJR_S - GUID_MOBJ Primary Key of Main Object
93 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/MOBJR_S - MOBJT Type of Main Object
94 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/POBJR_S - GUID_POBJ Primary Key of Preceding Object
95 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/POBJR_S - POBJT Type of Preceding Object
96 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/T606 - LCCLA Category of License Type
97 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/T606 - LGREG Legal Regulation
98 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/T606 - LICTY License Type
99 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/T606 - MANDT Client
100 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/T606_K_S - LGREG Legal Regulation
101 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/T606_K_S - LICTY License Type
102 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/T606_PK_S - LGREG Legal Regulation
103 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/T606_PK_S - LICTY License Type
104 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/T606_PK_S - MANDT Client
105 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/T606_S - LCCLA Category of License Type
106 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECP - INDEI Import/Export Indicator
107 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECP - MANDT Client
108 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECP - PEDAR Document Type for Supplementary Customs Declaration
109 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECP - PEDTY Category of Periodic Declaration
110 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL - CDPPF Name of Action Profile
111 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL - CHK_CUPRO Separation Criteria for SCD Worklist: Cust. Status Placement
112 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL - CHK_CUSANM Separation Criteria for SCD Worklist: Declarant
113 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL - CHK_FLAIE Separation Criteria for SCD Worklist: Declarant is Recipient
114 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL - CHK_FLITX Separation Criteria for SCD Worklist: Input Tax Deduction
115 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL - CHK_FTVBS Separation Criteria for SCD Worklist: Legal Unit
116 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL - LGREG Legal Regulation
117 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL - MANDT Client
118 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL - PEDAR Document Type for Supplementary Customs Declaration
119 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL - PRDES Valid Target Procedures for Customs Processing
120 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL - PRGRU Partner Role Grouping
121 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL_K_S - LGREG Legal Regulation
122 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL_K_S - PEDAR Document Type for Supplementary Customs Declaration
123 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL_PK_S - LGREG Legal Regulation
124 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL_PK_S - MANDT Client
125 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL_PK_S - PEDAR Document Type for Supplementary Customs Declaration
126 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL_S - CDPPF Name of Action Profile
127 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL_S - CHK_CUPRO Separation Criteria for SCD Worklist: Cust. Status Placement
128 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL_S - CHK_CUSANM Separation Criteria for SCD Worklist: Declarant
129 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL_S - CHK_FLAIE Separation Criteria for SCD Worklist: Declarant is Recipient
130 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL_S - CHK_FLITX Separation Criteria for SCD Worklist: Input Tax Deduction
131 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL_S - CHK_FTVBS Separation Criteria for SCD Worklist: Legal Unit
132 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL_S - PRDES Valid Target Procedures for Customs Processing
133 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECPL_S - PRGRU Partner Role Grouping
134 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECP_K_S - PEDAR Document Type for Supplementary Customs Declaration
135 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECP_PK_S - MANDT Client
136 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECP_PK_S - PEDAR Document Type for Supplementary Customs Declaration
137 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECP_S - INDEI Import/Export Indicator
138 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TLECP_S - PEDTY Category of Periodic Declaration
139 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCT - INDEI Import/Export Indicator (Inclusive)
140 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCT - MANDT Client
141 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCT - PAFCT Partner Function
142 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCT - PAORI Originality of Document Partner
143 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCT - PATYP Partner Type
144 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCTT - KWLNG Text 30 Characters Long
145 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCTT - KWSHT Text 15 Characters Long
146 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCTT - LANGU Language Key
147 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCTT - MANDT Client
148 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCTT - PAFCT Partner Function
149 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCTT_K_S - LANGU Language Key
150 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCTT_K_S - PAFCT Partner Function
151 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCTT_PK_S - LANGU Language Key
152 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCTT_PK_S - MANDT Client
153 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCTT_PK_S - PAFCT Partner Function
154 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCTT_S - KWLNG Text 30 Characters Long
155 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCTT_S - KWSHT Text 15 Characters Long
156 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCT_K_S - PAFCT Partner Function
157 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCT_PK_S - MANDT Client
158 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCT_PK_S - PAFCT Partner Function
159 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCT_S - INDEI Import/Export Indicator (Inclusive)
160 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCT_S - PAORI Originality of Document Partner
161 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAFCT_S - PATYP Partner Type
162 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGR - MANDT Client
163 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGR - PRGRU Partner Role Grouping
164 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGRA - CNTR2 2-Digit Sequence Number
165 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGRA - MANDT Client
166 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGRA - PAFCT Partner Function
167 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGRA - PRGRU Partner Role Grouping
168 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGRA_K_S - CNTR2 2-Digit Sequence Number
169 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGRA_K_S - PRGRU Partner Role Grouping
170 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGRA_PK_S - CNTR2 2-Digit Sequence Number
171 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGRA_PK_S - MANDT Client
172 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGRA_PK_S - PRGRU Partner Role Grouping
173 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGRA_S - PAFCT Partner Function
174 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGRT - LANGU Language Key
175 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGRT - MANDT Client
176 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGRT - PRGRU Partner Role Grouping
177 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGRT - TEXT60 Text 60 Characters Long
178 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGRT_K_S - LANGU Language Key
179 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGRT_K_S - PRGRU Partner Role Grouping
180 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGRT_PK_S - LANGU Language Key
181 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGRT_PK_S - MANDT Client
182 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGRT_PK_S - PRGRU Partner Role Grouping
183 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGRT_S - TEXT60 Text 60 Characters Long
184 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGR_K_S - PRGRU Partner Role Grouping
185 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGR_PK_S - MANDT Client
186 Table/Structure Field  /SAPSLL/TPAGR_PK_S - PRGRU Partner Role Grouping
187 Table/Structure Field  ADRC - ADDRNUMBER Address number
188 Table/Structure Field  ADRC - CLIENT Client
189 Table/Structure Field  ADRC - COUNTRY Country Key
190 Table/Structure Field  BUS000AINT - PARTNER_GUID Business Partner GUID
191 Table/Structure Field  BUS000_INT - PARTNER_GUID Business Partner GUID
192 Table/Structure Field  BUT000 - CLIENT Client
193 Table/Structure Field  BUT000 - PARTNER Business Partner Number
194 Table/Structure Field  BUT000 - PARTNER_GUID Business Partner GUID
195 Table/Structure Field  BUT020 - ADDRNUMBER Address number
196 Table/Structure Field  BUT020 - CLIENT Client
197 Table/Structure Field  BUT020 - PARTNER Business Partner Number
198 Table/Structure Field  SPROT_U - AG Application Area
199 Table/Structure Field  SPROT_U - LANGU Language Key
200 Table/Structure Field  SPROT_U - LEVEL Log Level
201 Table/Structure Field  SPROT_U - MSGNR Message number
202 Table/Structure Field  SPROT_U - NEWOBJ New Section
203 Table/Structure Field  SPROT_U - SEVERITY Error severity(' ',W(arning),E(rror),A(bnormal termination))
204 Table/Structure Field  SPROT_U - VAR1 Message Variable
205 Table/Structure Field  SPROT_U - VAR2 Message Variable
206 Table/Structure Field  SPROT_U - VAR3 Message Variable
207 Table/Structure Field  SPROT_U - VAR4 Message Variable
208 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DATUM ABAP System Field: Current Date of Application Server
209 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UZEIT ABAP System Field: Current Time of Application Server
210 Table/Structure Field  T000 - MANDT Client
211 Table/Structure Field  UVERS - NEWRELEASE SAP Release